
Chapter 1208: Class Zero (Please Subscribe) _1

After the announcement was made, the group left the secluded area and reappeared in the view of the students at East Sea Academy...

As for the unconscious Wu Changkong, he was naturally carried by Long Hengxu, although the latter was very unwilling!

Some sharp-eyed student happened to catch a glimpse of Yu Zhen and the others, and exclaimed loudly, "Look, everyone... The Director and all of them have come back! It must mean that Teacher Wu and Teacher Xu's duel has ended!"

These words immediately caught the attention of the other students, who turned their gazes toward the front...

Upon recognizing the newcomers, the students said excitedly, "It's true! But it's so annoying! If only we could have watched the duel!"

"Look closely, Director Long seems to be carrying someone... Hey, it's Teacher Wu!! With Teacher Wu's personality, he definitely wouldn't... he must be injured!"

"Teacher Xu looks completely unchanged; it seems like he has won the fight against Teacher Wu!"

"Teacher Xu! Teacher Xu! My idol! My idol!"

Upon hearing these female students' shouts, Xu Sheng glanced over and waved at them affably...

Apart from the students' exclamations, the teachers of the other grades were also engaged in intense discussion...

One male teacher let out a breath and bragged, "I never liked that Teacher Wu. I didn't expect his title of East Sea Academy's number one male idol to be stripped away today!"

Another male teacher beside him agreed emphatically, "Exactly, exactly. That Teacher Wu always acted so conceited because he's handsome and a bit capable, looking down on everyone. Talking to him always left me infuriated!"

"Exactly! Teacher Xu is my idol; how could he lose! I bet the founding of Class Zero will go down in the annals of our academy's history, won't it?"

"Does this mean we're slightly more favorable in the eyes of the female teachers now?"

One female teacher abruptly punctured their fantasy, "No, you're getting ahead of yourselves. It's true that Teacher Wu losing the duel will sadden many students who admire him, but don't forget there's still Teacher Xu. You don't stand a chance!"

The male teachers' faces stiffened as they suddenly understood...

In the end, the boy who slayed demons became a demon himself!


Yu Zhen's gaze turned to Tang Wulin and Xie Xie at his side and said, "Tang Wulin, Xie Xie, you two will follow Teacher Xu and the others to Class Zero. Director Long and I need to take Teacher Wu to the infirmary."

Tang Wulin obediently nodded, "Yes, Director."

Xie Xie, however, clenched his teeth and said, "Director, I want to go too."

Yu Zhen decisively vetoed, "There's no need. Your Teacher Wu isn't seriously injured, he's just passed out!"

Xie Xie gripped his fists tightly and sighed, "I understand... Director."

With that, Yu Zhen and Director Long, carrying Wu Changkong, turned and left...

Xu Sheng smiled slightly and said, "Tang Wulin, Xie Xie, let's go. Don't worry about Teacher Wu, I didn't strike too hard!"

Hearing these words, the corners of Wei Xiaofeng's mouth twitched...

To knock someone out without even striking hard, what would it mean to strike hard, to hack them to pieces?

Xie Xie glared at Xu Sheng with dissatisfaction, "Don't talk to me in that tone; I haven't acknowledged you as my teacher yet!"

Xu Sheng was not annoyed and still looked at him with a friendly gaze...

Wei Xiaofeng mocked coldly, "Hah! Do you really think Teacher Xu is eager to teach you? Who do you think you are?"

Zhang Yangzi nodded, "Exactly. If you really anger Teacher Xu, no one in East Sea Academy can save you!"

Wang Jinxi just snorted coldly...


"Why does this guy even want to join Class Zero? It's annoying just to look at him!"

If it weren't for Teacher Xu being here, he would have beaten him up long ago!

In his heart, aside from Zhang Yangzi, the person he respected the most was Xu Sheng! It was Xu Sheng who gave him the chance to become a Soul Master again—no insult to him would be tolerated!

Feeling the atmosphere turning awkward, Tang Wulin coughed lightly and whispered into Xie Xie's ear, "Xie Xie, don't overdo it. Although Teacher Xu seems very gentle and amiable, that's only one aspect of him..."

When Xu Sheng first arrived at East Sea Academy, he was mocked by some senior students—almost killing them with his oppressive aura!

From that moment on, Tang Wulin was clear that Teacher Xu's gentleness was reserved for those he was familiar with...

After hearing Tang Wulin's words, Xie Xie swallowed hard, a cold sweat breaking out on his back...

But chickening out wasn't in his nature. Taking a deep breath, he said calmly, "Let's go then."

After these words, the group began to move forward...

Before long, they arrived at the newly established Class Zero!

If one observed carefully, they'd find that not only was Class Zero's area spacious, but its interior decorations were also incredibly luxurious!

Compared to the classroom they were in before, it was worlds apart!

This was an indication of how much the academy valued Class Zero!

After the six students had taken their seats, Xu Sheng, standing at the lectern, laughed lightly, "First of all, let me congratulate you all for joining this class. Undoubtedly, you are the top talents in the entire East Sea Academy!"

Wei Xiaofeng, as casually as an elder master, propped his legs up on the desk, "Teacher Xu, this doesn't seem like your style, does it?"

Zhang Yangzi said gravely, "Teacher Xu, you haven't prepared some humiliating training just because Class Zero was established, have you?"

Hearing this, Xu Sheng shook his head in denial, "How could that be? Right now, let's just chat a bit and get to know each other's feelings. After all, we have two new faces, right?"

Finishing, his gaze shifted to Tang Wulin and Xie Xie, who were sitting a seat or two away from Wei Xiaofeng and the other three.

Feeling Xu Sheng's gaze, Xie Xie nudged Tang Wulin with his shoulder. "What does Teacher Xu mean by staring at us like that?"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Tang Wulin's face, "Maybe it's for a self-introduction?"

Isn't that usually the case under such circumstances?

Immediately afterward, he stood up from his seat and said unfazed, "Well, nice to meet you. I'm Tang Wulin, my Martial Soul is Blue Silver Grass..."

The moment "Blue Silver Grass" was mentioned, Wei Xiaofeng burst out laughing...

Although he already knew the other party's Martial Soul was Blue Silver Grass, he couldn't help himself when he actually heard it!

But the next moment, he realized that everyone in Class Zero was staring at him. He touched his Adam's apple, "Cough cough... It's nothing, just been having some throat issues lately!"

After Tang Wulin finished his self-introduction, Xie Xie stood up as well...

He spoke indifferently, "Xie Xie, Martial Soul: Light Dragon Dagger. Soul Power: level 21!"

Having said that, he sat right back down, without any intention of saying another word.

Xu Sheng nodded, then turned to Wei Xiaofeng and the others, "Alright, now it's time for the original Class One students. It's your turn to introduce yourselves."

Otherwise, Tang Wulin and Xie Xie might feel it was unfair if they were sensitive.

