
I See Love In You

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. -The loud house fanfiction- ____________________ You can find 2 extra chapters with 40K words on My kofi account: ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 My patreon account: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links here: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

14-Truths Part 1

Chapter 14: Truths Part 1

-The truth is what it is. This is still true. Even if you think otherwise-

-Antonio manchado-

If Lincoln had not been roused by the fright of a moment ago, this confession must have completely removed his weariness. "What, what, what?"

Lucy hugged Lincoln and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I love you, Lincoln. I'm crazy in love with you."

The silence in that room was almost absolute; it's just the breathing of the gothic girl and the albino; the latter didn't know what to say. His words did not come out, his mind was blank, and his body was paralyzed. On the other hand, his gothic sister didn't want to break this sweet embrace. Feeling the warmth of her brother's body and the rapid beating of his heart against hers was a beautiful symphony of sensations. For a few long minutes, he didn't say a word or make any movement until Lincoln finally dared to speak.

"No... Lucy. What did you just say? And what do you mean by that?"

Lucy sits on the bed and kneels next to Lincoln, looking at him from the front. "I love you, Lincoln; I love you; I love you so much. I… really…" Lucy caressed Lincoln's cheek and brought her face close to his, giving him a tender kiss.

Lincoln was paralyzed again for the time being. Lucy's kiss felt strange because of the way she kissed his lips. It was understandable; as far as he knew, this was Lucy's first kiss.

The goth moved her lips inexpertly and let her emotions guide her. Although she had practiced kissing before, she had only done so with Edwin's statue, but the cold and hard contact of the statue's lips was nothing compared to the warm touch of the brother's soft lips. The fleshy texture and warm rose of his breath and the flavor of these things were indescribable.

Lincoln, for his part, began to regain movement in his body. His newly acquired instinct for the need to satisfy his physical desire was usually beyond all reason in situations like this, but in this case something different had been activated in his brain. Memories of Lucy as a child He remembered feeding her, bathing her, and helping his mother change her diaper. The tea parties, the make-outs he had with her and Leni, and the other memories were starting to make that kiss feel a little sad. Lincoln quickly separated Lucy from him.

Lucy falls on the bed, causing her skirt to ride up a bit.

"Lincoln. Do you want to move on to that? It's okay, just be  gentle."Lucy spreads her legs as she pushes her skirt up. "Take me as much as you want."

Suddenly Lincoln's sense of smell picked up on a completely different scent, something he had never smelled anything like. It was sweet and made him feel a little strange. His heart was beating so fast that he could hear it like a drum, his hands were shaking, and he felt a large amount of saliva accumulating in his mouth that he had to swallow. That scent was irresistible.

"What is this? Why am I having these feelings?" An image of the surroundings began to form in Lincoln's mind. "Is this?...Lucy?" The image of his sister was surrounded by deep purple water. This wasn't like the images created by sound that Lincoln usually used; it was created by his sense of smell. It entered the mucous membrane through Lincoln's nostrils, intensifying all the sensations, the shivers, and the rate of his heartbeat.

Lucy saw Lincoln, who didn't make a move, and began to lose her patience. "Lincoln? What are you waiting for?"

Lincoln took a deep breath and a long exhale, and then began to speak. "I'm sorry, Lucy, but I can't do this to you."

That made Lucy go cold. "But why not?"

"You're my little sister, Lucy. I wouldn't be able to do something like that to you."

At that moment, Lucy felt anger mixed with sadness begin to grow inside her. "Yes, of course. But you have no problem doing that with Lynn and Luna, and even less with touching Leni, do you?"

A small heart attack attacked Lincoln's heart upon hearing that. "How do you know that?"

"I saw you through the vents; I know you're sleeping with Lynn and Luna, as I saw when you touched Leni's chest, and they are also your sisters, so tell me. What do they have that I don't? Is it their bodies? Is it because I'm not as developed as them?"

"No! Of course not, Lucy."

"So...it's because of who I am, right?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"I know I was always the weird one in the family. Even Lana, who was so disgusting, had her sweet side. But I was never pretty or charming. I'm just a girl who loves death and scary things. Is that why you don't love me? Why am I not like them?

"Lucy, I love you. But not in this way. Lucy. I've known you since you were barely in our mother's womb; I heard your heart from there; I received you home when they brought you from the hospital; I fed you; I took care of you; and thanks to you, I started my life as an older brother. I can't help but love you."

"So why don't you accept my feelings? We've known each other literally our whole lives. We're perfect for each other" Lucy hugs Lincoln and starts crying.

