
I saved a s*x slave and she will be my new friend. (Re-written.)

After defeating the Demon King, all I want is to live a peaceful life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and friends. If I can fulfill one of those dreams, I'll die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a vampire and gave her a new life. "You'll be happy again, I promise you!"

AngelPikas2 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

CHAPTER 18- Androids.

CHAPTER 18- Androids.

How does the power system of this world work? It's not complicated at all, in fact, it's so simple that it's quite ridiculous.

Officially, there are 30 magical attributes, and there are a few more, but they are only a combination of certain attributes. For example, people born with the attribute of steam, which is a combination of the attributes of water and fire, are not counted as an official attribute because it can be easily replicated.

All humans are born with two, only two attributes, with the most common being the attributes of earth and water, except for the heroes, who are capable of using all of them.

And what level of power can they achieve? On average, a normal human, with a lot of training, can become... only 4 times more powerful. If we use numbers to make a comparison, a human can go from 10 to 40 with a lot of effort, and they achieve that almost at the end of their mortal life. And if we use those same numbers, how powerful would the heroes be? The answer would be: 4,000,000, as the legends say that the power of each hero is equivalent to a million humans.

To give you an idea, a B-ranked adventurer has 25,000 power, A-ranked adventurers have 50,000, and S-ranked adventurers have 100,000 power. This is a symbolic figure and does not really represent how powerful they are, as it can vary depending on their abilities and achievements. That's why normal humans are not high-ranking adventurers and settle for being in the E and F ranks, where they can earn money by selling medicinal plants and animals. Only people born in clans blessed with the talent of great magical affinity, like the Dragon Clan, who are loved for their fire attribute, can achieve more than 1,000 power on average and become renowned adventurers.

The discrimination by the nobles towards the commoners is largely due to the great power difference that exists. They see the commoners as mere lumps of flesh who should only obey their superiors, beings whose destiny is to satisfy the desires of the nobles. This discrimination was stopped by the hero Meimik, a hero belonging to the Dragon Clan, as she herself suffered the pain of being discriminated against for being considered "weak". That's why she developed a hatred and disgust towards people who mock and make others suffer, and even the slightest act of discrimination, like making fun of someone for being ugly, infuriates her. But she never killed anyone for things like that, unlike Dreimo of the past (and a little bit of the present), who would kill anyone who annoyed him. She only killed people who tortured others to death or raped women, but she never killed anyone just for raising taxes too high or mocking the commoners. She would get angry and even give them a little beating, but she never killed them, because Meimik is the hero with the kindest and purest heart, she would never take a valuable life for something like that.

Dreimo was the one who did the dirty work for her without her asking, killing people who bothered her in public, to scare the nobles and force them to change out of fear of being next. That scared and annoyed Meimik, but since the results of his methods were more than excellent, she didn't complain, and her admiration and love for Dreimo only grew.

Now, considering everything mentioned above, who is the most powerful human that is not a hero?

The King, without a doubt, is currently the most powerful human. He is internationally known for being the only human who is not a hero who could fight against the Demon King.

Who had the most epic battle with the Demon King? Dreimo or the King? Undoubtedly, the King. Dreimo fought against him, but their movements were so fast and impossible to follow with the naked eye that all you could see were two lightning bolts colliding and exploding, and for Dreimo and the Demon King, it was just a fight where they let their bodies react on their own, instinctively striking blows, never dodging a single hit, turning the final battle into a simple fistfight. The opposite happened with the King, where he fought with strategies, magic, and swords, aided by his travel companions (and future wives of the King).

The Demon King defeated him after fighting for two whole days, when he finally ran out of energy. Yes, two days of fighting, using everything he knew, entertaining the Demon King, which is why he didn't fight at 100%, only at 90%.

The Demon King spared his life as a sign of respect, but also took away his magic points. The King became a person without magic after the fight.

There is no doubt that the King was an admirable man, respected by all. Was? Yes, he was, because a certain person ruined his great reputation.

A man who fears nothing... Well, almost nothing.

His only fear is...

