
I Reincarnated in a Fantasy World And Now I Have To Marry Four Girls

One day a 24 Years old Man called Peter was playing video games in his room. Suddenly a weird circle appeared under him and he fell through it. "Huuuuuhhhh? What Do You Mean I have to marry 4 girls to defeat the Demon King?" Peter was chosen as the holder of the RING OF ELEMENTS. He Must journey Across the World of Nyland on Crazy and Wild Adventures In order to Marry 4 Princesses From Different Races To Acquire All The Elements and Defeat The Demon King.

Rage_1 · ファンタジー
16 Chs


Peter opened the Dungeon Doors with his Legendary Sword By my Side. He started getting a little nervous as he walked deeper inside the dungeon, but then he remembered the Tavern Owner's Hot Daughter and started running down the Dungeon.

Peter: "Wait for me, Amy. I'll save you, and then I'm gonna have my reward, Hahahaha."

He heard noises coming from a room inside the dungeon. Peter stopped and started listening quietly. He heard the thugs talking behind the door, he opened the door quietly to peek. peter saw the Tavern Owner's Daughter unconscious on a bed.

Thug 1: "What a catch we got this time, hahaha."

Thug 2: "I'm going to have so much fun with her."

Boss: "Not so fast. I'm the one who's going to start with her first. Once I'm finished with her, then you can have her."

Peter: "Those bastards, no way I'm going to let these thugs touch her."

Peter busted the door open in anger.

Peter: "Not so fast criminals scum. Nobody is going to lay his hands on her today."

Boss: "WHAT? HOW DID YOU FIND US? No, it doesn't matter. Catch him."

Peter: "HAHAHA, Do you know who I'm? It's I, Peter, HERO OF NYLAND."

Boss: "Impossible, Someone like you can't be the hero. I don't believe you."

Peter: "Your choice, but know that I hold the Legendary Ancient Sword. I can't lose."

Peter's jumped and tried to slash the thug's boss with his sword.


The gang boss blocked peter's attack easily with his sword.

Peter: "Huh? No way, how did you block my attack, that's impossible."

Boss: "Ahahahah that's not a legendary sword. That's a cheap sword made with cheap materials, hahahah, you idiot."

Peter: "OH NOOO! The old man lied to me."

The last thing Peter saw was the fist of the thug's boss coming to his face before everything turned black.

He woke up and found himself tied to a chair in an empty room.

Peter: "I can hear the thugs talking outside. Dammit! I need to free myself."

Thug1: "Shit, now what boss? if that idiot found us, that means more are coming soon."

Boss: "We need to move from here. Quickly grab the girl. I'll kill that idiot hero."

Peter: "NOOO! I'm too young to die. I didn't even have sex yet. Peter, you idiot, why did you listen to that old man."

Suddenly the thugs started screaming and fighting.

Peter: "What's happening outside?"

Everything went silent. The room doors started opening

Peter: "NO NO NO, Please I don't wanna die."

A Very Hot Girl appears, with short purple hair, thin light clothes, and an incredible body.

Inside Peter's head: "OHHH MAA GAAWD SHE'S SO HOT!"

The hot girl walked towards peter and stood in front of him.

Hot Girl: "You must be the hero."

Peter: "Ughhh, Ye... yes."

Hot girl: "You know I was looking forward to our meeting hero."

Peter's heart started racing and beating hard. He never experienced something like this before, only in his dreams.

Hot girl: "What is this? are you nervous? AHAHAHAH. Don't tell me the hero never experienced something like this. That means I'm your first."

She moved her lips near peter's ears and whispered.

Hot girl: "Do you want me to kiss you?"


Peter nodded his.

She started moving her lips closer to peter's lips. He closed his eyes. Suddenly peter heard a knife slash and noticed his hands were cut free.

Peter: "Huh? did you just free me? What about the kiss?"

Hot girl: "Hahaha. Did you really think I was going to kiss you?"

Peter: "I mean..."

Hot girl: "I have to go. I look forward to meeting you again in the future, hero. Maybe we'll continue where we stopped today."

She Threw a smoke bomb and disappeared.

Peter: "WAIT, what's your name? and she's gone. Now what? Ohhh The Tavern Daughter."

Peter ran to Amy's rescue. He found her still unconscious on the bed. he grabbed Amy and shook her to wake her up.

Peter: "Amy, wake up, WAKE UP!"

She opened her eyes and started screaming.


Hero: "Shhhh, It's me the hero."

Peter showed her the Ring of Elements and told her that her father sent him to save her.

Peter: "Your father sent me to save you."

Amy: "My Father? Thank you, hero."

She jumped on me and hugged peter, he hugged her back, hehehe.

Inside peter's head: "DAMN! Her Boobs are so SOOOFT!"

After she calmed down, Peter took her back to her village.

Tavern owner: "AMY! YOU'RE BACK."

Amy: "Father!" They hugged each other while crying.

Tavern owner: "Thank you, Hero, for saving my dear daughter. Here take this reward."

Gives peter a bag full of gold coins.

Peter couldn't believe his eyes. The tavern owner just gave him a bag full of gold coins.

Peter: "HAHAHA it's was nothing."

Amy: "Hero, When you come back to visit our village again, please come see me."

Peter: "You Bet I will. Heheheheh."

Old man: "come on hero, let us continue our journey."

Peter: "Hey, old man, why did you lie to me? You gave me a trash sword. I almost died."

Old man: "Ohh Ahahaha. I forgot to tell you I found that weapon in the garbage ahahahahah."

Peter: "You Basterd."

Peter's journey continues to the water kingdom.

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