Lincoln pats Lucy on the head. "I don't want to hurt you, Lucy. Go, please. Forget all that and make this like it never happened."

"Yes. I already know. You could never love a weirdo like me."

"Lucy, that's not true."

"Shut up now. That's enough, Lincoln." Lucy gets out of bed and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

Lincoln sat up, pressing against the wood of the bed. "Lucy... I... if you only knew the change I have in my body... besides... you're so small, so...so...so beautiful..." An image of Lucy in her underwear when she was eight years old flashed through the boy's mind. He began to scratch the wood of the bed, leaving deep marks on it. "No no. She's my little sister. As much as I want her... the size difference... I don't want to hurt her. But maybe if I wait a few years... Ah! What am I thinking? When did I become such a pervert with a fetish for his sisters? I'd better forget this. Also, I need to rest." After the adrenaline of the moment, the fatigue that Lincoln had felt a few moments ago came back with greater force. The boy lay down, closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

While she was out of the room, Lucy came down the stairs, thinking, 'I won't give up so easily, my love. I will do my best for you to accept my love'

-Meanwhile, in Lisa's new laboratory-

The young scientist thought about all her new devices and the possibilities they could have.

"I've never seen so much advanced technology in my life. It's more advanced than the university. Especially since all the blood and data were lost in the fire. But I can always get more." Lisa left her new lab to find Lincoln, and she found him in one of the guest rooms. To make sure no one saw her, Lisa proceeded to go in, but there was someone who saw her; it was Lucy, who was exploring the new vents.

Lisa approached her brother, seeing that he was asleep. "Lincoln? Lincoln. Wake up."

"Ummm?" The boy opened his eyes in the middle of sleep, as he was still asleep. "Lisa? What do you want?"

"I need more of your blood samples."

"What happened to what you had?"

"I lost it in the fire. Don't you remember?"

"Oh yeah, yeah... well, take what you need." Lincoln took his arm out of the bed and closed his eyes so he could sleep a little longer while Lisa did her thing.

Lisa took out a syringe attached to a tube with a bag like those used in blood banks and proceeded to extract the vital fluid; fortunately for her, Lincoln was too tired to notice. At the end of the extraction, Lisa left the room. For her part, Lucy looked suspiciously at her sister.

"What was she doing there?" Lucy asked. "I better keep an eye on her."


The rest of the day passed normally. As night fell, the grandparents and Lincoln bid farewell to the Loud family. It was more difficult for Lily; she didn't leave Lincoln; he promised her that he will back home every day to visit her, which Lily accepted and said goodbye to her brother with a kiss on the cheek and he with a kiss on the little one's forehead, so the grandparents and the albino said goodbye to the family.


Lincoln was in a dark place that seemed to have no end. "Huh? Where am I?" Lincoln noticed something incredible. He can see his hands. He could see again.

The boy was analyzing his surroundings when suddenly a soft, feminine voice called out to him.


Which made Lincoln go into defense mode. "Who's there? How do you know my name?" A spiral made of a clay-like substance emerged from the ground and took the form of a human. More specifically his sister Leni, with the detail that she was completely naked. "Leni? What are you doing here?"

Leni smiled as she approached the boy and repeated his name. Suddenly more spirals emerged from the ground, all taking the shape of his sisters at their current ages and as they came into the world. "Girls? What's going on here?" More and more girls appeared. These took the form of Lori and Leni's friends, Ronnie-Anne, Sid, Polly, Tabby, Sam, and Haiku, all the way up to the Casagrande women, with the exception of Abuela😂😂😂. Even all the girls and women Lincoln had ever known came out looking as he had last seen them, including Miss Johnson and Di Martino, all without any clothes, completely natural.

All of the females started walking towards the boy, chanting his name with a calm smile on their faces that, while not intimidating, gave Lincoln a bad feeling.

"What is this? No! Wait! Whoa!" Lincoln suddenly found himself surrounded with no escape as his shirt bulged and tore, leaving him shirtless. "No! Stay away!" The crowd covered Lincoln, who fell to the ground. "Nooooo!"

Lincoln woke up from this dream, or rather, a nightmare. "What an intense dream! Since I've been back, I've had a lot of them." Lincoln's alarm goes off, and he immediately turns it off, then gets up and does some warming up before starting his day.

Lincoln started making breakfast for himself and his grandparents. The calm of the morning allowed his four senses to work twice as well as they had before. After a few minutes, it was cooked. For him, he prepared some pancakes with jam and grapefruit juice, and for his grandparents, coffee and eggs.