"No, Dreimo... No... I-I've already separated from my wives... I-I'm a faithful man... Don't torture me!" he murmured while sleeping, tormented by Dreimo even in his nightmares.

The King had 5 companions in his team when he was an SSS-ranked adventurer.

They fell in love with him and vice versa. Blah, blah, blah. It's not necessary to narrate what he experienced with them, as it was such a cliché story that it gets boring. He saved them, they fell in love with him, they traveled together, had adventures, confessed their love, and started a relationship. Blah, blah, blah.

The important thing is that in the end, they got married and had children, including Seirak, the daughter of the "Saint" of the King's team, which is quite funny considering that the Saint's religion prohibits and punishes homosexuality, and the same church considers Seirak a divine punishment for the Saint for losing her virginity, something very forbidden since the Saint was supposed to die a virgin. And because that comment from the church made Seirak, Dreimo's only disciple, cry, he burned down the main church and forced the church's top leaders (men) to have homosexual sex with each other in public, and then he himself inserted dildos into their assholes and forced them to keep them inside for a week, and he tied them to a tree to make sure they wouldn't take them out. He only did that because he hates the church's homophobia, but that action made Seirak fall even more in love with him and made her even more obsessed and sick than she already was.

Getting back to the topic, the King's wives loved him with all their hearts, and he loved them. They lived very happily... until Dreimo separated them.

He forced the King to separate from 4 of his wives. Why? "I find people with harems disgusting." That's what he told the King.

Obviously, the King's wives didn't want to separate from the King and he didn't want to separate from them either, which is why the King refused to choose, which is why Dreimo chose for him, kidnapped them, and sent them against their will to another world to start a new life. The King doesn't know the last part, he believes they went to another continent because Dreimo threatened them. Dreimo chose the Saint as the King's only wife, mainly because she is Seirak's mother.

Why did Dreimo do something so cruel? Why did he leave 4 people motherless?

"You remind me a lot of a stupid God." That's what he told the King's wives when he abandoned them in another world.

Dreimo knows perfectly well that what he did was horrible and inhumane, but he doesn't regret it, because it's not an exaggeration to say that his hatred for harems is sickening, to the point of being an obsession, and all because his mother hated harems, and doing things like that was a way to honor her memory.

Dreimo has done very horrible things to the King, so much so that Dreimo has become the living representation of his greatest fear.

"N-no, Dreimo... Not the cucumber again..."

And the King, after suffering several humiliations and tortures from Dreimo, became traumatized, becoming someone completely different, someone pathetic who trembles and cries all the time.

And nightmares with Dreimo is the daily bread of his life, waking up urinated, and sometimes pooped.

Dreimo is not lying when he says he's not a hero, and he doesn't say it out of guilt for his past, he says it because, even if he tries to change, he never will.

"Hehe. You're pathetic," said Seirak, who infiltrated the King's room.

With no respect for her father, Seirak kicked the King and he fell to the ground.


The King woke up startled, while Seirak just yawned and crossed her arms, not paying any attention to her lack of respect.

"What are you doing here, idiot?!" the King exclaimed.

"Idiot...? How rude. I just came to inform you about something."

Seirak told the King what Dreimo had told her, and the King's reaction was clearly one of concern and panic. Why? Is he afraid that the demons will return?



"Well, I've done my job. Send security to monitor the vulnerable areas, blah blah blah. Let me know if they find anything interesting."

Seirak kicked the King in the groin and smiled, while her father fell to his knees and looked up in terror.

"And now I'll give you the beating that Dreimo told me to give you."

After nearly killing the King with her fists, Seirak bid him farewell with a loving smile, like a caring daughter, and jumped out the window, leaving the suffering King behind. But his suffering wasn't physical pain; he was ignoring that. He was experiencing an anxiety attack.

"Dreimo didn't tell me to do it, but I couldn't help myself," Seirak thought, smiling.

And unknowingly, that action would jeopardize an entire evil plan.

The King gathered all his strength and slowly rose from the ground.

"T-That was the strongest beating I've received lately... D-D-D-D-Dreimo knows what I'm planning... T-T-T-This was a threat... D-damn it!!!"

