
Chapter 2736: Rallying the Troops_1

The elder sighed but still spoke up, "Since His Majesty the Emperor says so, I naturally won't interfere, but your recent state..."

Dai Yueyan was taken aback, "My recent state?"

The former nodded and said in an extremely serious tone, "Haven't you noticed, Your Majesty? Ever since Her Royal Highness the Princess left the imperial palace, you have been in low spirits every day as if you have lost your soul!"

"If this continues, I'm afraid it will affect the decisions regarding the Xingluo Empire!"

Dai Yueyan opened his mouth, conveying a slight bitterness, "Is...is that so?"

He hadn't expected his concern over Yun'er's matters to be so evident...

He then responded once more, "Thank you for the reminder; I will try my best to calm my mind from now on!"

The elder nodded slightly, "Yes, it is good for Your Majesty to do so."

But soon after, Dai Yueyan's eyes flashed with sharpness, "Right, there have been some rumors circulating in Soul Land recently, seemingly about the God-killing soul-guided missile!"

As the Emperor of the Xingluo Empire, he too was deeply wary of the God-killing soul-guided missile!

If there was intent behind it, the entire Star Luo Empire Palace could be leveled to the ground in an instant!

This was also the reason why he dared not take purposeful actions against Soul Land!

The old man's expression turned solemn, "Regarding this matter, I was just about to report to Your Majesty!"

"According to investigations, it seems that the civilians and Soul Masters throughout Soul Land have come to know that the federation's God-Slaying Level soul-guided missile has become ineffective, though the federation has not admitted it!"

"Surely, it must be some faction that has deliberately spread such rumors!"

Dai Yueyan exclaimed in surprise, "A God-Slaying Level soul-guided missile has become ineffective? This should be good news for our Xingluo Empire."

At the very least, a fatal threat has been removed!

The elder agreed but added, "Even so, whether the God-Slaying Level soul-guided missile has indeed become ineffective or not remains unconfirmed."

Dai Yueyan propped up his chin, pondering, "Hmm... this matter has far-reaching implications; we must find out the truth!"

"However, if it is false news deliberately released by another force, it will soon fall apart on its own, and if it's true, the federation must be under unprecedented pressure now..."

"Still, which power would go to such lengths against the federation!"

The federation is a superpower of Soul Land, far beyond the reach of sectors like the Tang Sect!

Upon hearing this, the elder suddenly reminded him, "Your Majesty, in my personal estimation, I'm afraid it's the Spirit Pagoda!"

Dai Yueyan showed interest and asked in confusion, "The reason?"

Though he too had this premonition, he still wanted to hear the other's reasons!

The elder continued, "Perhaps it is because the Spirit Pagoda has recently absorbed a large number of Soul Masters from Soul Land and, having gained enough confidence, now seeks to lower the federations' status!"

"This matter could very well be a deliberate plot by the Spirit Pagoda!"

Dai Yueyan agreed with the speculation, "Hmm, that does coincide with my own thoughts!"

Seeing this, the former pursued further, "Then Your Majesty, what should we..."

Dai Yueyan closed his eyes and did not change his stance because of this...

"Just as I said before, let's first ascertain whether this matter is true or false, and then discuss the next step!"


Several days later...

Federation, Council Hall!

All the council members had gathered, their cheeks flush with anger...

One of them slammed the table and exclaimed, "Damn it, the Spirit Pagoda spread the news so quickly, now all the Soul Masters and civilians across the Soul Land know about the God-Slaying Level soul-guided missile failure!"

Another council member chimed in, "That's right, with this, the position of the Spirit Pagoda in the Soul Land is enough to overshadow us!"

The Spirit Pagoda had already absorbed enough Soul Masters, and with this incident, the federation might face even fewer newcomers joining in the future!

However, some of the more rational members raised their objections...

"Enough! What we should be considering now are not questions of status, but the fact that without the God-Slaying Level soul-guided missiles, we have no assurance of victory even in a head-to-head confrontation with the Spirit Pagoda!"

"The God-Slaying Level soul-guided missiles were our ace in the hole against the Spirit Pagoda, and now... we can say we're in the worst possible situation!"

"Had I known this would happen, I would have never agreed to the plan of deploying the God-Slaying Level soul-guided missiles!"

How could they have imagined that the Spirit Pagoda was harboring such a scheme!

Seeing the council members anxious and in turmoil, the lead chairman could not help but reprimand, "Silence! I convened this meeting to think of countermeasures, not to blame one another!"

Who would have known that instead of calming the members down, his words just redirected their anger towards him...

"Silence? How can we stay silent? From any angle, the federation can no longer surpass the Spirit Pagoda; I think we should just give up!"

"Hmph, Chairman, at a time like this, do you still expect to command us based on your status? You can't escape blame in this matter!"

"Chairman, you've grown too complacent in your seat, completely disregarding our words!"

Hearing these rebuking words, the chairman immediately stood up, his eyes fixed on everyone, and he spoke word by word, "As the Chairman, I indeed bear a significant part of the responsibility for the attack on the God-Slaying Level soul-guided missiles, but don't forget, deploying them was a plan agreed upon by every member here, by each and every council member!"

"If we're to be truthful here, none of us have the right to continue holding our positions as council members!"

With this statement, the council members' rage began to fade, and they hung their heads in guilt...

Indeed, the chairman alone could not have initiated the deployment of the God-Slaying Level soul-guided missiles!

All council members bore an undeniable responsibility!

The chairman did not pause, continuing, "While that's true, any major internal upheaval within the federation under such circumstances would have no small impact!"

"Therefore, I hope everyone will adopt a mindset of atonement, and find ways to rectify this mistake!"

"Only then will you be worthy of the positions you currently hold!"

After hearing these words, the council members' spirits were reignited...

Not just for the federation, but for themselves as well!

"The chairman is right; since the incident has occurred, no amount of blame or avoidance will help. We should do our utmost to make amends!"

"Yes! Even without the God-Slaying Level soul-guided missiles, our federation, with its long heritage, is not so easily manipulated!"

"That's right, does the Spirit Pagoda have more Soul Masters than our federation? But when it comes to technology, we are not necessarily weaker than them!"

The chairman nodded in satisfaction, "It seems everyone has calmed down. Now, let's begin discussion on how to deal with the Spirit Pagoda after losing the God-Slaying Level soul-guided missiles!"