Myrtle and Albert came down the stairs clean and ready to start their day. They were greeted by the smell of breakfast, along with their grandson.

"Good morning, Grandma Myrtle; good morning, Grandpa."

"Good morning, Lincoln. How did you spend the night?" Myrtle asked.

Lincoln remembered that uncomfortable dream he had with ninety-nine percent of the women he knew, not to mention his mother, causing a shiver to run down his spine, but Lincoln hid it. "Very well, Granny. It was nice not to sleep on the floor for a change."

"I'm taking you to school today, Link. I hope you don't mind seeing you arrive with me."

"Grandpa, I will never be ashamed of you." Lincoln hugged Albert, and the three sat down to breakfast.

"Oh, before I forget, there are some new clothes for you, Lincoln. Leni made them for you as soon as you arrived." Myrtle entered her room and came out with a folded set of clothes in her hands.

"Wow, I love the new clothes. Even more so if Leni made them."

"Hey Lincoln. What happened to your haircut?" Myrtle asked.

"My hair?"

"Yes. Your bangs have grown."

Lincoln put his hand to his face and discovered that the part where Andy shaved his hair had grown back.

"Now that I think about it, in three years, your hair hasn't grown any more." Albert was right. In three years, Lincoln never went to a hair salon, but despite that time, his grandson's hair was very short. "Well, that's the least of it. You really look better that way. Now let's get breakfast before it gets cold."

Half an hour later, they had already had breakfast, and the grandfather and grandson were driving to school.

Upon his arrival, Lincoln got out of his grandfather's car, wearing his new clothes consisting of a white shirt, a black jacket with a red interior, and black pants.

Albert put his hand on Lincoln's shoulder. "Are you excited for your first day of school?"

"Nervous, I'd say."

"I bet that's how you felt on your first day on the job."

"In comparison, this is worse."

"The first day of high school is always hard. But you got through it in Canada. Here, it should be no different."

"I hope not." Lincoln got out of the car when a familiar voice called him.

"Lincoln. It's you?"

Lincoln was able to recognize that voice. "Clyde?"

"Lincoln, buddy!" Clyde hugged Lincoln so hard that he lifted him off the ground.

"Clyde!" he shouted. "Clyde. I love you too, brother, but relax a little."

"Brother, what are you doing here? I thought you had flown to Canada," Clyde called out to Lincoln as he shed some tears.

"Well, no. My grandparents got back together, and now I live with them here in Royal Woods."

"The brothers are back together. Listen! Do you still remember our special greeting?"

"Why don't we check it out?"

Both friends give the greeting they used to do when they were eleven years old.

"Ha ha ha. You still have a touch, Lincoln."

"It's like riding a bike."

"Okay, guys, I say goodbye. I have a nice lady waiting for me in an empty house."

"Pop pop, keep these things to yourself," Lincoln said, blushing.

"Bah, it's among us men. It's common. Good, Clyde. Take care of my grandson."

"I will, Mr. Albert."

"Good day. Myrtle, baby. Here comes your daddy. Oooohhhhh." Albert turns the car one hundred and eighty degrees and takes off at full speed.

"Wow, your grandparents still have that youthful vitality."

"Yes, it's great that they love each other so much. But I'd rather not think about what they do when I'm not home.

"I understand you, brother. I have same-sex parents. Come on, let's go in now; I'll show you around the school."

Lincoln and Clyde entered the building as the African-American boy embarked on a tour of the new facilities.

"On the ground floor are the regular classrooms, the lecture hall, the library, and the gymnasium."

"On the first floor are science and computer laboratories. Along with activity rooms such as the home economics room, woodworking room, and art and music room."

"On the second floor are the clubs. Where you can get extra points for extra activities. The most popular are photography and journalism. You might be wondering why. Well, because your servant here is the president of both."

"The school has state-of-the-art equipment and systems to improve the quality of learning for students with 'special needs'. Such as spacious elevators for the disabled and books written in Braille. There are even rooms for the deaf and mute with a teacher who specializes in sign language."

"Wow, that's impressive."

"And here the tour ends, my friend. More than our adventure in the halls of learning."

The school had all kinds of students, from the most regular and those who joined their group according to their tastes, to others who used wheelchairs and others who communicated in sign language.

As the boys walked through the halls, most of the students saw one of their classmates walking with a "new boy." Two girls getting their sodas from a vending machine watched as the albino passed by and dropped their cans, spilling the contents. It was Susie and Cici. The girls quickly took out their cell phones and called their other friends.

