
I Shall Conquer All

' I will grow strong, strong enough to repay all those who have harmed me and strong enough to forge my own destiny' those were the dying words of Mo Ting. growing up in a very small town, he was bullied and framed which led to his untimely death. But fortune always emerge from misfortune. After merging with the heart of an ancient powerful god, he will rewrite history and stand at the peak of the martial dao.

azure_yanglord · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Start Of The Selection!

"Young master! We have tracked him down! He is staying in the three story inn."

Said a servant of the Meng family to Meng Li. Since his return, he couldn't get that white-eyed youth out of his head, so, he asked his servant to track down who he is.

"What about his name? You haven't got his name?" Asked Meng Li

"I'm sorry Young master, but it doesn't look like he's from anywhere near Greenville town."

"Did you think I didn't know? Fool!" Huffed Meng Li. "You should find out every thing you can about him before tomorrow!"

"Yes Young master!" Bowed the servant before withdrawing.

"First Lin Dong and Wei Bong but now there is another strange person, hehe... this is getting more interesting." Meng Li mumbled to himself with a smile.

... ...

Ever since returning and practicing his breathing exercise for half of the night, Mo Ting didn't take a step out until the next morning as he had his bath and wore his blue robe while letting his hair flutter in the wind.

After packing up, even though there is nothing to pack, he checked out from the inn before heading towards the town square where the examination will be taking place.

The envoys from the Martial Arts Academy had arrived two days prior and were staying in an inn by keeping a very low profile.

So, few people knew of their arrival.

On his way to the square, Mo Ting could see many people ranging from teens, youths and middle aged men heading towards the examination venue.

Mostly, the middle aged men are there to escort their family geniuses and others are there just to watch the fun.

There was a rule that stated if someone has passed the age of twenty, he will not be eligible to enlist into the academy.

Even though he was mentally prepared, Mo Ting was still speechless when he saw how crowded the place is. Some were standing in two's and three's while others are on their own like him.

He found a place and sat while waiting for the envoys to arrive because it was still early.

A pair of eyes have been following Mo Ting since his arrival. Meng Li had been looking around trying to find the white-eyed kid he saw the previous day at the diner.

Seeing as Mo Ting had found his little coner where had stood away from prying eyes, even though it is futile as many where stealing glances at the strange white eyed youth donned in a blue robe with his handsome face like a carved jade.

Mo Ting was thinking about his problem. That is the issue of his heart not beating and how people will react when they know about it when suddenly, he saw a shadow looming over his head.

Coming out from his thoughts, he saw a face smiling down at him. Meng Li! He thought.

Meng Li was dressed in green robe while his hair is combed back and tied up with a hairpin to show his handsome face.

Today he was accompanied by two guards who are at the First Stage of Qi Gathering Realm.

"Hello! I am Meng Li!" He said as he stretched out his hand for a shake towards Mo Ting.

Mo Ting looked at the outstretched hand for a second or two before looking up at the owner of the hand without accepting it.

"What do you want?" He asked without a hint of emotion on his face.

Meng Li looked awkward with his outstretched hand and his smile turned stiff. Everyone couldn't help but gawk at Mo Ting as how his gut is big to dare ignore Meng Li.

Meng Li turned angry from embarrassment and was about to lash at Mo Ting when the announcement of the envoys arrival was made.

Meng Li gave Mo Ting a death stare before muttering" You'd better not die because I'll be coming for your neck soon!" Before walking away.

Mo Ting stared at his back with his cold eyes and a spark of killing intent appeared.

The envoys were two people in total. A young man who looked to be around twenty eight or twenty nine years and is dressed like a scholar with a folding fan in his hand.

The other person is a female. A young lady who looked twenty five with exceptional curves and a very beautiful face. She had a very fair skin, dark long hair, and a cold face which adds a unique charm to her beauty.

The young man was the one who started the introduction.

" Hello! I'm Bai Shanhe! This is apprentice sister, Chu Luo, From the academy.

There are two segments to the examination. The first being the one that will be held now which is the martial roots awakening!"

He gave a pause and surveyed the examinees who couldn't hold back their excitement and nervousness. Only little among them are brimming with confidence.

"While the second segment of the exams is physical exams!"

Bai Shanhe gave a sneer before tapping a little bag that was tied to his waist twice and a white colourd orb fell in his hand from the bag.

Many couldn't help but be amazed especially Mo Ting who has never seen a cosmos bag before but only heard of the stories. A bag that could contain a mountain within and still be the same size.

"Everyone should queue up and when it your turn, you're to place both hand on the orb and circulate your inner force!" Said Chu Luo after accepting the orb from Bai Shanhe and placing it on a stone slab.

Everyone quickly got in line and the selection officially started.

The martial roots are divided based on the five elements! That is water, air, fire, earth and metal.

"Now I'll start calling the names! First Jun Yue!"

The first person to touch the orb is a lanky young man who looked around thirteen years old. When he touched the orb, the orb was silent for a second before emitting a weak yellow light.

"Jun Yue! Mortal level martial root of metal! Fail! Next.."

Also the spiritual roots are divided again into levels which are mortal level, low level, medium level, high level and superior level martial roots.

Basically, the requirement for the martial roots enrollment is low level and above. usually the highest they could get is just medium level!

The high level martial roots are found only on exceptional geniuses while the superior level exists only in legends.

"Luo Mo! Low level martial root of fire! Pass! Next.."

Chu Luo cold voice rang out continuously while the queue continued to thin out.

"Next... Wei Bong"

'Boom '

The plaza erupted with excitement as Wei Bong's name is called out.

A young man wearing green colord robe with a good looking face walked out towards the orb and placed his hands on it gently. It didn't react for a second before releasing a bright colored blue light.

Chu Luo paused for a moment before announcing the result " Wei Bong! medium level of water! Pass!"