


It was the day of GM commercial's shoot. Ame received an email the previous night. It was the details for the commercial. It was going to be about a couple who were getting married. And of course, the focus here was going to be the jewelry. She was also informed that she was going to act along Go Jin, a popular actor and dancer. He was most popular among teenage girls because of his sweet looks and handsome face. Ame was eager to meet him, but she didn't know he was bound to create trouble for her.

It was still early in the morning, Ame got up and looked at Haru lying beside her. He was still asleep, so she quietly got up, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back to the bed.

"Where are you going?" He said as he squeezed her like a pillow.

"I'm getting up, I want to have breakfast."

"Okay, 5 more minutes."

"Let go of me, you're so heavy."


She couldn't help but stay in his arms. She looked up at him, and held his face. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at her silently...

"Have you fallen for me yet?" He said.

"Not even a bit." She said as she pinched his nose.

"I don't believe you." He said as he rolled over on top of her. "Admit it."

"Nope, not even a bit." She said, avoiding his eyes. He rolled his eyes and got up, pulled her up along with him. She felt the blood rushing in her head draining ever so quickly that she wobbled, feeling dizzy. She held onto him tightly to stop herself from falling over and held her head in pain.

"Ame, sorry! Are you okay?" Haru quickly pulled her to sit on the bed, held her head and tilted it to lean on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, should've let you sit down for a bit first." He said as he stroked her hair. She felt his nervousness. He was quite startled by something so little that happened to her. Her head was still aching but the dizziness was gone.

"I'm fine."


"Do you have anemia?"

"Well, yes. You can tell?"

"You wake up so early in the morning and take suppliments thinking I'm still asleep. You think I didn't notice?" Haru pulled her head away and faced her.

"When there's a problem, you should tell me. That's what I'm here for. For you." He said, squeezing her face.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you." She said, holding his hands and trying to pull them away from her face.

"Promise me."

"I promise."

"And promise to take me with you everytime you get a check up."

"I pro-- What? No!" She said. He let go of her face and held her hands.



"Ame. I just don't want to keep worrying about you. I want to know if you're going to be okay. I'd stick by your side forever and not let my eyes off of you even for a second if I could but..."

"Okay, I promise..." She said. "But only because I want you to know that my condition isn't as serious as you think it to be." She held his hands tighter.

"Haru. I know you care about me. So much. And I know I worry you. But, you just need to have faith in me, Haru. I can handle myself. I'm happy to know that you bear me in mind a lot, but it's going to be hard on you if you don't trust in my capabilities."

"It's not that I don't trust you."

"Then what is there to worry about if you do?" She said, making him realize. He smiles and hugs her tightly by the head.

"Let me go! I can't breath." She said as he let go of her and hugged her again. She returned his embrace and stroked his head.

"I'm sorry. I think I'm a little too worked up about you recently. I know that you can handle yourself but..."

"Don't worry. I understand. It must be because you've been around me too much lately and have been overly obsessed about me." She said in a taunting manner.

"Well, maybe that's just it." He said, making her face flush, having her taunts backfired at her. "What? You like the idea of me being obsessed with you?" He said, in a taunting manner.


"Who wouldn't be obsessed about you anyway?"

"Alright. Now you're just teasing me!" She said as he pounced on him. He laughed.

"But it's true though. Who wouldn't?" He said as he turned over her, grinning. Now he was on top of her. Her face felt hot as he kissed her.

"I love you." He said as he pulled away and nudged his nose on hers.

She felt as though her heart leapt with joy and warmth. This wasn't the same feeling as when she was "in love" with that bastard. It felt better than that. She was in love. She was truly in love. She finally realized.

"I love you too Haru." She said in all sincerity. He felt the sincerity in her words.

"But I love you more."

"No, I do!"

"Well, okay. Let's "say" you do love me more. But I loved you first."

"Yeah but..."

I'm thinking about uploading a cover for this novel...

(Readers: Finally -__-)

Probably by next week? I'm not entirely sure but I'll try to do my very best on it. I'm sorry for the slow updates, but thank you so much for following the story even if that's the case.


Thank you <3

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