The other students who saw the two friends passing by immediately recognized the white-haired boy from the photos that the four most popular students posted on their social networks under danger warnings. Everyone knew the false reputation that the albino had.

Finally, the boys reached the locker area.

"Now I present to you your personal vault containing educational materials and tools. Vault 246, located near me."

"Wow, how good!"

"Have your password, memorize it, and then destroy the paper." Clyde hands Lincoln a piece of paper with braille writing on it.

"Done" After reading the paper, Lincoln tears it to shreds.

"What are you doing? You should save it."

Lincoln gives his locker combination a few twists, and it opens.

"How did you do that?"

"I can memorize every detail of a three-mile circular stretch of frozen Canadian tundra, back and forth. This is nothing."

"Oh, you have a photographic memory."

"I learned from the best." Lincoln patted his friend's shoulder.

"It's good to be back together, bro."

"Well, not all. Where are Rusty, Liam, Zack, and Stella?"

An expression of sadness crossed Clyde's face. A depressive aura can be perceived by albino.

"Clyde? What's wrong, buddy? You're so quiet."

Before he can answer, the loudspeakers ring for the first school announcement after vacation.

"Attention students, this is Principal Wikins speaking with the first announcement after winter break. All students must gather to welcome the new students to the gluteal auditorium. That's all."

The announcement ended, and the students headed towards the building with the strange name.

"Let's go to the meeting, and I'll tell you on the way," so both boys walked into the gluteal auditorium.

-In the gluteal auditorium-

The principal was behind the podium, giving the traditional first day of school speech.

"When I started in education thirty-three years ago, I worked my way up to become principal at Royal Woods Elementary School and held that position for twenty years. I thought that would be my last accomplishment as an educator. But the damn school board said I wasn't old enough to retire, so I'm doomed to spend another three years here, screaming at bags of hormones with cell phones, hip-hop, and your teen drama. You only know how to complain and write from the head to the foot of my car."

"But in eighty days, I'll retire, and you'll be another poor devil's problem."

"It's time; without further ado, welcome to... New students have a long shout-out. I'm retiring in eighty days. It's over. Back to class."

All the students got up from their seats and left the hall.

"Awesome. That was the shortest meeting I've ever been to," Lincoln said.

"Yes, he's very excited about his retirement. Last year, he kept talking about it and how he wouldn't miss us."

As the boys were walking to the classroom, a group of girls watched them from afar.

"See? I told you it was him, Christy," said Cici, who was with their group of friends watching him from the stairs.

"What is Lincoln Loud doing at this school?"

"Study?" answered Molly, who had long begun to think that the white-haired man was not as bad as the rumors said.

"Molly, don't be silly. People like him don't study. There's something there," Susie said.

"Tomorrow, the Chandler gang will take care of him."

Molly began to wonder if having hired Chandler in the first place was a good idea. "Speaking of which, don't you notice something different about Cristina?"

"Different like what?"

"I don't know. Yesterday, she felt a bit distant. Today she doesn't seem the same," Molly points to the red-haired girl who was sitting on a bench in the upper lounge at the bottom of the stairs.

"Now that you mention it, I noticed it too."

"Wait, I'll go talk to her." Susie went upstairs and sat next to Christina. "Christina? Are you okay?"

Christina, who was worn out, looks up and turns to see Susie. The redhead's mascara was running from her eyes, the product of crying.

When Susie saw her in that state, she was afraid, not only because Christina was crying but also because she looked like a ghost from a horror movie. "Wow... emm... Christy, your makeup... let's see, let me help you." Susie took a wet towel from her bag and wiped the black marks off Christina's face. "Done, beautiful as you were before."

Christina wiped away a tear and smiled. "Thank you"

"You're welcome. But tell me, why were you crying?"

"It's just... personal stuff."

"Well, we have to be careful now that Lincoln Loud is at school. I hope Chandler sticks to the deal."

Cristina pulled up her skirt when she heard that name.

"Let's go. We're going to be late for class." The girls got up and went down to the classroom with their friends.

The girls walked quietly, or at least two of them, one looking depressed and the other worried about her.

Their classes would be in Room 546, but as if by fate, in the distance, they saw McBride and Loud arriving in the opposite direction. They spoke without noticing the girls who hid inside the broom closet.

"Hey Clyde, what room do we have our first class in?"

"In room 546"

When the girls heard this number, they felt that fate hated them.

"Great. Together again. Just like the old days."

"Haha yeah. I miss those days."

Suddenly, a male voice appeared.

