
Cafeteria Brawl

The large group of students stared back at Class 7. Who doesn't know about this class of freaks and monsters being taught by the crazy Teacher Takuma? They eyed out the students from the class. Although they were known to be the top in the year, there were older students here in the group and there were more than them. Akari and Ryouma looked at each other and grinned. Akari pulled Arata to sit back down.

"Let's continue eating. Class, you can handle this, correct?"

Class 7 shouted in unison.

"Yes, Class Rep."

Akari then spoke once more.

"Tallis, take charge."

Tallis grinned.

"As you wish, Class Rep."

He then reached out his hand to the Class 7 students. They all grabbed his hand or placed a hand on the shoulder of someone who was touching him until they were all connected. Tallis eyes glowed yellow. Arata sensed a strange Energy emitting from Tallis and it seemed to be spreading out to the others. After a few seconds they all let go of him and he looked forward.

"Those are your instructions. Move out."

The short haired student, that still had his hand on the table in front of Arata, turned to the group behind him.

"Beat them to a pulp! Let's teach this cocky class their place!"

The group roared as they charged forward. One of the students from Class 7 moved so quickly that even Arata didn't see him move. He appeared beside the table and simultaneously pushed the short haired student backwards while also moving the table, chairs, Arata, Ryouma, Akari and the food safely away to where Class 7 was. They moved swiftly and came around them like a shield. The fast student reappeared within the group in a flash.

Arata was amazed at how the Class moved in sync together, like they were a single being. Akari and Ryouma had continued eating happily like nothing was wrong. Ryouma chuckled at Arata's confused face.

"Tallis isn't strong in terms of overwhelming power. But if he is on your side, it is hard to be defeated."

Akari nodded.

"Tallis has a unique Bloodline Enhancement, special to his Clan. Through shared contact, he can connect to the minds of those around him as well as synchronize and strengthen everyone. As long as he keeps the connection in tact, he can communicate to them all while simultaneously strengthening everyone through the connection. As his Mastery increases, so does the distance and strength of his abilities. Add to that the fact that he is extremely intelligent, has amazing analytical abilities and is thoroughly well versed in the art of strategy and war, his abilities rise to new heights. He is an extremely powerful support to have on your side."

Arata understood his power instantly. Connecting the minds of your allies, you are able to fight as a single unit, move as one. Communication is always one of the biggest downfalls in large scale battles, but Tallis and his ability would completely rectify this weakness. Arata's eyes lit up.

"The Diamont Clan!"

Ryouma grinned.

"You and Akari aren't the only Heirs in the class."

The Diamont Clan were a strong political Clan that everyone tried to befriend as their Clan's Bloodline power could help change the tides of war completely. Although their power had no offensive or defensive abilities, the pure supportive role that they played were vital for many battles. Arata watched in anticipation.

Class 7 naturally formed a blockade around Arata, Ryouma and Akari. Arata surveyed around him and could clearly find no weak points in their formation. The group of students continued to charge towards Class 7, many of the students chanting and applying their Enhancements. Matoki and another student charged forward. Each forming what looked like dragon wings on their backs. They both flapped their wings once in the oncoming groups direction. As they did, a gust of lightning shot forth from Matoki's wings, while shards of ice shot forth from the other students wings. Arata was shocked again by the Class 7 students.

"Frost Dragon Bloodline? Class 7 really is a collection of monsters and freaks, huh?"

The students that were charging at the forefront were mostly agility based students so a lot weren't able to defend themselves from this surprise barrage of lightning and ice. Many fell back to recover. Those with more power were able to defend against the attack easily, but this one attack had taken out a large chunk of the agility based warriors. A girl from Class 7 that Arata had never noticed before came to stand beside Tallis. She had frizzy grey hair that covered her face so Arata wouldn't know what she looked like even if she was facing him.

After a few seconds, she seemed to have heard a signal no one else could as she seemed to go transparent before sinking into the floor. Arata went wide eyed. Akari smirked at Arata's face.

"Yuki is a quiet girl and she is strong on her own. But in combination with Tallis, she becomes terrifying."

Ryouma shook as if he remembered something frightening.

"Took me a week to recover from their beating."

In the centre of the charging group was a large student wielding a huge hammer. Although he was 15, he looked much older as he towered over the other students. Tallis locked eyes with him and smirked. From the ground beneath him, Yuki rose up, still transparent, and briefly touched the large student's head. As she did, a grey tinge appeared over the large student's eyes. Yuki then sank back into the ground before anyone noticed what happened.

The large student suddenly roared in anger as he swung his giant hammer, taking out a few students around him. Those at the front paused to see what had happened and were shocked to see one of their own rampaging in the centre of their group. The students quickly did their best to detain this student quickly, but he was so filled with rage he continued to swing his hammer around himself.

