
Chapter 3270: Drop Down

"Boss, these two guys have already eaten the food laced with the sleeping drug we prepared earlier, should we make our move now?"

"They actually ate it without any guard up, truly a pair of fools. Now, all of their belongings are ours!"

"Boss, there's no time to delay, we should act fast. This special sleeping drug makes it impossible for anyone below the level of a Soul Emperor to mobilize their Soul Power!"

Upon hearing the voice in his mind, the leading captain did not rush to give an order...

Instead, he cautiously reminded them, "Don't rush, it won't be too late to make a move after the drug takes full effect!"

Who knows if these two have any life-saving tricks up their sleeves? We are on the open sea, and if a battle ensues and the ship is damaged, we could also end up dying here!

Although somewhat impatient, since the former had spoken, the crew members did not take action without authorization, their gazes fixed on Xu Sheng and his companion with burning eyes...

The corners of Xu Sheng's mouth revealed a faint smile, then he said to the leading captain, "Um... It's a bit embarrassing to be stared at like this by everyone."

However, the latter just waved his hand and replied with a carefree tone, "Don't worry about it, we're all rough people, we don't mind these things!"

At the bottom of his heart, though, he couldn't help muttering...

Damn it, why hasn't it taken effect yet?

Could there be something wrong with the sleeping drug?

No, that shouldn't be possible. I personally checked it to make sure it worked, all to fleece these two fat sheep!

It seemed as if Xu Sheng sensed the other party's thoughts; his complexion began to look unwell...

He then clutched his head and said, "Gui... Elder Gui, do you... do you feel something's not right? My head... It seems a bit... dizzy."

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly "thud," collapsed onto the table...

This convincing performance almost made Gui Mei want to stand up and applaud...

But, to go along with it, he too feigned unconsciousness...

It wasn't until both of them were lying on the table, unconscious, that one of the crew members approached them, poking at them...

"Hey, hey, are you guys okay?"

After confirming there was no reaction, he spoke excitedly, "Captain, the drug has worked; these two are out cold like dead pigs!"

In an instant, everyone on board, including the captain, couldn't help but show joy on their faces...

The captain couldn't resist sighing and said with emotion, "Earlier when the drug didn't take effect, I thought these two had seen through something. It seems now I was worrying over nothing!"

"Guys, go and strip them of all their valuables!"

As his words fell, the crew quickly stripped all the valuable possessions from Xu Sheng and Gui Mei, then piled them up together...

Looking at the heap of golden soul coins and precious items before him...

The captain couldn't help speaking with excitement, "These two people had so many possessions, this job alone is enough for us to live comfortably for half our lives!"

He seemed to have already envisioned the bright future beckoning to him!

One of the crew members, stealing a glance at the still unconscious Xu Sheng and his companion, couldn't help asking, "Boss, what about these two guys?"

Upon hearing this, the former scoffed and uttered a chilling statement...

"What to do? Throw them into the sea to feed the sharks, of course! If they return alive to the Xingluo Empire, our conspiracy won't stay hidden!"

They would not take such a risk to spare the others!

Only the dead can keep a secret!

"Yes, boss!"

Hearing this, the crew members charged towards Xu Sheng and his companion, ready to pick them up and throw them into the ocean...

Just at that moment, suddenly a voice sounded...

"As expected, everything is just as predicted. I was even thinking of pretending nothing had happened!"

Only to see Xu Sheng and his companion, who had been resting on the table, suddenly appear on the opposite side...

The captain, regaining his composure, pupils suddenly constricting, couldn't help but exclaim, "You... you ingested the sleeping drug, didn't you? Why are you still awake? That's enough to put a Soul Emperor to sleep for days!!"

He had personally seen the two of them consume the food, there was no mistaking it!!

Xu Sheng smiled slightly, "Indeed, we did eat the food, but the sleeping drug didn't have any effect, that's all!"

Gui Mei, with utter disdain, said, "Soul Emperor?? What kind of trash is that??"

In his eyes, a Soul Emperor was nothing more than an ant he could crush effortlessly!

The captain gritted his teeth, then licked his lips, "Damn... to be fooled by you, but since it has come to this, it's your bad luck!!"

"Men, kill them!!"

So what if the sleeping drug didn't work, with so many of them, they could easily take care of these two!!

The other crew members, without any unnecessary talk, all released their Soul Rings...

At first glance, they were all uniformly Soul Elders and Soul Kings!!

Immediately after, they charged at the closest target, Gui Mei...

"Hmph, a bunch of trash, daring to lay a hand on me!!"


The terrifying pressure of a Title Douluo level instantly descended, directly turning the three crew members before him into a bloody mist...

The ship was now filled with a pungent scent...

Everyone's gaze became fixed with shock...

Leading them, the captain watched the fresh blood flowing on the deck, trembling as he took several steps back...

"Wha... What?? Using just the pressure to kill three of our people!!"

The Soul Elders and Soul Kings couldn't even withstand the opponent's pressure, indicating their strength could very likely be at the Soul Sage, or even the Soul Douluo level!!

They had provoked such a terrifyingly powerful being!!

With that thought, the desire to fight instantly vanished from their hearts...

"Two... you two, can... can we have a good talk??"

The rest of the crew looked to one another, not daring to make a careless move!

After all, no one could guarantee they would survive under such pressure!!

Xu Sheng's expression remained unchanged, "Have a good talk?? Didn't you intend to throw us into the sea earlier??"

"How about this, I won't take your dog lives. Just break your limbs and throw you into the sea, how's that??"

Having said that, Gui Mei beside him unleashed his awe-inspiring pressure once again...

The entire ship began to shake violently...

The captain, suppressing the fear in his heart, stubbornly shouted, "You... don't go too far, if we die, you won't dream of leaving this sea area either!!"

Luckily, he had made preparations in advance by steering the ship to a desolate area!!

Xu Sheng pondered with his chin propped up, "Hmm... you make some points!"

The expression of the former turned joyful, seemingly seeing a glimmer of hope for survival...

"However, I don't feel like accepting it!!"