"Hey Lincoln." The boys turned to see who it was, but Lincoln knew immediately who it was because he had never forgotten a voice, much less an accent as distinctive as the one he had.

In front of them was an orange-haired boy wearing a brown jacket and pants, black shoes, and a white shirt.

What impressed Clyde most was that the boy had no forearms.

This was noticeable because, when he walked, the sleeves moved in the air, showing the emptiness in them.

The orange-haired man approached Lincoln with an evil smile on his face.

"I knew I would find you here."

"Hi Andy"

The tension between the boys was so thick it could be cut with a knife.

Both Clyde and the hidden girls who were watching felt the monster instinct coming from both boys.

"What are you doing here, Andy?"

"After you left me on the floor in the dust, I didn't want to be left wanting to return the favor. So when I left the hospital, I looked for you and registered at the nearest institution. Lucky for me, I hit the right one on the first try"

"It's time for revenge"

The girls, upon hearing this and seeing the orange-haired man, began to speculate.

"Who do you think that boy is?"

"He sure knows, Loud."

"He said something about a rematch—that he got out of the hospital and Loud left him on the floor."

"Did you notice he doesn't have arms?"

"Lincoln must have torn them apart."

"Girls, you must call the police, or the school will become a war camp."

The girls fled the place.

-Back with the boys-

Clyde noticed that Lincoln and Andy were really ready to start fighting. So as the voice of reason at that time, he decided to put his skin on the line and stop the conflict before it started. "Hey... I don't know what happened between you two, but I'm sure it's not something that can be solved with violence" Both boys turned to Clyde; he felt like a little mouse in front of two lions. Andy slowly walked towards Clyde and brought his face closer to his.

"It's none of your business, Four Eyes."

Clyde hated being called that. He clenched his fists and answered this time in a stronger tone of voice. "He's my friend, and if you mess with my friend, you're messing with me. Maybe you're taller and stronger than me. But don't think that's why I can't kick your ass."

Andy stared at Clyde and then started laughing. "Hahahaha. You have guts, kid. I like it." Andy put his arm on Clyde's shoulder. "You know. Everyone always thinks that because I don't have arms, I'm weak, and then they end up with broken bones. You're the first one to see me with respect and confront me too. I like you, chocolate; you have balls in place; I respect that."

For a moment, Clyde thought his bladder would fail to hold the liquid, but after a moment, it passed.

For his part, Lincoln remained reserved until he decided to speak up. "Hey, don't forget that your problem is with me. Do you want to fight or what?"

"Calm down, you blind man. Don't be crazy."

"But I thought you wanted revenge."

"Of course I want to, but that can wait. We are in a school. The sacred institution of learning must be respected."

"Wait. Are you seriously signing up here to learn?"

"Of course. You won't think I came just to look for you for the rematch, blind man. Don't think you're so special."

Lincoln denounced his resignation. "No way, I have to bear with you until graduation."

"That's the situation, blind man. Now how about we go to class?"

"What class are you in, Andy?" Clyde asked.

"In room 546"

"Oh great. Me and Lincoln go there too."

"Excellent. Let's go together." Andy puts his arms around Lincoln's and Clyde's shoulders. "Let's go, friends."

"Yes, Yuppie," Lincoln answered desperately.

Before Clyde entered, Lincoln and Andy stopped. "You two should wait here."

"Why?" Andy asked.

"New students need to be introduced and must wait outside to be called."

"Okay, we'll wait."

-Inside Classroom 546-

"Good morning to the new students this year, and to those who are repeating, I introduce myself. I am Professor Agnes Johnson."

Mrs. Johnson rose through the ranks from elementary teaching to high school teaching. Despite the years, she has not aged much; on the contrary, she has become very beautiful, like her colleague Di Martino. All thanks to the fact that she started exercising, eating healthy, going to spiritual retreats, and doing the occasional 'minor cosmetic correction'

"Today is the first day of school, so we'll be welcoming two new students. Andy Gervins and... Lincoln Loud? Wow, I haven't heard that name in years."

Upon hearing who the second new classmate was, the students started to complain because they already knew the false reputation that the albino had.

The boys, who heard their names, entered the room. The reactions were mixed. Partly because of Andy's condition and partly because of Lincoln's appearance, which even Mrs. Johnson admired.

"Wow. Well, he's changed a lot," the teacher thought, biting her lip.

The boys sat at the back of the room, and there was a girl who immediately recognized the albino. With a curious panda hat.

The class went normally, with Lincoln taking notes on a laptop with a braille keyboard and Andy drawing attention as he wrote with his foot. Without a doubt, he was the weirdest kid in the room.

