
I Really Don’t Want To Be a Trainer (translated and edited)

Before you stands the board of directors of Devon, led by none other than legendary trainer Luke - founder of Rainbow Rockets, master of inverse attributes, and champion of the world championship. As luke reminisced about the early days of his career, he sighed and revealed a surprising truth. "Believe it or not, my original goal was just to show my face after reaching 100,000 subscribers. I only wanted to earn a decent living as a game zone owner. I never actually aspired to become a trainer." [Integrated world view, parallel world + animation, game setting + special edition] PS: There are no villains in this book. Team Rocket symbolizes the dark side, but also has the warmth of trainers and pokemons. The reality is already hard. Because of the existence of pokemons, the pokemon world will not make people so lonely. This is a pseudo-invincible, happy go lucky story. [ PS- currently re-editing ch 1-30 , should complete in 3,4 days✌️ ]

Tortle121 · ゲーム
39 Chs

Chapter 32

There was history between Lorelei and Red.

At that time, due to clashing concepts, Kanto's four elites teamed up to deal with Red, and he was frozen in Mt. Silver and was in danger for a while.

However, in the subsequent Niijima incident, Lorelei provided Red with a lot of help, and their relationship also improved.

Lorelei was a little surprised.

Including Red, all famous Trainers are in this group!

[Gold: Ah, it's really Aunt Lorelei!]

The first sentence after opening the group chat was like Bolt Strike, which immediately stunned Lorelei.

A... Aunt?!

This woman's age is always only twenty-eight, alright!

[Yellow : Gold, that's not nice...]

[Gold: Huh? But when I was young, Aunt Lorelei was already an Elite Four!]

[Member "Gold" was banned by Admin for one hour]

[Blue: Coincidentally, we were just talking about your Perish Song tactics.]

Lorelei rubbed her temple and glanced at the member list with a headache.

The two Admins, Red and Blue, are both Champion level.

The members of the group are at least Master level, starting with several Gym Leaders.

These people are actually Teacher Luke fans?!

"I'm starting to regret joining this group..."

Lorelei, who had a premonition of something bad, sighed helplessly.

[Lorelei: My Perish Song tactics is not as perfect as Teacher Luke.]

[Blue: Yes, indeed.]

Lorelei's eyes twitched.

This old lady is just being polite, why are you serious?

Is being a Champion great? There are still many trainers who are greater!

The situation turned once again embarrassing.

Until half an hour later, the group leader went online and sent a message in a daze.

[Teacher Luke: Are you a new member?]


Luke looked at his mobile in a daze.

' I just finished class, and there's another Elite Four in the group? 'he thought to himself.

'So in the group, only i am not a trainer!'

Luke was already somewhat numb, given the precedent set by world champion Red.

Even if Giovanni was pulled into the chat group in the future, Luke would not experience any mood swings.


No matter what, the more lively the group, the better.

Red and Lorelei, the leaders of Kanto, usually communicated with each other. Right now, it was nothing more than a change of circles.

Seeing the unnamed chat group, Luke turned on his computer and checked the results of "Teacher Luke's Battle Instructions 05: Perish Song Tactics".

In just one day, the video topped the homepage.

In addition to breaking through one million views on Bilibili, it also caused quite a stir on platforms such as YouTube and Nexus.

In the background management of Content Uploader, it clearly showed the number of followers: 837,240.

You may not know what it's like to increase fans by 60W using a video. Typically, people like this can only be described in one word: horror!

With only three videos, Teacher Luke relied on his deeply rooted and dirty tactics to jump from a small anchor with more than 100,000 followers to more than 800,000 followers.

Only one step away from the achievement of millions followers!

In the background private messages, many manufacturers actively contacted Luke, trying to sponsor his videos, and there were many well-known Pokémon merchants among them.

But Luke was still more willing to guarantee the quality of the video.

One manufacturer even offered a high price of 100,000 yuan, but Luke decisively ignored it.

After all, Luke is targeting the No.1 Content Uploader title.

Currently, one hundred thousand may be equivalent to one million in the future, so it is still too cheap for these capitalists.

In the system, as the influence of the video continues to ferment, Luke has officially completed the small goal.

[Video views (milestone)- 10W, BP point +1000]

[Video likes (milestone) - 10W, BP point +1000]


[Remaining BP points: 11,720]

[Whether to spend 10,000 BP to exchange for 'Protect' TM]



System items are stored in a small subspace,

but items not produced by the system cannot be stored.

Since TMs can be reused, the price of 10,000 BP is worthwhile.

Luke took out the white USB flash drive from the system's backpack after fiddled with it for for a while.

Afterward, he called Gastly, who was licking the textbook next door.

"Do you know why I called you?" Luke asked.

"Jie~~?" Gastly tilted her head in confusion and looked at USB in Luke's hand.

"Jie jie~ jie jie~!" (Understand, understand!)

Luke looked at Gastly excited face and nodded with a smile.

Gastly held the USB flash drive in her mouth, inserted it into the computer, moved the mouse with her tongue, and opened the video file in a familiar way.

Being so proficient was also-a bit distressing.

Since , Luke was now free , he sat in front of the computer and researched the training of "Protect" move with Gastly.

The training method was quite simple.

Haunter gathered Haze and formed a fog shield in front of his body, constantly resisting offensive moves.

The strength and range of the fog shield are limited by Gastly's own strength.

Theoretically, the "Protect" move can be used to resist the attack in 360 degrees without dead ends.

But Gastly's strength is limited. After several attempts, only a narrow fog shield can be formed.

This made the little fellow a little frustrated, lying awkwardly on the keyboard and almost infiltrating the computer .

"Don't worry, take your time." Luke took out an Oran Berry cube and dangled it over Gastly's head like a cat.

The listless Gastly glanced at Luke lazily, and finally opened her mouth reluctantly.

"Ah! (  ̄~ ̄ )"

After chewing for three seconds, Gastly's face slowly burst into a smile.

Gastly: ( ๑´b`๑ )

After comforting Gastly, Luke shouted for help in the group.

[Teacher Luke: How to train 'Protect '?]

[Gold: You don't know how to train such a simple move? Isn't it first..., then this..., then that...]

[Blue: It's really difficult to thoroughly study Protect.]

[Red: New tactics?]

[Teacher Luke: No, it is the most basic Protect.]

Red pondered for a moment, and then it became clear.

Simpler the better.

Red admires Luke's continuous learning mentality.

[Red: I have a personal guide book . Do you need it?]

Luke raised his eyebrows.

Is there such a good thing?

[Teacher Luke: Thank you. Please send it to me privately.]

Lorelei, who witnessed a corrupt deal, was holding a Lapras doll slightly in a trance.

"Teacher Luke, are you planning to study some dirty tactics again?" she thought.

"He actually took the training experience from Red... Then can his understanding of 'Protect' break to a new level?!"

On the other side, Luke placed the printed ['Protect' guide] in front of Gastly.

After seeing a new guide, Gastly's big eyes were filled with fighting spirit .


Luke rubbed his chin and muttered while looking at Gastly, who kept drooling.

"It's not that difficult to train Pokémon..."