
I Play a DC Hero in Marvel

After Anton's Batman Begins sold 1 billion U.S. dollars worldwide, he knew that the Marvel world, which combined strange and bizarre movie elements, would be ruined beyond recognition by him... ================================================================ ko-fi.com/creatorvuko I am a patient with severe depression who, by translating and trying to write my own fanfics, is trying to get back on my feet and return to normal life. Thank you very much for all your support. I am currently saving money, so any support will be useful.

vuk009 · アニメ·コミックス
50 Chs

Identity Exposed? Damn the Airline!

The conscienceless Anton and Eddie finally remembered Phil Urick, who had the same name as Phil Coulson.

  They said hello to Annie and Levis, left the hotel, and contacted the forgotten Phil.

  "Boss, editor-in-chief, you are so awesome!"

  Phil Urick was extremely excited when he saw the two of them: "Your video has been spread all over the Internet! There are screenshots of the two of you everywhere! Especially the part where you, boss, jumped down from the sky chariot to save people. Countless people think it is the craziest scene this year. That video blogger must have made a lot of money from this video!"


  Anton looked at Phil in surprise and lied with his eyes open: "What are you talking about? What did I jump down from the sky chariot? You are wrong."

  "Impossible, boss, you are Batman, you can't hide it from me!"

  As an insider who has been lurking in San Francisco for so long, and who has been in two-way contact with Anton and Eddie from time to time, Phil has long seen that Anton is not an ordinary person, and his expectations of Anton are very high.

  Even, to some extent, he was the one who knew Anton best after Anton came through.

  As an insider, Phil was able to distinguish the truth from the falsehood of the words circulating on the Internet.

  Coupled with his extraordinary intuition, he was sure that Anton was Batman.

  "Don't say these words casually, it will mislead everyone."

  Anton refuted lightly without persuasion, patted Phil on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Phil, you also played a role in the successful defeat of the Life Foundation this time. When you go back, you will be Eddie's assistant. At the same time, this bonus will make you count the money until your hands are soft."

  "Thank you, boss."

  Phil was overjoyed, and then cautiously: "Boss, don't worry, I won't say anything about Batman casually, but can you sign for me, just sign the words Batman, Bruce Wayne is also fine, I am your, no, Batman's super fan."

  Anton was helpless.

  "Also, one of the two monsters fighting on the Golden Gate Bridge yesterday was Carlton Drake, and the other one..."

  Phil swallowed his saliva, always feeling that he had missed a lot of things.

  He looked at Eddie: "Editor-in-chief, that monster is you, isn't it?"

  "It's not called a monster, it has a name."

  Eddie didn't like it. He originally wanted to give Phil some bonus from his 10 million, but now this idea disappeared without a trace. He introduced: "It's called Venom, it's an alien creature, you can also call it a symbiote."

  "I have to say, your shape is a bit strange... uh, how to say, it's like God created a human, accidentally sneezed and overexerted."

  The chatterbox Phil couldn't control himself, but he thought he said it very tactfully.

  Eddie's mouth twitched.

  "I don't like him."

  Venom's voice resounded in his mind: "He actually said I'm ugly, I want to eat this guy! He must be the bad guy you introduced in our previous three rules!"

  "No, he's just a bad mouth!"

  Eddie gritted his teeth and lowered his voice.

  "Editor-in-chief, what are you talking about?"

  Phil looked at Eddie curiously.

  "I'm talking to the monster you mentioned. It's parasitic in my body right now." Eddie said sinisterly, "You just said he was ugly and it angered him. He said he wanted to eat you..."


  Phil was so scared that his face turned pale. He quickly explained, "No, no, no, I didn't say he was ugly. I just... I just felt that he was too... unrefined! Yes, unrefined!"

  Eddie was speechless.

  Doesn't this still mean he's ugly?

  "Okay, I have things to deal with when I return to New York. I won't talk any more. Eddie, do you want to go back with me?"

  Anton interrupted them.

  "No, I plan to stay for another two days."

  Eddie shook his head.

  Hearing this, Anton immediately thought of Annie, then thought of Levis, and felt that the color of Levis's head had become greener. Finally, he looked at Phil.

  Phil didn't really want to go back to New York right away. He wanted to catch up with Eddie, but when he thought of the monster in Eddie's body, he shuddered and said firmly, "Boss, of course I'm going with you."

  Anton nodded and said goodbye to Eddie, "I'll wait for you in New York."


  Eddie watched them leave.


  "Boss, is this your private plane?"

  Phil felt the private plane of a wealthy family for the first time, and his eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

  Anton booked a flight ticket when he came, but in order to make it easier to go back, he asked Jameson to transfer his own plane after arriving in San Francisco.

  "It's so cool!"

  Phil looked happy, and when he thought of the bonus he was about to get, he felt that this trip was worth it.

  "Sir, the plane is about to take off, please fasten your seat belts."

  The beautiful stewardess twisted her hips and came over, exuding a fresh fragrance, smiling at Phil.

  Phil's eyes widened.

  Anton had long been used to it and closed his eyes to rest.

  A few hours later, the plane arrived in New York. The two walked out of the airport. At this time, Betty was already waiting outside the airport.

  "Miss Betty."

  Seeing this, Phil smiled and said, "Long time no see."


  Betty greeted and looked at Anton: "Something happened."


  Anton was stunned and puzzled: "What could have happened?"

  "About the identity of Batman."

  Betty hinted: "Now many people think you are Batman, and netizens are about to make a final conclusion about you."

  "How is it possible?"

  Anton spread his hands: "They have no evidence!"

  Betty's heart moved slightly. Anton said this, but he did not deny his identity as Batman.

  "Don't forget, you took a plane to San Francisco, and then Batman appeared in San Francisco, and also solved the founder of the Life Foundation, Carlton Drake, who is the mortal enemy of the Daily Bugle." Betty said immediately.

  "How did netizens know I was in San Francisco?" Anton frowned.

  "Don't overestimate the principles of the airline."

  Betty showed a disdainful expression, gloating: "Anyway, you should first think about how to face the media's inquiries."

  "Shit! Damn airlines!"

  Anton's face was ugly.

  It's not that Batman's identity cannot be exposed at all, the problem is that he is not Tony Stark, he is not good at high-profile exposure, and he has no high-profile plans.

  "Don't respond to online topics for the time being."

  Anton thought for a moment and said with a sour face: "I don't want to accept any media interviews now, including the Daily Bugle."


  Betty shrugged: "In addition, Batman's box office has exceeded 400 million, and the overseas box office has reached 200 million, with a global box office of 600 million. Congratulations, genius director."

  "It's not over yet, there is still about half a month of screening cycle."

  Anton finally heard good news and smiled: "My goal is 1 billion worldwide."

  "By the way, Jim can't find you recently, and he asked me to tell you that he wants to hold a party to celebrate the global box office of "Batman Begins" exceeding 600 million."

  Betty said again: "I think this is an opportunity to announce that the Jameson family has officially entered the entertainment industry."

  "That makes sense."

  Anton replied: "Reply to Jim for me and say that I agree."

================================================================ ko-fi.com/creatorvuko I am a patient with severe depression who, by translating and trying to write my own fanfics, is trying to get back on my feet and return to normal life. Thank you very much for all your support. I am currently saving money, so any support will be useful.