
I Reincarnate on Tuesdays

Edina, a thirteen-year-old girl living in the Blazing Dawn Sect, is tormented by her Aunt Li Mei after the tragic death of her parents. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she begins receiving messages from her future self, Senior Edina, who has mysteriously reincarnated back to her past self's body every Tuesday. Senior Edina uses her knowledge and experiences to guide Junior Edina in reclaiming her life and breaking free from Aunt Li Mei’s control.

Kn1is7otaku · ファンタジー
22 Chs

5.Reincarnate on Tuesdays

Tuesday night, just before Keith Maxism's arrival, in the Blazing Sun Mansion.Liang Feng Cha Ling, the Sect Leader of the Blazing Dawn Sect, sat in his office, reviewing papers while stroking his white hair in thought. It was clear that he was distressed by something. He would never show such a state in public, but in the privacy of his office, no one was there to witness this. When a knock on his door was heard, "Sect Leader, it's Chuang Chi." Upon hearing the voice, Liang Feng said, "Come in." As the sliding door opened, a beautiful woman with slender legs, wearing a Hanfu with side slits, walked in. She bowed and said, "This disciple greets the master." Liang Feng merely grunted in acknowledgment as he continued his work. Chuang Chi then spoke up, "Master, it seems something's on your mind. If there's anything I can do to help, I would like to put your mind at rest." Liang Feng looked up from his papers and thought, 'Chuang Chi is the best disciple I could have hoped for.' With a sigh, he said, "It's Edina, Chuang Chi. I might not have approved of Jinwei's marriage to Elara, but she is still my grandchild. I can't bear to see her tormented under Li Mei any longer. If only she spoke out, I could take action and free her. But she is still mourning and depressed. I don't know how to change her mind while also keeping my distance." He paused and continued, "Now, with an imperial decree, a merchant ambassador of the Leon Empire is coming here to give her an inheritance, which will undoubtedly be snatched by Li Mei. If only she could be a bit more assertive or simply say no." Chuang Chi nodded sympathetically. She, too, felt for Edina. Chuang Chi was the spy in the Mu Mansion, tasked with keeping an eye on Li Mei and her schemes. As a spy, Chuang Chi understood her master's dilemma. If he declared Li Mei's abuse without official investigation or evidence from an official source, the matter would be resolved, and Edina would be freed. But then, the Elders and clans of the sect would question the sect leader's authority and his use of spies in their personal affairs. Did he plant spies everywhere? Did he? It won't matter since the evidence he obtained would be from a spy. So his only option was to catch them in the act or have Edina testify. Chuang Chi replied, "The information I am here to report might help, Master. According to the staff and myself, Young Miss Edina was taking a stroll around the sect. It seemed as though she was back to her usual cheerful self, at least a bit." Liang Feng's eyes widened, a stark contrast to how he typically displayed his emotions in public. "Is it true?" he confirmed, and Chuang Chi nodded. Liang Feng smiled and said, "So if I just nudge her a bit, she might protest against Li Mei. I can use even the slightest hint of defiance to initiate an investigation and incorporate the evidence you've gathered into the official proceedings," he happily muttered.The following Tuesday, one week after Keith Maxism's arrival.Edina woke up in her uncomfortable bed, still feeling the effects of the nasty food from the night before. As she stirred, the sliding door opened and in walked Xiao Min. "Why aren't you awake? Don't you dare be as foolish as last week! I'm sure you'd love more time in the darkroom. Get ready before class or you'll see what I can do!" Without waiting for Edina's reply, Xiao Min left. Edina found herself even more confused than the day before. What was Xiao Min talking about last week? And why was there a class today? Shouldn't Keith the merchant have arrived today? Edina had questions, but she decided to get ready and go to class first. After all, she was in no way fond of the memories of the dark room from 19 years ago. She arrived at Mu Mansion and her class just in time. When she entered, she was stunned to see the date and day on the board. A whole week had passed, and it was Tuesday again. She had slept last Tuesday on the 6th of this month and had woken up on the morning of the 13th, another Tuesday. This was very bizarre, and she didn't like the feeling of this strange confusion in her head. So when the teacher arrived, she decided she would focus on the class today and calm herself. Since she was a 30-year-old woman in a teenager's body in a class for teenagers, she easily answered every question about the ancient Han language, and throwing a grin at Wei, seeing his shocked expression was satisfying. As soon as the class finished, Edina went to some staff to talk about what happened last week then to her room to sort out her thoughts, and her speed once again surprised Wei and Lin; she was gone even before they could wait for the teacher to leave so that they could bully her.As Edina sat on her bed, she pondered deeply. She had reincarnated on the 6th of this month, only to find herself waking up on the 13th. It seemed logical to assume that the 13-year-old Edina had been living her usual life between those two days. After all, she had asked around and learned that Keith the merchant had already arrived. This indicated that the meeting must have proceeded in a similar fashion: her grandfather attempting to retain the inheritance in Blazing Sun Mansion, countered by Aunt Li Mei's efforts to keep it in her Mu Mansion. In three months' time, they would stage a heist at the Mu Mansion to seize the money. Edina contemplated various theories. Had she possessed the 13-year-old Edina on the same day of the week two times now, or was it entirely random and coincidental that two Tuesdays had occurred in succession? Was this all just an extended dream, and did the 13-year-old Edina remember what she had done during the time of her possession? Many questions lingered, but one thing was certain: she was in the past, and she could change it.Initially, she tried to recall what had happened 19 years ago on those days. She remembered that there would be a banquet for Keith Maxism's departure. Grabbing a quill, she drafted a calendar on a piece of paper in her room. Disappointingly, she found that these days were nowhere near a Tuesday. She could only hope that her theory about possession occurring on random days was true. With a heavy heart, Edina lay down on her bed. Suddenly, a thought struck her. Why should she have to undertake this alone? She was changing the life of 13-year-old Edina, so why couldn't she involve her? If they worked together, combining her future knowledge with the 13-year-old Edina's freedom to act on any day, they could easily alter the past and perhaps even warn or take action against the demons. With this idea in mind, Edina wrote a message to the 13-year-old Edina in Leonese, ensuring its secrecy from prying eyes like Xiao Min's, who was always snooping around. Writing in Leonese was the best option so She began inscribing the characters.నేను భవిష్యత్తులోను. అది త్రాగడం లేదు, కానీ నేను మంగళవారంలో పునర్జన్మ పొందుతాను.(I am from the Future. Don't panic, but I think I reincarnate on Tuesdays.)Read 12+ advance chapters by becoming a patron : patreon.com/kn1is7otaku

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