For her part, Johnson did not take her eyes off Lincoln. She had known the boy since elementary school. She knew what kind of boy he was and was aware of the rumors that had been invented about him—rumors that she had obviously never believed. She never imagined she would be teaching the albino lessons again, and the boy became even more, in her words, "so delicious." The teacher shook her head as she got the typical sexual fantasy between student and teacher giving good grades in exchange for some quality time.

The class ended, and the boys went off to their next class. PE.

The coach was about thirty-four years old. Short hair and a trimmed beard. He was known for insulting his weaker students on the first day of school, regardless of whether they were girls or boys. Seeing Lincoln and Andy, he smiled.

"Fresh meat," the man thought.

Girls and boys line up in a straight line in front of the coach.

"Very good clowns. I heard there are new recruits in this group. Know that you can accept this new progressive bullshit, but here in my gym, it's bullshit. Here, I don't care if you're men or women, black or white, or transgender. "If you're weak, you can leave my gym right now and fail, or you can stay and cry after class like a certain person," he said, looking at a girl with brown hair, freckles, and long hair tied into a single braid. She obsessively stroked her hair to reduce anxiety.

"Now, I want you who are new here to come forward." The albino and the orange-haired man obeyed the coach's order and stood in front of him. "Say your names"

"I'm Andy Gerseven"

"And I'm Lincoln Loud"

Most students knew this name and the "reputation" of its owner.

"From now on, your names are Handyman and The Mole." Another way to differentiate his students was by giving them derogatory nicknames. He knew about Lincoln's condition, hence the nickname 'The Mole' "Now listen to me, you two pathetic bastards, if you want to earn the right to be called by your name, you will have to do the first activities in front of the entire class."

"What if we can't?"

"Then say goodbye to your names and your free time. Because you'll be spending the rest of the month cleaning the gym after every class."

Andy wanted to use the snake blade on that idiot's neck, but Lincoln stopped him by placing his hand on his shoulder. Andy saw him smiling and immediately understood what he was planning.

"We gladly accept, coach," Lincoln said confidently.

"Very good. First, I want twenty sit-ups."

The boys lay on the floor and did the exercise without any problem.

"Very good. Now I want twenty squats."

Again, the boys stood up and squatted.

"Now stretch your muscles."

Following the teacher's orders, Lincoln and Andy stretched out.

The coach smiled mischievously. He used to start with easy exercises and then start with torture. "Okay, now I want you two to do fifty laps in the gym. Hahahahaha."

The boys smiled and started running. Students usually get tired by the ninth lap at the latest. But Andy and Lincoln were already in the eighteenth lap and hadn't even broken a sweat yet. They finally completed fifty laps without a single drop of sweat.

"What's next, coach?" Andy asked sarcastically.

The coach angrily slammed his desk, where he had the papers. This was the first time anyone had completed all 50 laps. "Okay, next thing will be the colt's test."

The colt's test consisted of running and jumping on a diagonal base suspended by springs and on a wooden frame with padded material with two handles at the top and four legs, hence its name, and landing on foot. "begin"

The first was Andy, who, thanks to his strange physical condition, was more aerodynamic. The boy jumped up and did five front somersaults, reached the rack, and, staying horizontal on his trunks, pushed himself with the help of his back muscles into a back somersault and landed on his feet.

Then Lincoln followed; unlike his partner, he did not make any turns, but when he reached the rack, he took both shovels and did the windmill six times, then held them vertically with one hand and propelled himself by turning in the air and landing on his feet.

"Arrogant," Andy said.

The coach pressed his board more and more, to the point that he started to break it as well as his teeth. "Okay... now jump away. And in this, you will only propel yourselves with the strength of your legs."

"This is stupid. I'll go first; that's my forte." Andy reached the starting line but was stopped by the coach.

"Not so fast, handyman. You gotta jump with this." He pulls two ankle weights out of a bag. The coach places them on Lincoln and Andy's ankles. "Each one weighs 11 lbs (five kilograms). Good luck. You'll need it."

Andy poses, bending his legs. His calves and muscles expanded, and his veins became distinct. "Ready go!" Andy jumped with such force that he broke the floorboards.

The students and the coach were at a loss as they saw not only what Andy's momentum had created but also how far that momentum had gone.

"Five... five... five meters." The coach dropped his papers.

"It's my turn." Lincoln reached the starting line and, like Andy, broke the floorboards. But in the middle of the trip, the orange-haired man decided to play a prank.

"Careful! Seagull!"

This made Lincoln lose focus and crash in less time.