At the same time that Yuki touched the large student's head, perfectly in sync with each other, four students rushed out of Class 7's formation. Matoki and the student with the Frost Dragon wings joined them and the 6 reached the first line of student's, who had all turned around to see what was happening.

One of the four students was the one that Arata had previously defeated. He had formed a rock shield over his arm as he charged forward. Another student seemed to have grown the size of his right arm. He grabbed the student with the rock shield and threw him forward like a ball. The student with the rock shield went flying into the line of students, his shield bashing through and knocking down several students. When he finally came to a stop, he was surrounded by other students, but before they could do anything to him, a small hand came up from the ground and gripped his leg. As the students around him charged, he smiled and teasingly waved as he turned transparent and sank into the ground.

As Matoki and the Frost Dragon student flew at the group, slashing their claws at the students, the other two who were charging at the group revealed their powers. They were the two speed based student's that Arata had defeated yesterday. As they charged forward, one began to glow a dark purple while the other glowed silver. Darkness and Metal.

As the Darkness based student reached the front lines, shadows seemed to burst off him, attaching themselves to the students he touched as he passed by. These shadows latched themselves on to the students before erupting with Dark Energy. The other student seemed to have become a silver, metallic blur as he rushed through the group. With the force built from his insane speed, added to the solidness of the metal he had become, he barged through and sent multiple students flying.

As the two zipped through the group, students continued to be thrown around in complete chaos. If they didn't outright defeat the students they clashed with, they at least injured them. And with their speed, having gotten rid of most of the agility based fighters, they could weave in and out without anyone being able to catch them.

Arata looked at Tallis in awe. This wasn't just about student's having strong abilities, this was the strategic and well planned use of those powers. Every step was extremely calculated. From the two dragon's first attack, ridding the agility users, which also helped to prevent their front line from advancing. Yuki's attack, pinpointing and taking out a strong opponent and using him against their opponents while also creating a distraction for the others to charge forward.

Then using the rock shield student to take out what Arata guessed to be either an important support or a leader, as after the attack, Arata sensed the morale and overall Energy of the group seemed to have decreased. Then having the two agility users speed through the group, chipping away at their numbers. Although they wouldn't be able to take out the stronger students, they could definitely take out a large number of enemies. Especially with the aid of the two dragon students picking off the students on the edges.

The short haired student was shocked at the chaos around him, they had just gotten the large student with the hammer knocked down, and now they were being taken down one by one without being able to do anything. He had the whole cafeteria, which was practically half of the Physical Enhancing students, on his side and yet a single class was defeating them all. Not even the whole class, only 8 had done anything. 9 if you include Tallis who stood there looking at the short haired student. He knew that Tallis was the reason they were being defeated so easily. He called a few students and rushed towards Tallis.

Tallis saw this and just stared at them as they rushed forward. A boy with a small axe hanging off his belt stepped forward along with a girl wearing golden gloves that looked way too big for her hands. The short haired boy had 6 students running forward with him and they were completely unblocked. The two agility students were zipping around the rest of the group and the two dragon students left them alone, creating a pathway directly to the other Class 7 students.

The six students charged at the boy and girl that had stepped forward while the short haired student charged at Tallis. The boy pulled out his small axe and struck the ground, completely burying the blade in the floor. As the three students neared him, he roared as he pulled the blade out of the ground. A large chunk of the ground came out with the axe, forming the shape of a giant, rock blade for the axe, which the boy slammed into the three students. Because of it's size, it simply swept all three and sent them all flying backwards.

The girl finished her opponents off just as quick. She slammed her giant gauntlets together and created a loud bang and a sound wave that slammed into the three charging at her. The sound wave seemed to stun them as they froze in place. They girl ran forward, punching the frozen students with her golden gloves, and sending them flying.

The short haired youth seemed to grow wooden spikes from his body, these spikes shot out of him as they were sent flying towards Tallis. He didn't seem to be fazed by the spikes, nor did anyone else from Class 7. Tallis smirked as a rock shield rose from the floor in front of him, intercepting the wooden spikes.

The short haired youth stopped charging. He was breathing heavily as he stared at the rock shield. He turned to see that the 6 that came with him were all defeated. He yelled angrily.

"Why do you defend this nobody? He isn't worthy to sit beside our Light Goddess Akari, or be served by the Burning Gem, Ryouma. Why defend him?"

"Because he is worthy."

The short haired youth was struck hard on the back of the neck as he collapsed on the floor. Behind him stood Tallis and Yuki.

"He is more worthy than any of you, at least."
