
Chapter 3117_1

Seeing Tang Wulin barely holding his ground against Nanali with the help of the Sea God's Trident...

Gu Yue shouted from behind, "First soul skill, Elemental Tide!"

Because she had released her Martial Soul True Body, the concentration of her elements greatly increased, and her powerful elemental energy surged forward like an ocean...

Nanali, sensing this, exploded with a terrifying aura that shook Tang Wulin back several steps...

Seeing through Nanali's intention, Gu Yue's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, "You want to run? It won't be that easy!"

Barely visible, the ground beneath Nanali transformed into a mire, firmly binding her legs...

Nanali frowned in annoyance, "Quite a troublesome Martial Soul, but this is as far as it goes!"

The soul ring at her feet lit up, and the pitch-black bell behind her expanded dozens of times in size, effortlessly blocking the incoming Elemental Tide...

Tang Wulin, who had been looking for an opportunity, muttered to himself, "Now's my chance, first move, Thousand Men's Point!"

As he poured his vast Soul Power into the Sea God's Trident, the entire weapon emitted a destructive aura...

Then, he locked onto Nanali in front of him and thrust violently...

Despite the considerable distance between them, the feeling for her was inescapable!

Just like that, Nanali was precisely struck by the Sea God's Trident and blasted dozens of meters away...

It wasn't until the fight was over that Zhao Chong gasped, "Hiss... That strike from the kid just now actually severely injured Hall Master Liang, who had used his Martial Soul True Body. Am I hallucinating?"

Guo Xiaoxu also said gravely, "Although she didn't react in time, for a Soul Douluo to severely injure a Hyper Douluo is simply unheard of!"

"Once again, Wulin has brought me a surprise!"

Zang Xin commented with a complex tone, "I didn't expect him to severely injure Hall Master Liang. He truly deserves the attention of Yun Ming and Cao Zhide; choosing him as the next Sect Leader of the Tang Sect was indeed a wise decision!"

Guo Xiaoxu glanced and asked, "Sect Leader, what about Wulin's first test?"

Zang Xin pressed his lips together, "The five minutes are up, naturally, he passed!"

At the same time, Sima Jinchi, whose Soul Power had been exhausted by Tang Wulin, also promptly reverted to human form...

When he staggeredly stood up and saw Zang Xin and the others in front of him, his expression was obviously bewildered...

He nervously said, "Hello to the Tang Sect's Sect Leader and all the Hall Masters, I'm Sima Jinchi from the Blood Dragon Squad!"

Zhao Chong rubbed his eyes in disbelief, "It was a human-transformed blade!! Could that move just now be a Martial Soul Fusion Skill? No wonder it was so terrifyingly powerful!"

Guo Xiaoxu stared fixedly at Sima Jinchi, "It was a Martial Soul Fusion Skill, and it worked without physical contact!"

It was then that he felt his understanding of Tang Wulin was still too limited!

The other high-ranking members of the federation speculated, "I guess this Elder Xu must be representing the Sea God Pavilion to advocate for peace!"

"Indeed, Shrek Academy has always been neutral; they certainly wouldn't want to see a major conflict between the Federation and the Star Luo Empire! It would affect the peace of the entire world!"

"If the emperor of the Star Luo Empire had provided a reasonable explanation earlier, it wouldn't have escalated to this situation!"

The leading man's expression shifted uneasily, but he still ordered, "Bring that Elder Xu over; I want to see what his purpose was for coming here!"

Before long, Xu Sheng and Dai Yun'er had entered the conference room together...

Facing the gaze of the crowd, Xu Sheng smiled lightly without a change in his expression, "Distinguished officials of the federation, we meet again!"

Dai Yun'er, on the other hand, felt the intense pressure, nearly spelling out 'nervous' on her face...

One of the high-ranking officials of the federation took the initiative to speak, "Elder Xu, I believe that as an Elder of the Sea God Pavilion, you should be aware that our federation is currently in a very tense situation. Therefore, we temporarily have no time to receive you!"

Another high-ranking official of the federation echoed, "Indeed, if you do not have any important matters to communicate, Elder Xu, please feel free to excuse yourself!"

"Moreover, despite being a high-ranking elder of the Sea God Pavilion, you cannot just enter the federation at will. Please remember that!"

Hearing the hint of ushering her out in their words, Xu Sheng was not annoyed. She spoke calmly, "Before that, let me introduce to everyone, this child is Her Royal Highness, Princess Dai Yun'er of the Star Luo Empire!"

Dai Yun'er buried her head a little nervously, her lips slightly pursed...

As soon as she spoke, the high-ranking officials of the federation present exclaimed in astonishment, "The Princess of the Star Luo Empire? Isn't she the emperor's sister??"

The following day, the federation issued a declaration of war against the Star Luo Empire, and the situation instantly became tense...

Shrek Academy's inner court!

Xie Xie clicked his tongue, "This morning, the Douluo Federation seems to have officially declared war on the Star Luo Empire. War is about to break out!"

Ye Xinglan frowned and said, "Haven't the relations between both parties always been lukewarm? For no reason at all, why would the federation declare war on the Star Luo Empire?"

Yue Zhengyu added, "It seems that the federation's team was attacked within the territory of the Star Luo Empire, and the current emperor has yet to come forward to explain, leading to such a deterioration!"

Xu Xiaoyan sighed, "Alas, Yun'er, I don't know what your brother is thinking. If he just explained to the federation, the situation would've been completely different."

Dai Yun'er pursed her lips and said word by word, "That won't happen. Something must have happened to my brother, that's why he can't appear!"

It's most likely the work of those evil Soul Masters from the Holy Spirit Cult!

Gu Yue's beautiful eyes flickered with curiosity, "If a war really breaks out, have you decided which side you want to help, Yun'er?"

Dai Yun'er is the Princess of the Star Luo Empire, but now, she is also a part of the Soul Land...

Dai Yun'er was stunned, hesitating, "I... "

Tang Wulin looked at Gu Yue helplessly, "Gu Yue, at times like these, stop joking around!"

He then reassured Dai Yun'er, "Yun'er, don't worry. Given the current situation, the academy will definitely not allow a war to happen, so it will surely try to prevent it!"

Just then, a female voice sounded beside them, "Indeed, regarding this matter, the academy indeed does not plan to sit idly by!"

It was none other than Shen Yi!

Everyone chorused, "Teacher Shen!"

Shen Yi nodded in acknowledgment and then commanded, "Shrek Seven Monsters, and Her Royal Highness, Princess Dai Yun'er of the Star Luo Empire, you must head to the Sea God Pavilion immediately!"

Seeing Halosa holding a slender gray against the ground and gently tracing it, he said coldly, "Netherworld Reincarnation!"

At the very least, he felt a sense of crisis that even surpassed the Hierarch!

"The Vice Sect Hierarch is truly formidable. Just by using the Domain, he allows these ants to experience..."