The coach measured him, but the astonishment did not leave his face. "Four... four meters and eighty-five centimeters."

"Look at that! I've got six inches more than you!"

"You're a cheater, Andy. You've confused me."

"Accept your defeat with maturity."

"Do you want to know how mature I am?"

"Come on, come closer. You're giving it too much, aren't you?"

Surprise was replaced by anger on the coach's face. "Enough. Next test!"

The tests and their results were as follows:

Shot Put: Lincoln and Andy break a wall ten meters away.

Two hundred-meter races: Andy finished in two minutes. Lincoln in two minutes and twenty seconds.

Weightlifting: Lincoln lifted one hundred kilos. Andy Eighty, due to his lack of arms, had to use belts to lift it up.

Vertical jump: Andy jumped three meters. Lincoln is two meters and sixty centimeters.

Whack-a-mole: Unspecified due to constant punching and kicking breaking the device.

Lateral jumps: Andy did one hundred and twenty in one minute. Lincoln is just sixty.

Ball Dodging: Lincoln dodged more tennis balls launched from the machine than Andy did.

Ten Kilo Reverse Sit-Ups: Lincoln ended up doing one hundred and eighty sit-ups.

The coach was grinding his teeth so much that they created a spark, and some pieces fell to the ground. In addition, a vein was marked in his head, and he grunted out of anger. "Enough! This is the last test. If you fail, the others won't count. You'll have to climb the rope!"

All the students exclaimed amazement and fear at the same time. Well, they knew that the rope was the last card the coach played. The final torture consisted of reaching the top and ringing a small bell.

"This is mine." Lincoln took the rope but felt a hand on his shoulder. It was the coach who was with a drooling, psychotic face.

"No, not yet." The coach placed an apron filled with lead sheets over Lincoln and Andy. "Now let's see how you get through this."

Lincoln climbed the rope with some trouble, rang the bell, then descended quietly, followed by Andy. The boy lay down on the carpet and raised his legs upright. Then he took off his tennis shoes, grabbed the rope with his toes as if his legs were his hands, and began climbing the rope. The boy looked like a monkey climbing a vine because of the way he used his lower limbs, although it was a bit difficult for him.

Upon reaching the top, Andy spread his legs 180 degrees. Hold the rope with his left foot and touch the bell with his right foot, then go down in the same way he went up.

The coach couldn't believe that his best tactics had failed. "Get out! Except for you. You stay," he said, pointing to the girl with the braid. She sighed and slowly walked towards the teacher until she was next to him.

The other students left the gym, but something told Lincoln that he shouldn't leave just yet.

"Hey, Clyde, wait."

in the coach's office.

The girl was sitting in a chair in front of the coach's desk, and he was sitting in his chair with his feet on the table.

"Okay, Mrs. Cookie. There was no gym training today."

"The thing is, you spent the whole hour testing these guys." The girl had several problems at school, which made her rather shy, and as a result, she stuttered.

"Yes. But your grades in my subject are not the best. To take a day off, you could have volunteered to accompany the boys." The man got up from his seat and walked towards Cookie.

"I'm sorry... I promise next time," the girl said, interrupted by the coach.

"You know there is no 'next time' in my class. Fail or pass. Of course, in your case, I can give you some 'extra credits'. 'One more time.'" The man stood in front of Cookie, who was still sitting.

"No... I don't know... I can't..." Cookie shed a few tears,but the coach took her cheeks with one hand.

"Come on, you know you need them."

Cookie zipped up her shorts, lowered her head, and began to cry. "Okay, I'll do it."

"Good girl." The man unzipped his pants. "You know the way I like it. Just like you did with the toys. It's time for your first real experience."

Before the action could begin, Lincoln came kicking in the door.

"Put that away now, you sick bastard."

The man quickly stuffed his penis into his pants. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same thing. I thought 'caught with his pants down' was an expression. But apparently sometimes it's a literal expression."

"You're in serious trouble, friend"

"So? Well. Not if I make sure you don't open your mouth!" The man ran towards Lincoln with a metal bat in his hand. But Lincoln moved backwards, kicked the professor in the chin, knocked out some of his teeth, and caused him to drop the bat. "Damn it, brat. You ruined my smile."

"Don't worry; in prison, they will destroy something else for you. That's what human trash like you deserve, you disgusting abuser."

The coach spits out six more teeth. "It doesn't matter. Do you think they'll believe you? With your reputation."

"My reputation?"

