
Chapter 2832 Strengthening Control_1


Upon hearing these words, Yue Zhengyu inhaled sharply, "Hiss, Xie Xie faced the Ghost Emperor alone and even survived? Is he really that formidable?"

If it were him without using sacrifice to enhance his own strength, it might be questionable whether he could last ten minutes, let alone survive!

Ye Xinglan pondered, "Xie Xie's Spatial Soul Skill is very unique. Unless it's a powerful being capable of using Spatial Ability, it's very difficult to inflict effective damage on him. Presumably, that's how he managed to protect Xue Yuntian."

Tang Wulin affirmed, "Mm, that should be the case. I have experienced Xie Xie's Spatial Soul Skill. It's completely impossible to track his movement with spiritual power!"

After becoming a God, the Ghost Emperor transformed his Soul Power into Divine Power, but his spiritual power didn't increase that much!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been disturbed by Gu Yue's spiritual attack in the last battle!

Seeing this, Xu Xiaoyan remarked with emotion, "No matter what, it's good that Xie Xie is fine. It would have been too much of a waste if he had fallen while protecting Xue Yuntian!"

Xu Lizhi also chimed in, "That's for sure. Xie Xie is one of our most important companions. Choosing between him and Xue Yuntian, is there even a need to think about it?"

If Xue Yuntian is gone, the Douling Empire will just get a new emperor!

But without Xie Xie, we would lose an important companion!

Only Yuanen Yehui wore a worried look, "But, I'm a bit concerned about whether the treatment conditions in the Douling Empire are good enough to heal Xie Xie."

He had already lost a loved one once before and didn't want to experience that indescribable pain again!

As a Saint Soul Douluo, Elder Ya'li could see through her thoughts at a glance...

She immediately revealed a smile full of warmth, comforting, "Yehui, I understand your concerns. It's true that the overall level of Soul Masters in the Douling Empire is weaker, but they have many strong support-class Soul Masters!"

"As long as Xie Xie hasn't suffered fatal injuries, he should be able to fully recover!"

This statement undoubtedly served as a reassurance for Yuanen Yehui, who murmured, "Is… is that so? Then that's good!"

Cai Yue'er couldn't help but cough to remind, "Yehui, if you're really worried about Xie Xie, you can go to the Douling Empire yourself and bring him back!"

"With the presence of the Elders at the academy, we won't fear a sudden attack!"

After all, it's easy to understand the emotions of someone whose lover has been seriously injured!

Yuanen Zhentian took a deep breath and said seriously, "That's right, if you want to go, Yehui, just do it. Leave the academy to us, don't feel pressured!"

Lan Muzi also agreed, "Yeah, and take the opportunity to thank Xie Xie for us. After all... he must have made a lot of effort to protect Xue Yuntian!"

Tang Yinmeng made a funny face. "By the way, I always thought he was a coward before, but this time has completely changed my view of him!"

Yuanen Yehui hesitated, "This... "

She glanced sideways at Tang Wulin and the others, receiving a decidedly affirmative look...

Upon thinking this through, she said seriously, "I understand. Then I will head to the Douling Empire!"

If Xie Xie is seriously injured, it's also good to bring him back in time for Elder Ya'li's treatment!

In her hands, as long one still breathes, death is not an option!!


Spirit Pagoda!

Di Tian reported with a grave expression, "Master, we just received news that the Douling Empire Imperial Palace seems to have been attacked by the Ghost Emperor!!"

Gu Yuena's pupils contracted, "Attacked by the Ghost Emperor? Does that mean Xue Yuntian is dead?"


If Douluo Empire were to fall into chaos, it wouldn't do any good for my plan, but of course, it wouldn't harm it either!

Di Tian shook his head, denying, "No, Xue Yuntian was lucky to survive, under the protection of that Shrek ... That Elder from Sea God's Pavilion named Xie Xie!"

He also had an impression of this Xie Xie!

He possessed the Temporal-Spatial Dragon Spirit and was also one of the closest companions of our Lord in the past!

As expected, upon hearing the name Xie Xie, Gu Yuena's eyes showed a hint of concern, she pondered silently, "Xie Xie? How is he in the Douluo Empire, and moreover, he protected Xue Yuntian!"

Xie Xie wasn't someone who couldn't see the situation clearly, but he fought against the God Rank Ghost Emperor for Xue Yuntian!

Thinking of this, she asked Di Tian, "Did you find out about Xie Xie's condition?"

Di Tian didn't conceal anything, replying truthfully, "It seems he has been seriously injured, and is currently receiving all-out treatment from Douluo Empire!"

After getting the answer, Gu Yuena turned around...

Seeing this, Di Tian couldn't help but ask, "My Lord, are you planning to go to Douluo Empire?"

Gu Yuena looked deeply at him, "Of course not, the Spirit Pagoda is in a critical period now, how could I possibly leave? I'm just going to check on how the research is progressing!"

Di Tian sighed with relief, "Then I'll accompany you!"

Gu Yuena firmly refused, "No, you have other things to do, and that is to have all the Soul Masters of the Spirit Pagoda enter the Ten Thousand Beast Platform in turns!"

Since too much time has passed, the control effect over these Soul Masters has been significantly weakened...

Therefore, it must be strengthened again to prevent any accidents!

Di Tian naturally agreed, "I understand, My Lord!!"


Soon, Di Tian and Bi Ji gathered all members of the Spirit Pagoda headquarters and conveyed the order issued by Gu Yuena...

"All members of the Spirit Pagoda headquarters, heed the order, each and every one of you must enter the Spirit Pagoda once to test your current strength!"

Upon hearing this undisputable command, some of the Spirit Pagoda members felt puzzled...

"How strange, isn't this the most critical period for the Spirit Pagoda? Why does the Pagoda Master want us all to use the Ten Thousand Beast Platform in turns?"

"Yeah, I'm also a bit unclear, isn't the most important task right now to produce as many soul-guided weapons as possible to combat the federation?"

"Maybe, it's to test our overall strength, preparing strategies for the upcoming battles"

Yet, other Spirit Pagoda members spoke irritably, "This isn't something to even think about, the Pagoda Master wants us, the members of the Spirit Pagoda, to become stronger. That's why we're allowed to enter the Ten Thousand Beast Platform!!"

"Exactly, how can we contend with other powers if we don't get stronger? Don't forget, the federation almost used a God-Slaying Level soul-guided missile to bomb us, we can't just let that go!"

"Hmph, in my opinion, the Vice Tower Master wouldn't have been attacked by the evil Soul Master for no reason, it must be those scoundrels from the federation colluding with the Holy Spirit Cult, we must avenge the Vice Tower Master!"

"Yes! Avenge the Vice Tower Master!!"

As Di Tian and Bi Ji listened to these discussions, their expressions remained unchanged...

In their eyes, as long as these Spirit Pagoda members obediently entered the Ten Thousand Beast Platform, nothing else mattered!!

"Everyone quiet down, open the channel to the Ten Thousand Beast Platform immediately, and enter in batches in turns!!"