
Chapter 229 Perhaps You Really Can Become a God (Please Subscribe)_1

When the Deepsea Devil Whale King realized what was happening, and saw the Golden Holy Sword falling from the sky, its blood-red eyes violently contracted, sensing an intense crisis from above!

The next moment, it hurriedly attempted to move its massive body to avoid it...

However, even as it moved at its fastest speed, it was already too late!!

The Golden Giant Sword plunged straight into its several hundred-meter-long tail!

"Boom!!" On impact, the Giant Sword split its flesh, shone with infinite light, and forcefully sunk halfway into the tail of the Deepsea Devil Whale King before coming to a stop.

The immense pain struck the Deepsea Devil Whale King as though it had been dealt a severe blow, and a fierce roar burst forth from its mouth, "ROAR!!!!"

Furious, the Deepsea Devil Whale King seemed ready to crush Xu Sheng into dust, "Human!!!! You have enraged me!"

But because the Giant Sword was lodged in its tail, even moving had become extremely difficult!

Observing this, Xu Sheng narrowed his eyes, only to see that even though the Deepsea Devil Whale King opened its mouth, nothing appeared, "What's this..."

However, the next moment, Xu Sheng witnessed a shocking scene!

Inside the teeth of the Deepsea Devil Whale King, a mass of pitch-black substance was gathering energy, instilling in Xu Sheng a deep sense of crisis...

If this sinister attack were to hit, it would not kill him but would certainly cause grave injuries!

The pitch-black substance in the mouth of the Deepsea Devil Whale King gradually accumulated to the size of several dozen meters and showed no signs of stopping...

It seemed intent on using this single move to finish off Xu Sheng!

Recognizing the Deepsea Devil Whale King's intentions, Xu Sheng's eyes hardened, and the fourth crimson Soul Ring under his feet lit up!

Fourth Soul Skill, Rose Slash!!

One hundred consecutive waves of Sword Qi were released, each strike reducing the defense of the impacted area by ten percent!

After hitting with more than ten Sword Qi, it could cause additional damage, up to two thousand percent!

The next moment, the Ice Rose Sword in Xu Sheng's left hand glowed with a scorching fluorescence, signaling the emergence of an extremely sharp force!

Xu Sheng led with a horizontal sweep of the Destruction Trident in his hand!

Destruction Thirteen Forms, Disorderly Storm!

The massive storm spread rapidly toward the Deepsea Devil Whale King...

The latter seemed to be aware of the move but paid no attention to it, instead continuing to gather the black substance in its mouth, which had grown to a hundred meters in size...

However, when it was hit by the Disorderly Storm, it was instantly bound! Its mouth also stopped gathering power!

Seizing this opportunity, Xu Sheng swung the Ice Rose Sword in his left hand toward the Deepsea Devil Whale King; the speed was so fast that countless afterimages appeared, and a hundred Sword Qi, sharp with the sensation of cutting, slashed toward the Deepsea Devil Whale King!


The hundred waves of Sword Qi made continuous tearing sounds through the air as they rushed towards the Deepsea Devil Whale King's gaping mouth, which was accumulating the black substance...

After the first Sword Qi struck, it shattered instantly, causing no damage at all...

Then, the second Sword Qi also immediately shattered... reducing twenty percent of the defense!

The third Sword Qi... reduced thirty percent of the defense...


The eighth Sword Qi! It cut through the teeth of the Deepsea Devil Whale King, causing blood to spill out... reducing eighty percent of the defense!!!


When the tenth Qi slashed through, it split one of the Deepsea Devil Whale King's teeth in half!!

Blood continuously emerged from its mouth, dyeing the surrounding sea with red, as the reek of blood assaulted the senses!!

The Deepsea Devil Whale King seemed to realize the peculiarity of these Sword Qi and deftly turned its massive head to the side, causing the remaining Sword Qi to all strike its back.

Afterwards, it shook violently, and the rest of the ninety Sword Qi failed to hit the same spot, merely leaving several marks on its back!!

Xu Sheng's gaze was fixed on the pitch-black substance in the mouth of the Deepsea Devil Whale King, thinking anxiously, "What kind of soul skill is that? To withstand the Sword Qi just to block it!"

When the Deepsea Devil Whale King turned its head again, the pitch-black substance in its mouth had already reached an astonishing three to four hundred meters!

It was almost a quarter of the size of its body!

Then, its bloodshot eyes filled with red pupils...

Suddenly, it spit out the pitch-black substance that was hundreds of meters across…

Without the Deepsea Devil Whale King's control, the black substance exploded in front of it, forming a massive black hole three to four hundred meters in size!

Terrifying suction emanated from it, ceaselessly devouring everything drawn in by its force!

Xu Sheng, who was observing, hadn't even reacted when he found himself sucked towards the black hole, ending up only a few dozen meters away from it...

In his anxiety, he heatedly wielded the Destruction Trident in his hand...

Disorderly Storm! Not for use on others!

But for himself!!

The Disorderly Storm forcefully bound Xu Sheng in place, temporarily resisting the pull of the black hole's suction…

Xu Sheng's seventh soul ring abruptly lit up beneath his feet…

"Seventh soul skill!!! Rose True Body!!"

The next moment, a faint blue silhouette hundreds of meters tall slowly emerged behind him, with an Ice Rose Sword forming slowly in its hands!

However, this size still seemed too small compared to the Deepsea Devil Whale King!

Xu Sheng took a deep breath and thought, "This is still not enough!"

With that, he began frantically infusing his Martial Soul True Body with immense Soul Power!

The latter's body also started to grow rapidly…

In just a few seconds, the Martial Soul True Body had reached a terrifying height almost equal to that of the Deepsea Devil Whale King!

The Deepsea Devil Whale King, staring at the enormous blue figure before it, couldn't help but widen its blood-red pupils…

It sensed a power from this being that was incredibly close to that of a god!

Xu Sheng took another deep breath, and his sixth soul ring suddenly lit up at his feet!

Normal physical space would surely not disrupt this black hole; rather, it would be absorbed, so he would have to use a spatial soul skill to destroy it!

Sixth soul skill, Spatial Slash!!!

This pale blue figure, with blue flames flickering in its pupils, raised the Ice Rose Sword, which was radiating dazzling white light, the next moment!

It aimed a slash at the black hole in front of it!!

Huge white sword qi surged forth from the Ice Rose Sword, crashing against the giant black hole…

Then, after emitting a pulse that made hearts palpitate, they both perished together…

With the black hole gone, the formidable suction naturally vanished as well…

And just at that moment, the effect of Disorderly Storm on Xu Sheng's body had also worn off…

Thus, in the stilled space, Xu Sheng and the Deepsea Devil Whale King locked eyes...

The Deepsea Devil Whale King's blood-red pupils were fixed on Xu Sheng, "Human, aside from gods, you are the strongest person I've encountered in the Lower Realm! Perhaps, you really can become a god!"

It had already suffered grievous injuries, especially the Golden Holy Sword still embedded in its tail.

While the man in front of it had Soul Power seemingly endless, showing no signs of exhaustion whatsoever!

Xu Sheng spoke indifferently, "Not perhaps, but certainly."

The crimson in the Deepsea Devil Whale King's eyes slowly faded, with a hint of resignation it said, "Perhaps you're right! The Sea God has always seen me merely as a soul ring for his successor!"

Xu Sheng's calm gaze met the Deepsea Devil Whale King's, "So, what is your choice?"