
I Shall Conquer All

' I will grow strong, strong enough to repay all those who have harmed me and strong enough to forge my own destiny' those were the dying words of Mo Ting. growing up in a very small town, he was bullied and framed which led to his untimely death. But fortune always emerge from misfortune. After merging with the heart of an ancient powerful god, he will rewrite history and stand at the peak of the martial dao.

azure_yanglord · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Greenville Town!

"Dead! D..dead just like that?"

cried out Wen Feng in horror.

Only at this time did he realize that this white eyed boy in front of him is a martial artist of Body Tempering Realm Sixth Grade.

They really have kicked an iron plate this time. He involuntary took a step back when he saw Mo Ting approaching.

"kid, what are you trying to do? Don't think that just because you sneaked attacked means that you can take me on!"

"Oh really? I really hope so! I was looking for some action, who knew that he was so weak he couldn't even accept a punch from me!"

Wen Feng couldn't help but be speechless and consoled the soul of his friend in his heart. Because if Hu Wengchen was to hear Mo Ting's word, he will surely die all over again!

"I will be attacking first."

Mo Ting interrupted Wen Feng's thoughts as he propelled himself before shooting towards Wen Feng even though he has lost interest in fighting because to him, they were really weak.

Wen Feng realizing that Mo Ting will not let him off, decided to risk it all.

"Brat, don't get cocky! At any rate I'm a Fifth Stage Body Refinement Realm! I don't believe that a brat who is still wet behind the ears can kill me!"

"Is that so?"

Mo Ting not being long-winded either, attacked first. Wen Feng's expression was grim as he threw out a punch in Mo Ting's direction.

Only to see him also throwing out a punch to meet Wen Feng head on.

Wen Feng couldn't help but be stunned before being wildly elated because in his mind, there is no way Mo Ting with his skinny physique can compare to him, this brawn in terms of physical strength.

With a sneer hanging at the corner of his mouth, he said" Punk prepare to die! Huhu.."

A smile was still hanging on his mouth, when he felt a tremendous force being transmitted from Mo Ting's fist into his.

Everything came to a standstill for a second before a miserable shriek escaped Wen Feng's throat like a pig being slaughtered.

"Ahhh! My hand! My hand! Ahhhhh... You monster!"

Wen Feng looked at Mo Ting with hatred and terror. Now he is genuinely scared of him.

He couldn't help but look at his arm or what used to be an arm because it has been reduced to dregs.

With each step Mo Ting take, Wen Feng feels like a sledgehammer is being slammed in his chest.

Looking at that young cold profile, he couldn't help but feel a chill because that face looked cold. So cold that it was unsettling.


Blood flew like a fountain as Wen Feng's head is separated from his body.

Mo Ting's eyes, not carrying a single trace of fear or panic as it is in the case of someone his age who had hiss first kill and in such a bloody and cruel manner.

... ...

In the next couple of days, Mo Ting has 'sparred' with many of such hunters. Some of them were killed by him while, leaving others with serious injuries.

Whoever had killing intent aroused, he will directly eliminate them. But for the rest, it's only sparring. If leaving them with serious injuries could be called comparing notes.

In the days he is sparred with the hunters, he broke through Body Refinement Realm Ninth Stage. And the Martial Academy selection will be in three days.

Raising his head and looking at the Stars shining and the Moon enveloping the forest in a gentle glow, he couldn't help but sigh in emotion.

From living as a lowly servant, to being framed and killed in the most gruesome way to cheating death and reviving. It still felt like a dream. Especially breaking through the Ninth Stage of Body Refinement Realm from a cripple.

He couldn't help but place his hand on his chest and unsurprisingly, he couldn't feel any heart beat.

After his rebirth, he realized that his heart has stopped beating. The only time he feels a beat is when breaking through but apart from that, he is just like a walking corpse.

"What happened to me in that moment when I stopped breathing?"

He asked himself because he knew that the secret to his rebirth is related to his heart. Call it instinct or whatever, but he could feel that something is occupying his heart space.

"Sigh... Everything will reveal itself with time." He consoled himself.

... ...

The next day, he headed towards the outermost part of the forest as the Martial Academy selection will commence in just two days time.

He headed towards Greenville Town. A town which is neighboring Cross-Valley Town.

It is similar in size and population. The Titan of Greenville Town are the Meng Family who are on par with the Mo Family of Cross-valley Town.

The envoys will also be visiting Greeneville Town and all other Towns in it's peripherals. So, Mo Ting decided to head over there since he can't go back to Cross-valley Town.

Nothing can escape the ears and eyes of the Mo Family in Cross-valley Town. If he is to go back with his meager strength, he will be delivering himself to the Tiger's jaw.

He knows that even though he has broken through Body Refinement Realm Ninth Stage, behind the Mo Family is a Third Stage Qi Refinement Realm old monster.

Before his strength could rival that of the Mo Family's old ancestor, it's better to keep a low profile.

Arriving at the gate of Greenville Town, he was surprised by how human traffic is high because of the coming selection.

When he was in the Mo Family, he was just a lowly servant who doesn't have the right to participate in such activities. And naturally, he wasn't interested because he prefer his peace and quiet, which was what irked Mo Ning the most.

Because to him, Mo Ting is just a servant, so on what ground will he always be calm and collected like he is the Young Master of the Mo Family.