
Chapter 2242: Ambush of the Holy Spirit Cult (Please Subscribe)_1

Gu Yue cast another glance at the two of them and said indifferently, "That's all I have to say, I'll be leaving now!"

Just as she turned to leave, the Azure Oxpython suddenly spoke up to stop her, "Wait, if you encounter danger in the future, we may consider helping you!"

Gu Yue paused for a moment, then replied in a tone devoid of any emotion, "Thank you."

After speaking, her figure and aura disappeared from the Ten Thousand Beast Platform!

Watching her departure, the Titan Ape voiced his confusion, "Big brother, why has Gu Yuena's character changed so much? She's completely different from when she led Di Tian and other ferocious beasts here!"

Such caring words would never come from her mouth!

The Azure Oxpython glanced at him, "Second brother, haven't you realized it yet?"

The Titan Ape looked puzzled, "Realized what?"

There doesn't seem to be any deeper meaning in what Gu Yue just said, right?

Seeing his reaction, the Azure Oxpython knew he hadn't grasped it, and explained, "That child seems to have two personalities inside her! But, it seems they have been forcibly fused together, so it's not surprising that she would act out unexpectedly!"

The Titan Ape gasped in astonishment, "Sss... Are you saying that just now it was another personality of Gu Yuena in control?"

If that was the case, then everything could be explained!

The Azure Oxpython shook his head, "No, there is no other personality now, Gu Yuena is her only personality!"

The confused Titan Ape smacked his lips, "I really didn't expect her to have such a side. Big brother, you couldn't have noticed this long ago, could you?"

Rather than responding directly, the Azure Oxpython retorted, "Shouldn't I be the one to say to you that after all this time, you still haven't noticed?"

The Titan Ape was taken aback...

and quickly changed the subject, "So what should we do?"

"What do you mean what should we do?"

"I mean, she said we could take human form and move freely in the Spirit Pagoda on regular days, didn't she?"

"Let's just forget about it. Although staying here is lonely, it's better than interacting with humans!"

They had no patience for humans at all!

The Titan Ape nodded slightly, "Big brother, I'll follow your lead!"


At this moment, the Blood Dragon Squad and the Shrek Seven Monsters were leading soldiers to search around the Blood God Army!

Xie Xie stretched lazily, a blade of grass in his mouth, and said, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, I really wonder if the Holy Spirit Cult received the message and has set an ambush for us!"

Yuanen Yehui calmly replied, "It's hard to say. What wouldn't the Holy Spirit Cult's Evil Soul Masters dare do?"

Yue Zhengyu said with disdain, "Hmph, they would need the guts to try! Don't forget that we have the Turbid World Elder with us. With his spiritual power, it's impossible for the Evil Soul Masters to completely hide their presence!"

Tang Wulin furrowed his brow, "Even with the Turbid World Elder here, let's not be careless. The strength of Evil Soul Masters has never been measured by soul power rank!"

Turbid World added from the side, "Wulin is right. Even I cannot guarantee your safety one hundred percent!"

He hadn't planned on coming, but considering the Blood God Army had the Holy Spirit Cult's pawns and that they might have set an ambush in advance, the situation looked dire.

For that reason, he agreed to make the trip!

Just then, his pupils shrank and he shouted, "Everyone be careful, there's the presence of Evil Soul Masters ahead!!"

Out of absolute trust, the members of the Shrek Seven Monsters and the Blood Dragon Squad instantly unleashed their Martial Souls, ready for battle...

Turbid World moved toward the front, scanning the surroundings, and said grimly, "They must have just left, probably after learning we were secretly searching the area."

Xie Xie breathed a sigh of relief but then cursed unhappily, "Damn, even such confidential information told to Wulin is known, is it possible... that the commander..."

Right away, Tang Wulin glared at him, chiding, "Xie Xie, don't talk nonsense!"

Xie Xie quickly replied, "Just joking... just a joke, no other meaning."

But before they could say another word, the entire space suddenly emitted a strong ripple...

What followed was a cacophony of jargon and incomprehensible speech...


Along with cries of alarm from the crowd, a gray formation with a diameter of a few hundred meters emerged beneath their feet!

And at the center, the Formation Eye, were the heads of hundreds of Blood God Army members!!

The one who reacted fastest, Yuanen Yehui, shouted coldly, "Not good, we've been tricked!!"

Damn, how did these Evil Soul Masters manage to evade the Turbid World Elder's spiritual power perception!!

Turbid World Elder urgently said, "Everyone, get out of the formation's range immediately!!"

These children, they are the future of Shrek Academy, they cannot suffer any losses!

As he spoke, his seventh soul Ring on his feet suddenly lit up...

"Seventh soul skill, Martial Soul True Body!!"

In a flash, the body of the Scarlet Dragon behind him began to swell wildly to a size of several hundred meters!

Following that, after emitting a piercing dragon's roar, it swung its long and sharp tail, sweeping towards the Evil Soul Masters outside the formation...

But clearly, it had failed!

The entire formation suddenly rose with a purple glow, forcefully blocking the terrifying attack...

However, it also caused the Evil Soul Masters to recoil several steps back due to the rebound...

Tang Wulin didn't just stand there either; after releasing the Sea God's Trident, he immediately deployed his Dragon Emperor Forbidden Technique!

"First move, Dragon Emperor Break!!"

Once gripped tightly, he charged straight towards the barrier of the formation at the front...

After a successful hit, a crisp "crack" sounded!

The formation that could withstand the horrific strike from Turbid World Elder without shattering started to break from the tip of the Trident and continued to spread...

The former joyously exclaimed, "Everyone, attack towards this spot!!"

To his surprise, his Dragon Emperor Break was effective even against the formation!

The others exchanged glances, and the soul Rings under their feet lit up...

The next second, several powerful attacks bombarded the spot Tang Wulin had struck just before...

It was this combined assault that caused the crack to spread rapidly...


A massive shock wave erupted, sending them flying as well as the Evil Soul Masters, a dozen meters away...

Upon seeing this, Turbid World Elder hurriedly charged towards the Evil Soul Masters...

But what he saw were bodies lying on the ground, lifeless...

He reached out to touch them, but the skin of the Evil Soul Masters began to wither rapidly, turning into mummies in just a few seconds!!

Xie Xie who arrived shortly after, said in astonishment, "Turbid World Elder, these Evil Soul Masters... hiss... dead... they're dead?"

With a somewhat somber expression, Turbid World Elder responded, "Yes, they are all dead... not a single survivor! Clearly, it was planned in advance!"

The Holy Spirit Cult has such a vicious heart indeed!

To plant these Evil Soul Masters here, there was never any intention to let them live; once their mission failed, they would all die from a curse!