Whatever the King is planning, Dreimo knows nothing about it.

It was just a coincidence.

(Pov- Dreimo.)

Ah, what a beautiful day. So peaceful. No annoying people. No nobles licking my shoes for favors.

This normal life is perfect.

I no longer have to endure being treated as if I were superior. I never liked it; it brought back bad memories, and I always felt sorry for the people who kneeled before me.

Now I'm just a boring and cowardly librarian. I just need a pet. Hmmm... Dogs or cats? I think Yuik prefers cats... Yes, I'll adopt one later, but not now. I don't have time to take care of it; I have many plans with Yuik.

Nothing will ruin this normalcy.

I killed the Demon King and destroyed his soul.

The heroes, who are in love with me, will probably live for 100 years... Well, except for Meimik and Saraik. They belong to races that live for 1,000 years, and they are my age. They will live longer than the others.

Hmm... Unlike me, they have a limit of power. I don't have to worry about them going mad with power.

Anyway, I just have to be patient, and they will forget about me. And when that happens, I can live without fear.

Oh, well, well. It's time to work.

A student from the public school in the city entered. Alright, Dreimo, remember, keep your distance so as not to make her uncomfortable, but not too much so she doesn't think I'm disgusted by her. Just enough to help her.

She's probably looking for a book to study. Ah, how proud I am to see students visiting the library in search of answers, although I also feel sorry for them. Poor students, there's no internet here.

... Oh, she's blind. I just realized it, as I'm used to looking people in the eyes to avoid misunderstandings.

She has her eyes closed and uses a cane. I thought she was just tired, but she's definitely blind, as only blind people and elderly people use that cane, and that young lady is... well, young.

... And she has scars on her body.

Most likely, she survived a fire, but those scars are unusual. They're on her left arm and part of her face, on the left side. She has no eyebrows, eyelashes, or lips in that area... Only half of her lips are intact... What strange wounds. They're definitely not natural, or if they are, it means she miraculously survived.

Oh, poor thing. She surely has a difficult life. People in this world are more ignorant. In this country, I've banned homophobia and discrimination based on race, although I had to use force, killing anyone I found doing that.

It's cruel, but I don't care. It worked, in a way.

I replaced most of the people who ruled the world with trustworthy individuals, so that they can make this world a better place.

Little by little, it will improve, don't worry, girl. When you grow up, you will be happier.

And this student is about 12 years old, too young. She has a long difficult life ahead, but I will make sure that this long difficult life becomes a normal one, because it would be an exaggeration to say that she will always be happy.

Ahem. Well.

"Good afternoon, miss. Are you looking for a specific book? Any particular topic?"

"G-good afternoon... I'm l-looking for... I'm looking for... a book about... heroes."

Mmm... Yes, I suspected it. She has low self-esteem. Very, very low.

She is very shy, lowers her gaze so that I don't see her and speaks softly.

... I don't care. I feel sorry for her, but I won't pay too much attention to her, just enough to do my job.

"Heroes... Mmm... Follow me, please. I suppose you can follow my voice. I will guide you."

I prefer not to hold her hand or anything like that, as it might make her uncomfortable.

"Thank you... sir."

Sir, huh? I like you, miss. Sir Dreimo. Sir. Hehe.

I headed to the section for the visually impaired and made sure she didn't bump into anything.

Being blind must be difficult. I have never been blind, so I don't know if it's very difficult to live that way, but I imagine it is. It would hurt to live without being able to see Yuik and her adorableness.

"Heroes... Heroes... Here it is."

I took a book and handed it to her. A book that tells the adventures and achievements of current heroes.

"It's the latest one that has been published. Will you borrow it or read it here?"

"... Sir... I'm blind... I can't read. I will take it so that my mother can read it to me. Th-thank you."

"... Ah... So you want a regular book then?"

"Eh? Regular book?"

"I gave you a book for the blind... Ah... Sorry, miss, I didn't inform you about the new section of the library... Although, well, it's been two weeks since it opened."

"Blind book? Does something like that exist?"

