
I saved a sex slave and she will be my new friend.

After defeating the Demon King, the only thing I want is to live a quiet life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and have friends. As long as I manage to fulfill one of those dreams, I will die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a Vampire and gave her a new life. "You will be happy again, I promise!"

Rotceh8292 · ファンタジー
35 Chs

CHAPTER 30 - I'm a cat?!

CHAPTER 30 - I'm a cat?!

A-Alright... I-It's been three days since I turned into a cat. That's enough to drive me crazy, but it wasn't just that. Why? Simply why? Why was I born female?! Being a cat was bad enough, but I was also born female! Nobody is going to desecrate me! I don't care if I go through mating season, no disgusting cat will touch my lovely body!

Although I went crazy and fainted from fright, I regained my sanity and began to adjust. I know that Gods and reincarnations exist. God told me that everyone loses their memories when they reincarnate, but I think my reincarnation was special because I have my memories. But that is not the most important thing. I reincarnated as a cat, that means someone killed me. Well at least I had a quick and painless death because I didn't even realize when I died.

Being a cat, huh? I guess... I could get used to it. It's my only option, after all. Get used to it and try to survive. I have 3 brothers or sisters, I don't know. I tried to communicate with them, but they don't understand me and I don't understand them. And my mother doesn't understand me either. I guess I won't be able to communicate with them.

But this is not the time to get depressed, I must move on! I will consider this as a new lease on life. My past life was ruined. The girls I cared about ignored me and I couldn't get revenge. My life was left without any meaning or future. I will take this new opportunity to be better or at least try to survive.

I am lucky that my owner is a kind and loving girl. Yes, I was surprised that she was a pig girl, but life taught me that I shouldn't judge anyone based on their appearance! She is very kind, even her father, who scared me at first because of how huge he was.


I am a newborn, but my body feels pretty good. I can move easily, unlike my brothers who are still too attached to our mother. Fufu. Learn from me! Just born and I am very independent. When I leave this place, I will miss you, mother... Well, not much, I don't even know you, but thanks for giving me life, although I would have liked to have been born male, but no way.

I plan to escape from here and look for answers. I'm a cat, a fucking cat! And yes, I keep my memories, something that is not supposed to happen. I need to meet with that God or with that Goddess. Anyone would be fine.

But first I need to become strong, that is, grow healthy and strong. I don't need food. It's disgusting, but I have survived by drinking from my mother's milk. It's supposed to be natural, but I feel weird doing that.

The bathroom is no problem either. When my owner is studying or playing, I go out the window, relieve myself in the garden, bathe in the fountain and return to my mother.

I feel like a bum, but it's better than leaving the room smelly.

My needs are met, but I still want to escape. I don't want to live my life like this. I'd be more comfortable if I were male, but I'm female! I feel too uncomfortable with this situation.

Although I admit that I am adorable. I am a white cat. I wonder if my father has white fur, since my mother has black fur... Well, knowing the nature of cats, it's quite possible I'll never meet my father. He fucked my mother and left for ever. Nature is such a terrifying thing, and experiencing it firsthand is even more so.

But we don't need you, father, we will survive without your money! Go with your lovers, idiot!

Fufu. Ah, humor helps me cope and not go crazy anymore.

"Nya, nya."

The first thing will be to gain the trust of my owner, so that she becomes fond of me and takes me everywhere. Someday she will leave this house and travel somewhere, after all, her family is rich, I doubt the rich don't go on vacation.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it. This house is huge! A mansion! I live with a rich family! How lucky are some. I wonder if there are monster girls in this world. I'm interested in meeting beast girls and monster girls. Can I tell you a secret? I have a certain fetish for monster girls, so I want to meet them! I want to find out if they're hot and beautiful in person, or gross and terrifying.


I jumped on the belly of this girl and looked into her eyes.

"What's up, Kin?"

