
I Reincarnated in an alternative world, where martial arts are Supreme

**Freedom. All I Want Is Freedom.** Noah Neemr, a lifelong soldier, had little choice but to serve his country, sacrificing his youth and love in the process. Forced into the unforgiving streets, he endured a life of hardship and met a futile end. Yet, hope remains in this new world. As Noah awakens, he makes a solemn vow: to seize this second chance at life and live it to the fullest.

killzoldik · ファンタジー
61 Chs

back home.

Sofia and Samantha were in the midst of their training session. Samantha had reached Rank 1 Early, while Sofia had reached the peak of her current rank.

Victoria observed their training from a couch when suddenly, the training hall's door swung open. Both girls stopped to see the entrance, and their eyes widened upon seeing the most handsome man they had ever laid eyes on—brown skin, black hair, and deep black eyes. He wore a T-shirt and black jeans, with his hair slightly messy.

Samantha was speechless, and Sofia's jaw dropped. Samantha couldn't help but blurt out, "Who is this handsome man?"

"It's my brother," Sofia replied, still frozen in place. Then, she yelled, "Ah, brother!" and ran toward him.

Noah gave her a warm hug. "Missed you, girl," he said.

"Missed you too, brother," she replied.

"I see you're still training. When you make your breakthrough, I'll give you a special gift," he promised.

"Really? Thank you," Sofia responded, still elated.

Noah turned to Samantha and asked, "Hey, Samantha, do you like your life here?"

Samantha blushed and stammered, "Um, yes, my life is great."

"Miss Victoria, I hope you're doing well," Noah greeted Victoria.

"Never been better, young Noah," she replied with a smile.

Noah headed to the storage room within the training hall and closed the door. There, he spent 80 million on various pills: strengthening, healing, cleansing, two beauty pills, and one AuraCleanse pill.

"Reve, please replenish the boxes with pills whenever they run low, and deduct the cost from my bank," Noah requested.

"Okay," she replied.

Noah took the two beauty pills and the AuraCleanse pill and walked back out.

"There are pills here. When you reach Rank 2, start taking one every week, and after ten times, use a cleansing pill to flush your system of the effects," Noah explained.

"Can I have some too?" Samantha asked eagerly.

"Of course, and tell Ted to start taking them when he wants to train," Noah confirmed.

"Miss Victoria, please take this pill first, then this one, and you can start training like your daughter," Noah instructed.

Victoria initially refused, but Noah insisted, and eventually, she took the pills and retired to her room.

"Samantha, here's a beauty pill for you. It'll enhance your beauty even further," Noah handed her a pill.

"Thank you, Noah," Samantha bowed in gratitude.

"It's fine, Sofia, don't be jealous. When you make your breakthrough, I'll give you something equally wonderful," Noah promised.

"You better," Sofia scoffed.

Noah patted her head affectionately and headed out. Margaret wasn't at home, so Noah went to a barber to style his hair in a High Fade Haircut with Cropped Bangs. On his way back, he called Hiba.

"How's the sword action going?" he inquired.

"It was sold for 30 million to the Smith family," Hiba reported.

"Smith? Alright, from now on, take 50% of the money and run the company, and send me the other 50%," he ordered.

"Roger that. I'll also send you Elizabeth's information."

"Good. Also, let me know what kind of weapon you want; I'll make one for you."

"I want a Nimsha sword, just like yours, please. I love its elegance and beauty."

"Hahaha, alright. Send the materials to the lab, and I'll work on it when I have time."

"You're the best boss ever."

"Just because you work hard."

He hung up and dialed Marline's number.

"Hey, President," he greeted.

"Good morning, Noah. You're such a busy man; it's hard to talk to you these days," she teased.

"Hahaha, if those pills worked, I wouldn't be this busy, would I?" Noah retorted.

"Don't be petty, Noah. I'll compensate you. And good news—the pills actually worked," she explained.

"Well, that's good news. Anyway, I'll meet your husband tomorrow."

"Perfect. I'll send someone to pick you up," she replied.

When Noah was at home, he started tidying up his clothes. He had crafted a variety of Chinese-style garments, as well as some more comfortable and elegant suits using fine materials from other worlds.

Afterward, he planned to create more pieces, took a long shower, and changed into a sleek black suit adorned with a golden dragon on the left side. He strapped on his sword and headed to the lab. However, instead of immediately diving into work, he took some time to organize his newly acquired materials.

He had acquired two types of inks, "tranquillipse" and "enlightenink," in addition to his usual black ink. Noah began crafting a nimsha sword for Hiba and used the remaining metal to fashion three daggers. By evening, his work was complete.

He carefully placed everything into a wooden box he had crafted and carried it back home.

"It's been a while, Margaret," Noah greeted her.

Margaret looked at him with admiration and asked, "You're becoming quite handsome. When are you going to get a girlfriend?"

Noah chuckled, "You seem to be leaning into the motherly role."

Margaret's response wasn't quite what he expected. "Do you want me to be your mother, Noah?"

He hesitated, his voice sincere, "I don't know, Margaret. I never had a mom. My own mother passed away when I was three years old, so I don't know what to expect."

Margaret stood up and hugged him tightly. "When I first met you, I saw a promising young man. When you took my daughter as your sister, I was happy but didn't take it seriously. However, when we sparred a week ago, and I hit you, I felt like I almost killed someone so important to me. So, if you want to consider me as a mother, I will accept that role."

Noah remained silent for a moment, then replied, "You and Sofia are the most important people in my life right now. When I'm ready, I will ask you myself."

Margaret nodded. "Alright. Anyway, what's in those boxes?"

Noah explained, "Oh, those contain a nimsha sword for Hiba and three daggers. I plan to take them to the company and sell them."

Margaret was impressed, "You made them today? You work fast, you know."

Noah smiled proudly, "Yes, I've perfected my techniques, that's why."

She playfully slapped him on the back, "You're quite the show-off."