"Oh. You still don't know? Well, let's just say you're no saint in the eyes of some here. I could easily tell that you were going to mistreat this girl and that I got hurt trying to defend her."

"Don't be stupid; she won't support doing that."

"I trained that bitch well. If I want her to wag her tail for me, she does it. Or not?" Cookie looks away sadly while crying. "Then tell me. Who will they believe? A boy with your reputation? Or a respected teacher? It's your word against mine." The man thought he had won when a smile crossed the albino's face from his joy.

"It will be your words against yours. Did you record everything, Clyde?"

"Recorded and ready," Clyde said, coming out from behind the door.

The surprise on the coach's face was not easy to ignore at all. "What the hell is going on here?"

"Old man, really. It was never my intention to confront you physically. I just wanted to stop that poor girl from doing something she didn't want to do. I knew there was something fishy here, so my friend has been filming you on his cell phone ever since you started talking to that girl." "Which, by the way, has an excellent selection of audio and video in high definition."

"This is how it is. This is a new product from Venomos Industries. The new Venom cell phone has Wi-Fi, an audio and video recording kit, a photo camera up to thirty-eight meters, and a memory space of up to a thousand megabytes. Waterproof, with an ultra-resistant frame and screen, and comes in eight different colors."

"You see, my friend recorded everything, from what you wanted to do to that girl to your confession. Except for my little kick. And he sent it to the school board's computers, the principal's PC, and the police server. Oh, and you'll love this news. They're arriving now."

If the coach's face didn't show enough fear already, now he definitely wanted to jump out of a sixteenth-floor window. "What? How did the police come here? You're lying; you just want to buy time."

"No, I'm afraid not. You see, a few days ago, I had the honor of assisting the police in a case that culminated in the arrest of a serial killer. They owed me a favor for it, and I decided to cash it in here. Before we entered the office, I asked my friend to call them. I told them that I suspected a case of a teacher abusing a student. The principal takes these types of complaints very seriously. In a remote case, if I was wrong, I just had to apologize and accept my mistake. Fortunately, that was not the case. Now, with your act and a little nudity and confession, they will have enough evidence to lock you up for a long time" The silence in the room was absolute, and Lincoln loved that. The boy could hear the professor's heart beating a thousand miles an hour, and the unmistakable scent of fear emanated from his pores.

"Police, everyone stay still." A group of policemen entered the office and handcuffed the coach, who was kneeling on the floor with his mouth open, dripping with saliva and blood, and with a lost look. As if his brain had melted.

While the two officers took the coach away and one of the police officers gave Cookie a blanket to cover herself and gave her a cup of hot chocolate, Police Chief Gregory was talking to Lincoln and Clyde. "Congratulations, guys, and especially to you, young man Loud, thanks to your brave stance, we have another sex detainee under arrest. And young man McBride, thanks to you, we were able to enter undetected by the teachers and students, allowing this arrest to be carried out with complete caution.

"It was nothing official. The back door is always open at this time, and the janitor goes out to smoke."

"Officer, if you don't mind, we'd prefer to keep this a secret to protect Miss Cookie's identity from the media. You know how they can be in these types of situations."

"I understand, young Loud. But at least let me thank you." An officer approaches the chief, holding a small box in his hands. "In honor of your courage and devotion to your duty to protect and serve the innocent, you are awarded these medals for bravery." The chief gave a military salute to them.

The police took the coach away and left the boys alone. Lincoln settled down with Cookie, and the girl looked at him suspiciously until he spoke to her.

"Hey, are you fine?"

"Yes. Fortunately, I didn't go any further."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead"

"Why did you let him do that to you?"

"I was never good at sports. I needed to pass this class, and he told me that if I did everything he asked me, he would change my grades. Over time, he started to bully me until I became subservient to him."

"And was he?... You know. He never touched you."

"No... He made me wear sexy clothes and take pictures of me, or he made me use adult toys while he watched. Today will be the first time he crosses the line. But thanks to you, I'm free."

"It was nothing. I didn't want that animal to take advantage of someone as nice as you, cookie."

"How do you know my name?"

"I have a good ear. I heard him call you that."

"You're making me known. Wait, you're... you're Lincoln. Lincoln Loud."

"Same thing. Well, you better rest. Call your parents and tell them to come take you. I'm sure you need a break after all this."

Lincoln leaves Cookie alone. The girl stares at him, thinking that this person is not up to anything the rumors describe.

As the two friends were walking down the hall towards the third class, they met the new member of their group.

"Guys, where have you been? I was looking for you everywhere."

"I'm sorry, Andy. Lincoln and I forgot something at the gym."