Kin... Stupid name, it's too short. I'm Saoko...! Well, Saoka. No, I'm a man, I don't care if my body is that of a woman!

All nonsense aside, I must get on with my performance.


I pretended to yawn and lay down on her belly, to pretend I was asleep.

"Oh! So cute!"

Fufu. The performance worked. I must become her favorite to gain privileges.

Sorry, brothers, but I'll take the advantage.

I only hope one day to return to my human form.

(Pov- Dreimo.)

"Happy Halloween!"

I opened the whiskey or whatever this is and poured some for Yuik.



We snuck into this Halloween party. Who organized it? I don't know him, but I convinced him to stay when he saw the amount of alcohol I brought. Teenagers are easy to convince, aren't they?

But for obvious reasons, I won't walk away from Yuik, I won't let any drunk get near her.

We are here because I want to teach her more about the holidays of this world. And being at a costume party is the perfect place!

Although neither Yuik nor I have costumes. This was an idea that crossed my mind an hour ago and I didn't have time to think of any costumes.

But here we are, at a party with alcohol and food. What else can I order?

I totally drank the whiskey or whatever. I just bought the most expensive alcohol I could find.

"Is the music too loud, Yuik?"

She nodded and I put up a minimal soundproofing field. It reduces the sound of the music and it only has an effect on the two of us.

"Is that okay?"

Yuik nodded quickly.

"I'm glad. Well, we're at a party. There are very good and scary costumes."

A girl in a miniskirt and dressed as a nurse walked past us.

"And very provocative costumes. Costumes are supposed to be scary, that's not scary."

Yuik wrote on her notebook and showed it to me: "Are you sure we shouldn't have a costume? Everybody has."

"Don't worry about it, I brought a lot of alcohol so they'll let us stay, there won't be any problems."

And if there are, I can always manipulate people to stop bothering.

I poured myself another glass of alcohol.

"Don't drink too much, Yuik. I am not affected by alcohol, but you are affected by it. Drink little so you can enjoy the party..."

"I'm sorry!"

A girl threw a red liquid on me. I think it's soda.

"Don't worry."

My favorite shirt... Well, it's not my favorite, but I always wanted to imagine a scene like that.

I took off my shirt and wiped the rest of the soda that fell on my pants and chest.

"I'll let it dry."

I looked up and met the girl's eyes.

"Don't worry, it was an accident."

"T-thank you."

She left. Mmm... How can say? She just had an orgasm from seeing me. How do I know it? Her way of walking confirms it to me, and because I know the smell of an orgasm. Sant's mother forced me to identify the smell to stop me when she had an orgasm. That woman was crazy.

"Hey, Yuik, am I handsome?"

Yuik nodded quickly.

"B-But... Y-your version... n-normal... I-it is... m-more."

I think I exaggerated with this body. Well, in the other world I don't attract as much attention as I do here. I think they have a different definition of beauty. In the other world I'm a little better than average, but I think here I'm too much. Well, I made a mistake, never mind.

"I see... And here I thought this body was normal and average. Ah, I'm an idiot."

The party went on smoothly, as I killed the idiots who tried to drug the women and those who wanted to take advantage of the drunken women. And I also killed 3 women who were trying to abuse men. Wow, that surprised me, but I remembered Sant's mother and I remembered that women can be perverts and rapists too.

At least I made sure Yuik enjoyed the party.

We were going home and I had Yuik on my back.

"I-I'm... s-sorry."

Yuik drank too much and is drunk. I forgot that alcohol has a quick effect on her.

"Don't worry. Did you like the party?"

"Y-yes. Wa-was... f-fun."

"I'm glad."

Music and dance. Yuik didn't dance, but it was fun to watch the others dance and see their costumes.

We got home and I opened the door.

"Okay, we're here."

I opened the portal and we returned to the other world.

I laid Yuik down on her bed.

"Rest, Yuik."

"T-thank you."

I left the room and stretched out my arms.

"Well, let's eat, I'm hungry."