
Chapter 2075: A Battle That Cannot Be Won (Please Subscribe)_1


Just as discussions were underway, a panicked Spirit Pagoda member burst in, exclaiming loudly, "Report... report, esteemed sirs, our people are significantly weaker overall, I'm afraid they can't withstand the assault from Shrek Academy!"

No matter how numerous they were, they couldn't hold up against an onslaught that was like cutting through vegetables!

The faces of the evil Soul Masters present also turned ugly, and they snapped without mercy, "What a waste of space, doesn't your Spirit Pagoda have thousands of members? You can't even stop a few dozen people!"

"You can't blame them, the attackers from Shrek Academy, even the weakest of them, are at the Soul Sage level. This place is just a branch of the Spirit Pagoda; we simply do not have that many powerful fighters!"

"It seems we cannot rely on the people from the Spirit Pagoda to deal with these guys. We'll have to count on our Holy Spirit Cult!"

The Spirit Pagoda member wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with an awkward laugh, "That... that's right, if you esteemed sirs take action, the people from Shrek Academy will surely be in for a tough time!"

Hmph, you Holy Spirit Cult have been freeloading at our Spirit Pagoda branch for so long. Now that Shrek Academy is attacking, you should at least be somewhat useful!

Of course, these words were something he only dared to mutter in his heart...


Tang Wulin, clutching the Golden Dragon Spear, glared at the Spirit Pagoda members blocking his way and commanded, "Out of my way!"

Right now, he just wanted to see his father; he had no time to deal with these nuisances!

Clearly, the opposition had no intention of backing down, as they all unleashed their Martial Souls and soul weapons...

"Hehe, you're all alone, and we are more than a dozen. How dare you bark at us!"

"You've broken into our Spirit Pagoda and uncovered these secrets; the only thing waiting for you is death!"

"Surrender now, and we might consider leaving your body intact!"

"If you want to get past, you'll have to leave your limbs behind!"

Tang Wulin's gaze grew gradually colder. He had initially intended to spare their lives since they were from the Spirit Pagoda, but now, it seemed unnecessary!

"Since that's the case, don't blame me for being merciless. First form, Thousand Men's Point!"

He had never used this move since he'd mastered it. It was the perfect opportunity to test its power on these weaklings!

Visible to the naked eye, he channeled his Soul Power continuously into the Golden Dragon Spear, as an earsplitting dragon roar resounded...

Immediately afterwards, an indescribable terrifying aura radiated out from within him, seemingly unremarkable yet capable of tearing through everything!

The Spirit Pagoda members sensed something wrong and couldn't help but feel an intense suffocation in their hearts, subconsciously retreating a few steps...

"So... such a terrifying oppressive force, if hit by this, one would... would die!"

"Damn it, what in the world is this guy, to be so abnormally powerful!"

"Attack, attack now, we absolutely can't let him use that move, or else none of us will survive!"

As they spoke, an array of soul skills mixed with Soul cannonballs assaulted his face...

Tang Wulin showed no fear, only gripping the Golden Dragon Spear tighter and thrusting forward...


With one thrust of the spear, it was as if heaven and earth were astounded and ghosts and gods wept!

All the attacks were annihilated in an instant, and the Spirit Pagoda members opposite were also turned into corpses!

Upon closer inspection, one could faintly see the holes in their chests!

Even Tang Wulin couldn't help but take a sharp breath, as he remarked, "Such a terrifying spear technique, Old Tang, you taught me well!"

But after remembering his purpose for coming here, he shook his head and said, "Now isn't the time to marvel at this, I must hurry to the top floor and meet with the others!"



Upon reaching the top floor's corner, Yuanen Yehui suddenly sensed a fluctuation in soul power, her pupils shrank abruptly, and she hurled a punch forward...

"It's me, Ye Hui!" Xu Xiaoyan, who had just stuck out her head, immediately cried out.

Hearing the familiar tone, Yuanen Yehui quickly diverted her fist, instead hitting the wall beside her...

With a "bang!", she blasted a huge hole into it...

She caught her breath and said, "Xiao Yan, I didn't expect it to be you. I thought it was members of the Spirit Pagoda chasing after us!"

Xu Xiaoyan also calmed herself and said gravely, "Yeah, Brother Ru Heng and I guessed you might head to the top floor, so we came immediately!"

Aruheng's gaze turned to Tang Ziran on Xie Xie's back and asked with curiosity, "Is this Wulin's father?"

Tang Ziran nodded, "Yes, I'm Tang Wulin's dad, Tang Ziran. May I know who you are?"

Aruheng laughed heartily, "I am the chief disciple of the Sect Master of the Body Sect, Aruheng!"

Tang Ziran mused, "I see... I never expected Wulin to have joined the Body Sect."

The moment Aruheng heard this, he immediately realized there had been a misunderstanding and quickly waved his hands, explaining, "No… no, it's not like that. Because Wulin once received guidance from our teacher, I unilaterally consider him a junior brother!"

Tang Ziran spoke with a grateful tone, "I see, thank you for taking care of Wulin these past years."

Aruheng scratched his head awkwardly, "Ha... haha."

He knew it was more like he had been looked after by his 'junior brother'. During their time in the Blood God Army, it had been the latter who used his status to vouch for him and Sima Jinchi!

Otherwise, they would have already faced execution by cannon!

As the two were conversing, Gu Yue's icy voice interrupted them...

"While I really hate to break the mood here, everyone... mentally prepare yourselves. Ahead... there are at least three individuals of the Title Douluo level!"

As the words fell, everyone became vigilant, protecting Xie Xie, who was carrying Tang Ziran, at the rear...

Seconds later, several figures clad in black robes, exuding the oppressive aura of Title Douluo, appeared right in front of them...

"We were just thinking about looking for you small fries, and here you are at the very top! Good, that saves us a lot of trouble!"

"Heh... To encounter five Soul Douluos, and all so young, could you be the Shrek Seven Monsters?"

"If you are the Shrek Seven Monsters, then all the better. To personally shatter the future of top talents, what a delightful deed!"

"With just this amount of strength, you dared to enter the Spirit Pagoda to rescue someone, I don't know whether to praise your courage or call you fools!"

Feeling the despair-inducing pressure, Aruheng clenched his teeth, "Three Title Douluo and one Hyper Douluo... the situation, it's troublesome!"

Yuanen Yehui pursed her lips, "I didn't expect the Spirit Transmission Tower Branch to have so many powerful experts, our plan was a bit rash!"

Xu Xiaoyan said coldly, "Hmph, if it comes down to it, we'll fight them. Do they really think being a higher level means they can easily defeat us? We've slain Title Douluo before!"

Tang Ziran clenched his fists, reminding them, "Kids, the strength of a Hyper Douluo is countless times stronger than that of a Title Douluo. You are no match for them, so never mind about me, the liability, and escape while you can!"

He didn't want to stand by and watch these children fall!

Xie Xie set Tang Ziran down from his back, then released his Martial Soul, gazing at the four evil Soul Masters ahead...

"Uncle, what are you saying? In the Shrek Seven Monsters' dictionary, there has never been the word 'retreat'!"


