
Chapter 2770 Surveillance_1

Martial Soul Hall, within the academy established inside the Pope Hall...

Hulena, Flame, and Evil Moon were sitting together, their expressions somewhat somber...

The other members of the Golden Generation nearby all wore puzzled looks...

"What's with the saint heir? They all look so worried, like they didn't sleep well!"

"I have no idea. They've been like this since they came back yesterday. I even tried to start a conversation, but they totally ignored me. Could it be that something happened in the great hall after we left?"

"Hiss... The more I look, the more curious I get. I really want to find out what happened that made them like this!"

"I guess, could it be because Xu Sheng was arranged to come here to study, which caused discontent with the Holy Daughter and the others?"

Upon hearing this, Hulena and the others almost simultaneously looked up, directing their gazes at him...

The former swallowed nervously and cautiously asked, "So... uh, is there a problem with what I said?"

Hulena turned her gaze away and sighed, "It's nothing. It's just strange to mention, because until now, the teacher hasn't let Xu Sheng come here to study!"

He had already shown such great strength; the teacher surely wouldn't miss this opportunity!

Flame agreed strongly, chiming in, "Yeah, it is indeed strange. With his talent, he is qualified to join the Spirit Hall Golden Generation, or even to be established as a new Saint Heir!"

After all, Xu Sheng was even more outstanding than Hulena!

Evil Moon, who had been silent until now, took a deep breath, "Nana, Flame, what if, with Xu Sheng's strength, he doesn't need to study here?"

Innate Soul Power Level Ninety, with such a genius, there is no need to treat him in ordinary ways!

Perhaps the Pope herself also believes that mixing him with us would be a waste of his talent!

As soon as this statement came out, Hulena and Flame were hit again, sighing speechlessly...

In that instant, the rest of the Golden Generation members also discerned the reason...

"I see it now; the reason the saint heir are so down seems to be because of the talent displayed by Xu Sheng yesterday, which gave them quite a blow!"

"Yesterday... Oh, that guy named Xu Sheng, his mere existence is just unreasonable!"

"Stop talking about that, if it were me, I would definitely be so overwhelmed that I couldn't even practice normally!"

"I actually think it's better if such a person doesn't come to our place, or else..."

Amidst this discussion, they suddenly saw an unexpected face appear at the gates of the academy...

It was none other than Xu Sheng!

Standing on either side behind him were Yueguan and Gui Mei...

One could tell how much Bi Bidong valued him, and of course, how cautious she was!

Hulena and her companions also noticed them and hurried over, respectfully greeting, "Chrysanthemum Douluo, Ghost Douluo!"

Yueguan nodded slightly, stating in an undeniable tone, "Hmm! Since all of you are here, then I will announce something. Starting from today, Xu Sheng will be studying here with you all!"

Gui Mei, standing beside, remained silent, obviously giving his assent...

Upon hearing this, Flame tried to force a smile and said, "Uh... Chrysanthemum Douluo, with Xu Sheng's talent, isn't it unnecessary for him to study with us here?"

What I feared has come to pass, if this guy really studies with us, who could focus on cultivating?

Yueguan glanced at him coldly and said, "Although I also believe so, this is a decision made by the Pope. If you have any objections, you can go and ask her yourself!"

Hulena hurriedly explained, "Chrysanthemum Douluo, Flame was just joking. Since it's a decision by the teacher, we will naturally follow it!"

Yueguan then turned to Xu Sheng, speaking with profound meaning, "Xu Sheng, from now on, you will study here. Try not to cause any trouble!"

Xu Sheng replied, unfazed, "Yes, Chrysanthemum Douluo!"

Yueguan then turned around, "Lao Gui, let's go!"

However, as the two of them left, they did not forget to communicate with each other using their spiritual power...

"Xu Sheng, although His Holiness the Pope has arranged for you to learn here, we will always be watching you in the shadows. If you dare do anything you shouldn't, don't even think about leaving the Pope Hall alive!!"

Xu Sheng couldn't help but lament in his heart, "Yueguan and Gui Mei still harbor a great deal of hostility towards me because of what happened last time!"

Immediately after, he regained his composure and turned to look at Hulena and the others in front of him...

The most conspicuous among them, Flame, mustered up the courage to warn, "Kid, since you have been arranged by His Holiness the Pope to study here, you should listen to..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was hastily interrupted by Evil Moon, "Xu Sheng, what Flame means is that we welcome you to join us!!"

Hulena was also somewhat flustered as she said, "Yes, yes, Flame doesn't mean any harm!"

Xu Sheng nodded to show he understood and replied with a gentle tone, "I know, I look forward to your guidance from now on!"

Hulena's cheeks flushed, "Uh..."

It seemed that Xu Sheng was not that difficult to get along with after all,

Even though he possessed such formidable strength, not a trace of arrogance was seen...

Thinking this, she shifted her gaze to the other members who did not dare to speak up and suggested, "Let's all introduce ourselves. After all, we will be living together from now on!"

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately showed an embarrassed expression...

But still, they toughened up and introduced themselves...

After all, offending a Title Douluo who was a powerhouse with ten lives wasn't something they could afford to do!


Yueguan, who had already left and was hiding not far away to observe, said with a look of surprise on his face, "This kid, he's actually able to blend in so easily with Evil Moon and the others. I thought it would be more troublesome."

"Don't you think so, Lao Gui?"

Next to him, Gui Mei spoke expressionlessly, "After all, they are of the same age, so it shouldn't be so hard to get along. Of course, it also means that Xu Sheng is well-versed in handling such situations!"

Yueguan frowned, "What should we do next then? Just keep watching this kid Xu Sheng here?"

Does that not mean we have no opportunity to do tasks for His Holiness the Pope!

Gui Mei pondered for a while and then answered, "Xu Sheng is an uncontrollable risk, we must keep an eye on him at all times until we are absolutely certain he is not a problem!"

"Even during the night when we sleep, it's the same!"

Yueguan rolled his eyes, "Lao Gui, even if it's an order from His Holiness the Pope, surely it doesn't need to go to this extent?"

He certainly didn't want to waste the majority of his time on Xu Sheng in the future!!

He was a Soul Master too, and he needed to cultivate!!

Gui Mei opened his mouth and then said again, "How about this? Yueguan, you and I will take turns watching over him during the day and night. This way, we can also share the concerns of His Holiness the Pope!"

As for sleeping, at their level, it was almost negligible!!

Upon hearing this, Yueguan responded joyfully, "Lao Gui, that's a good suggestion. Let's do that. I will go and report to His Holiness the Pope now!!"

Gui Mei naturally had no objections, "Hmm, I will stay here and continue to keep an eye on him!!"