"I will show you. Come, follow me."

I helped her sit at a table and sat beside her. I know I have to keep my distance, but I have to be close enough to teach her.

I took the book and opened it.

"These books are special for the blind. I will teach you how to read them."

I wrote them myself.

No one cared about the disabled in this world, so I did this so they don't feel excluded... That, and also because my boss made me do it when she found out I knew how to create books for the blind.

I said that in my interview to impress her and get hired. It worked, but now I have extra work. At least my pay is better.

Dreimo was sitting with the student, teaching her how to read, while Yuik watched them curiously from afar, while sweeping.

She admired Dreimo because he is helping a blind girl to read, making him look very kind, but Dreimo only does it because it's part of his job. If it wasn't his job, he would ignore the girl.

"K-kind..." Yuik said, with great effort.

"Yes, he is. It's part of his charm."

Neik patted Yuik's head.

"Your brother is very kind."

Yuik nodded quickly.

(Pov- Dreimo.)

I keep my distance, and I'm just explaining to her how to use the book.

I'm not touching her hands or anything that would make her uncomfortable.

For her to learn comfortably, I must not make her feel uncomfortable.

It would be very strange for a stranger to touch her. I prefer to avoid misunderstandings.

... Yes, I think I'm doing a good job. I deserve a raise, boss. Those beach vacations won't pay for themselves.

"Once you identify the letters and reach the space, you just have to connect them and form the word. Once you get used to it, you will be able to read faster and more accurately."

"T-thank you."

"It's nothing, it's part of my job."

Ah... Helping a girl read is better than standing around doing nothing.

Far, far away from Dreimo's location, in a desert, there is an underground base where hundreds of people work... Or clones of a single person.

A certain place that would witness the birth of the most dangerous being.

"Fufu... Haha... Hahahahaha!! They're alive...!! Well, not alive... but they work!!"

A typical mad scientist is laughing while three humanoid robots are observing their bodies.

"The androids work... they work!!"

"I thought robots with a female appearance had another name."

"I don't care."

The scientist is an old man wearing huge glasses and has small horns on his forehead.

Beside him is a very fat man, observing the androids.

One of them has the appearance of a 5-year-old child.

The second one has the appearance of a 15-year-old girl, without breasts, and wears a pink dress that makes her look adorable. Her hair is black and long, and her eyes are green.

And the last one has the appearance of a 25-year-old woman, very similar to the second one, but she has large breasts, short hair, and wears more fashionable clothes. A white skirt, long black stockings, and a black blouse.

"My children, I am your father! You can call me 'Father'."

"Hello, father," the three said, with normal voices, not robotic at all.

"And do you think it will work?" said the fat man.

"Of course it will work. The hero Dreimo is known for killing all people who have sex slaves. He can't help but help people who have suffered from sexual abuse. My children will pretend to have been sex slaves so that Dreimo saves them, and when he is distracted, they will kill him."

"... Do they have human parts?"

"Artificial, but yes."

"Fufu. I wonder if..."

He tried to touch the breasts of the third android, but she destroyed his head with a powerful blow from her left fist, killing him instantly and mercilessly, making the scientist smile at such a satisfying result.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you that they are my children, I won't allow anyone to take advantage of my children."

The lifeless body of the fat man fell to the ground.

"It doesn't matter, you were not useful... Well, I will give you code names. Number 1, you will be called 'Tim'. Number 2, you will be called 'Hana'. And number 3, you will be called 'Elizabeth'. Understood?"

The three nodded.

"We understand, father."

"Their brains will soon adapt to them, and they will have personalities. For now, they will train."

"Original, original!"

One of the scientist's clones approached him running, quite scared by news that would endanger the whole operation.

"Dreimo found us! He's coming for us!"

"What?! How is that possible?!"

"We have to leave!"

"Damn it, and the androids emit a great amount of magical power!"

"We must use them as bait to escape!"

"Tsk. We must start over. At least with the results obtained, we can create improved and less noticeable versions... Children, go far away from here, very far!"

The three nodded and flew away magically.

"Pack everything. Let's go."