
Chapter 3094 Forced to Leave_1

After returning to her own palace, Xue Qinghe dispelled her soul bone skill...

The entire demeanor of the person became incredibly solemn...

The Serpent Spear Douluo and Porcupine Douluo were both clearly aware that the former's mood was not good...

The former whispered, "Porcupine, what's happened to the Holy Daughter? She seems to be in a really bad mood!"

The latter nodded and replied softly, "Yeah, it probably has something to do with the unexpected visit to the imperial palace by people from the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect!"

Suddenly, Qian Renxue glanced at them and began to speak in a heavy tone, "Serpent Spear Douluo, Porcupine Douluo!"

Both of them were startled and looked intently at her, "Your Highness the Holy Daughter!"

They had not guessed wrong; something had indeed happened!

Qian Renxue spoke again, "The situation has gotten a bit troubling!"

"Because of Xue Xing's suggestion, Xue Ye agreed to send all princes to the Heaven Dou Royal Academy except for me!"

"There are many Soul Masters inside; to act again and let them die naturally within the academy is extremely difficult!"

Hearing this, the Serpent Spear Douluo frowned, "If what Your Highness the Holy Daughter says is true and all princes have entered the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, then we likely can't sneak in either!"

Porcupine Douluo agreed, "Yeah, not to mention the troublesome fellow Du Gu Bo at the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, there are also other Soul Masters with strong spiritual power!"

"Things have indeed become complicated!"

After a pause, he said again, "However, just this point shouldn't be enough to trouble Your Highness, should it?"

Qian Renxue gave him a glance and nodded, "Yes... What truly troubles me is actually another matter!"

"Xue Ye plans to have the powerhouses secretly protecting the Tian Dou Imperial Family guard me closely, with the least of them being at the Titled Douluo level!"

The Serpent Spear Douluo's eyes widened, exclaiming, "A Titled Douluo level powerhouse as a personal guard? How could this be! Doesn't that mean we won't be able to stay in this palace and also won't be able to get close to Your Highness the Holy Daughter!"

Porcupine Douluo also clenched his teeth in frustration, "Yeah, if we don't stay by your side, Your Highness, exposure would mean certain death!"

"No, this absolutely cannot happen!!"

Qian Renxue sighed, "Of course I wouldn't want this, as being unable to contact you would greatly affect the plan!"

"Even crucial intelligence wouldn't be able to be relayed back to the Worship Hall immediately!"

She was greatly troubled by Xue Ye's proposal but could not find a reason to refuse!

Otherwise, the latter would likely notice something!

Porcupine Douluo hesitated for a moment, then suggested, "Your Highness the Holy Daughter, why don't you try to refuse?"

Qian Renxue shook her head, "The likelihood is small; Xue Ye wouldn't joke about such matters!"

Once he has made a decision, even the most valued 'Crown Prince Xue Qinghe' would find it difficult to change it!

The Serpent Spear Douluo's eyes flashed with intense killing intent, "Damn it, does that mean we can only stand by and watch Your Highness the Holy Daughter be surveilled by the royals' strong men?"

"We might as well take the risk, the Porcupine and I could join forces to eliminate that Soul Master powerhouse!!"

Qian Renxue immediately objected, "No!"

"If you fail to kill him, the consequences would be unimaginable, possibly leading to the collapse of everything!"

She did not want to destroy the plan she had been scheming for years over one person!

The Serpent Spear Douluo was feeling frustrated, "This won't do; that won't do; what do you propose we do, Your Highness the Holy Daughter??"

"We can't possibly just return to the Worship Hall and leave you alone in the imperial palace, right?"

To their surprise, Qian Renxue nodded earnestly, "Actually, that is exactly what I was thinking!"

Without a doubt, this was met with refusal from the Serpent Spear Douluo and Porcupine Douluo…

"I disagree!!"

"Allowing the Holy Daughter to stay alone in the imperial palace, don't even mention how dangerous that is!"

Their purpose for staying here was to protect Qian Renxue!

If they returned to the Worship Hall on their own, they would likely face the Grand Elder's punishment!

Qian Renxue felt somewhat moved but still patiently explained, "Serpent Spear, Porcupine, I know you are both concerned for my well-being, but for the plan to continue, we must inevitably take some risks!!"

"Moreover, as long as I don't show any signs or traces during your absence, no one will be able to trouble me!"

Serpent Spear Douluo and Porcupine Douluo clenched their fists, struggling within their minds…

Qian Renxue chuckled lightly, pressing further, "What, don't you trust me?"

"Or, are you doubting my abilities?"

Taking a deep breath, Serpent Spear Douluo also made up his mind…

"Holy Daughter, you misunderstand; since you suggest staying, there must be an absolute assurance, and naturally I have no reason to object!"

Seeing this, Porcupine Douluo scolded, "Serpent Spear, do you know what you're saying?"

Serpent Spear Douluo gave him a glance, challenging, "Aside from this, do you have another plan?"

Porcupine Douluo was at a loss for words, "I..."

Indeed, he could think of no other way!

To defy orders and forcibly stay in the imperial palace would certainly be noticed by powerful figures of the royal household!

Qian Renxue didn't allow them to continue discussing and interrupted, "Alright, this is the decision. After you return, just tell Grandpa it was my own idea, he will understand!"

Porcupine Douluo could only nod, "Yes, Holy Daughter!"

"But, that powerful individual from the royal household, when will they come to protect you?"

Qian Renxue recalled for a moment and gave a specific answer…

"According to Xue Ye's words, they will come tomorrow, so, I'm afraid you two might have to leave the imperial palace tonight!"

If they were to leave tomorrow, it might be too late!

Who knows what mishaps could occur!

Serpent Spear Douluo and Porcupine Douluo exchanged glances, seeing the meaning in each other's eyes…

Night fell!

Seizing a moment when the defenses were down, Serpent Spear Douluo and Porcupine Douluo took the opportunity to leave the imperial palace undetected!

And as Qian Renxue sensed their presence completely vanish, she couldn't help but sigh, "They've already left, huh? Even though I said that before, being left all alone still feels a bit unfamiliar!"

Without Serpent Spear and Porcupine, she would have to be extremely careful with her actions going forward!

It would be best to do nothing at all!

At that moment, she suddenly felt a fluctuation of soul power within the palace, and then, an elder appeared out of thin air…

His impassive eyes swept over her, "You must be Crown Prince Xue Qinghe, right?"

Immediately, Qian Renxue gave a salute, "Yes, senior, you must be the powerful Soul Master who my father mentioned, the one to protect the imperial household, correct?"

Thankfully she had previously used her spirit bone skill, or by now, she would have likely been exposed!

The other nodded, hands behind his back, and said once more, "Correct, from today onwards, I shall be responsible for your protection!"