
C - 1

Walking is fun, but it's not fun if there's no one around and the atmosphere is cold.

Like the horror movie where someone just showed up and had a clown mask with a chainsaw.

While someone is at your back with a bat. Yes, that's what happens to Jeff. He's walking towards his home when these two guys decide to show up. Jeff got shocked and had a heart attack.

"Who are you!?.. Ach!...He...Help...Me" Jeff said while clutching his chest and vision become hazy, as he fall to the ground.

"Shit!... Run!, Our victim got a heart attack!. I don't wanna go to jail fucker!" The clown mask with a chainsaw said and run in a different direction.

"Fucker!, Wait for me!" Said the guy with a bat in his hand and chase after his friend.

Jeff who pretend to have a heart attack stood up and wiped his clothes from the specks of dirt.

"Hehe, idiots... They are scared of jail when they like to scare people. Dumb kids" Jeff said while lighting his cigarettes and walking towards his apartment.




Minutes later.

Jeff arrives in his apartment and gets inside. He takes off his upper clothes look at the closed wounds all around his body and remember the old days in the military.

"*sigh*, My comrades... How are you and are you doing good somewhere. I should've joined you all and die together." Jeff said while picking up his clothes and shooting them towards the basket.

Walking to the cabinet, he grabbed his sleeping clothes and wear them. Then go to his computer to see some new chapters but none of his added novels or fanfics has any new updates.

"Ahh... What a shame... There are no new chapters, I should go to bed now" When he got into his bed. An ad pops up and says.

[Sup General Jeff. We have a free trial for today and it's called re:life in another world. Do you want to join?. Here's the thing you need to fill up and we will transfer you to the designated world you pick.


New Name:





Background: ]

"Ohh... That's new... It even knew my rank and name. Let's try it then" Jeff said and go back to fill up the survey.

"If the world I can pick is anything would be the 'I was reincarnated as the 7th prince' since it's quite a peaceful world with magic and all. While the new name would be Saloom Baldric." Jeff said.

"While the three wishes would be 1. Adaptive learning, 2. Unlimited potential to all, be it the speed of learning things, no limit of the level of my magic or anything I do, even having a comfortable sleep etc. 3. A system that has status and shop with no mission or anything." Jeff then goes to the next one.

"Background would be the twin brother of Lloyd Saloom cause being a twin brother of a royal had many benefits. I will be the 8th prince anyway." Jeff said while pressing the yes button.

"I have fun with this survey. Even though this survey is not true I will not be transported to another world. I should go to bed" Jeff said while keeping the computer on.

[Survey completed... General Jeff will be transported to 'I was reincarnated as the 7th prince' as the twin brother and the 8th prince of Saloom kingdom. Please proceed to sleep as our creator, Chaos. Will transport you to 'I was reincarnated as the 7th prince'. Have a nice trip General Jeff later known as Baldric Saloom]

Jeff who didn't know it was the real deal, just sleep and let his computer run for the whole night until it explode killing the oblivious Jeff. Must be the work of God to cover up that he got transported to the manga he pick.





Somewhere around the Saloom kingdom. Two babies got put inside caskets and many maids take turns monitoring the babies.

'Huh... Where am I?, This is not my apartment right?. Might as well sleep and wake up tomorrow for work' Jeff or Baldric Saloom, the 8th prince of Saloom kingdom thought while going to close his eyes when the kid next to him fired a fireball towards the roof with the maids in front of him.

'What the fuck!?... This scene!... It's the same as 'I was reincarnated as the 7th prince'!. Is this real?... Did I Reincarnate?... Yes!!' Baldric thought in excitement and looked forward to his new adventure in this world.

[Fireball learn through Adaptive learning...Complete... Fireball can be created by controlling and converting your mana into fire mana and shooting it anywhere.

Reminder: Please don't use fireball in the forest.]

'I just learn it like that... This adaptive learning is op... I should use this to the fullest and learn all the things I can do with this ability Baldric thought while trying to shoot his fireball to the air and a fist-size fireball appeared. Shooting towards the roof.

"What!!... Our twin princes are geniuses!, Please get our Highness to witness this scene of his sons!" Said the maid towards the other maid who told the other maid and then the maid told the other maid until it reaches the king and queen Saloom of Saloom kingdom.

Minutes later, The King and Queen arrive with their sons and daughters with them. They open the door where Baldric and Lloyd is.

"Is it true!?... Did our two sons create a fireball at birth!?."The King ask and look at the maids for confirmation.

"Is it true!?" The Queen ask.

"It is true your Highness. Please look at the roof" The butler next to them said while looking upward.

They then look at the roof and see one hole while the other one is burnt.

"Who makes that hole?." The king said towards the maids.

"It's the 7th prince Lloyd Saloom, Our King, Our Queen. While the burnt one is from the 8th prince, Baldric Saloom" The experience maid said calmly.

"Good!, Good!... Hahaha, Prepare a banquet and invite all of the influential people to come to my Kingdom Saloom. Let's celebrate the fact that the 7th and 8th princes of Saloom are geniuses" The king said and the princes, princesses and the queen played with Lloyd and Baldric.

With that said. All of the subordinates of the king spread the news and invited many influential people close to his kingdom.

While Baldric just stares at the burnt roof and compare it to Lloyd's fireball.

'Damn Son... That's a lot of damage!. I will surpass him soon anyway, with my adaptive learning and unlimited potential. Ahh, I wish my two cousins See's this and make them jealous about the fact I reincarnated here. But sadly they died years ago' Baldric thought feeling a little sad about his cousins, Rick and Rol. He's 8 years older than them and they had a great relationship that you can mistake them that they are brothers.
