
I love you till eternity

Magical Realism
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What is I love you till eternity

WebNovel で公開されている、Gifted_Gift_0638 の作者が書いた I love you till eternity の小説を読んでください。...



system system system

Title: Ascension System Background: The story takes place in a fantasy world where magic and mythical creatures are a reality. The world is divided into kingdoms, each with its own unique culture and history. The world is also governed by a complex system that determines an individual's social standing and magical abilities. Character Setting: Ariel: A 16-year-old girl who is the protagonist of the story. She is a talented mage with a passion for adventure and discovery. She is kind, curious, and fiercely independent. Kai: Ariel's best friend and fellow mage. He is a skilled swordsman and a loyal friend. He is also secretly in love with Ariel. King Marcus: The ruler of the kingdom of Helios, where Ariel and Kai live. He is a just and fair king who values loyalty and duty above all else. Queen Isabella: The queen of the neighboring kingdom of Luna. She is a cunning and manipulative ruler who seeks to expand her kingdom's influence. Sable: A powerful and mysterious figure who serves as Ariel's mentor. He is a former member of a secret organization that seeks to overthrow the system and establish a new order. Plot: The story begins with Ariel and Kai attending the Ascension Ceremony, a magical ritual that determines an individual's social standing and magical abilities. The ceremony is interrupted by an attack from Luna's army, led by Queen Isabella. Ariel and Kai are forced to flee the kingdom and seek refuge with Sable, who reveals to them the truth about the system and his organization's mission to overthrow it. As Ariel and Kai join Sable's organization, they learn more about the system and its oppressive nature. The system determines an individual's social standing and magical abilities based on their birthright, with those born into noble families having greater magical abilities and social standing. Sable's organization seeks to overthrow the system and establish a new order where everyone has equal opportunities and abilities. As Ariel and Kai train and learn more about the system, they become embroiled in a war between Helios and Luna. Queen Isabella seeks to expand her kingdom's influence and conquer Helios, using her powerful magic and cunning tactics to gain an advantage. Ariel and Kai are recruited by King Marcus to help defend their kingdom, and they use their skills and knowledge to help turn the tide of the war. As the war comes to a head, Ariel and Kai are faced with a tough decision. They must choose between their loyalty to their kingdom and their newfound allegiance to Sable's organization. In the climactic moment, Ariel and Kai must use all of their skills and knowledge to help King Marcus and the kingdom of Helios defeat Queen Isabella and the kingdom of Luna. Climax: As the war between Helios and Luna reaches its climax, Ariel and Kai are faced with a tough decision. They must choose between their loyalty to their kingdom and their newfound allegiance to Sable's organization. In a dramatic confrontation, Ariel and Kai confront Sable and reveal their decision to side with their kingdom. Sable, disappointed but understanding, sends Ariel and Kai to aid King Marcus in the final battle. In the final battle, Ariel and Kai use their skills and knowledge to help King Marcus and the kingdom of Helios defeat Queen Isabella and the kingdom of Luna. In a dramatic showdown, Ariel faces off against Queen Isabella, using her skills and knowledge to outmaneuver the cunning queen. In the end, Ariel emerges victorious and the kingdom of Helios is saved. Epilogue: After the war, Ariel and Kai return to Helios as heroes, celebrated for their bravery and skill. They continue to work with Sable's organization to help overthrow the

Teddy_write · 都市

Kevin Alaric : The dawn of the demons (Harry Potter Fanfic)

Kevin Alaric, an orphan boy with an exceptional intellect, discovers he has a superpower and is accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he is sorted into Slytherin. He quickly becomes the target of ridicule by the purebloods, but using his intelligence, he finds ways to outmaneuver their bullying tactics. As he becomes more involved in the wizarding world, Kevin realizes that Headmaster Dumbledore has plans for him. He decides to take control of his own destiny, using his manipulative strategies to outwit Dumbledore and his schemes. However, Kevin's newfound independence is tested when Lord Voldemort summons demons from another realm to the wizarding world. As the demons wreak havoc and threaten the safety of the wizarding world, Kevin must use his intelligence and manipulative strategies to stop Voldemort and his minions. With the help of unlikely allies and his own cunning, Kevin sets out to unravel the secrets of Voldemort's dark magic and destroy the demons that threaten to destroy the wizarding world. But as the stakes get higher and the risks become greater, Kevin must decide whether he is willing to sacrifice everything to protect the people he cares about. ================================================================================================ This is my new novel and my first Harry potter novel. If there are any errors in the book, please let me know and I'll fix them. This is AU of the Harry potter and contains new things. *The original story belongs to the owners of the harry potter franchise

fun_facts · 映画
1 Chs

Inane Interpolations In Bhagvad-Gita

Though it is a matter of consensus that Bhagvad-Gita in the present length of seven hundred slokas has many an interpolation to it such as chaturvarnyam mayashrustam, but no meaningful attempt has ever been made to delve into the nature and extent, not to speak of the effect of these on the Hindu society at large. The methodical codification of interpolations carried out here puts the true character of the Gita in proper perspective. Identified here are hundred and ten slokas of deviant nature and or of partisan character, the source of so much misunderstanding about this book extraordinary, in certain sections of the Hindu fold. In the long run, exposing and expunging these mischievous insertions is bound to bring in new readers from these quarters to this over two millennia old classic besides altering the misconceptions of the existing adherents. The moot point that has missed the attention of all, all along, is that if the Sudras were to be so lowly in the Lord’s creation, how come then the Gita’s architect Krishna, His avatar, and Vyāsa, its chronicler, happen to be from the same lowly Hindu caste fold. Moreover, is it not absurd to suggest that either or both of them had deprecated the station of their own varna (caste) on their own in their very own Gita? This ‘overdue’ work, may lead the ‘denied’ Hindu castes as well as the favored folks for an objective approach to the in vogue Bhagvad-Gita which could dispel the misgivings of the former and the delusions of the latter, thereby bridging the Hindu emotional gulf with its abridged book that restores its original form. Whether or not one concurs with its propositions, this original work could be of interest to the students of logic and reasoning as well.

BS_Murthy · 歴史
19 Chs


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