

[Mature Content] Leona is living with only one purpose in life and that is to retaliate against the organization that caused her parents' death, anything else is irrelevant to her. She's like a robot on default mode who couldn't care less about her surroundings unless it involves those she deemed important like the few friends she has. She even earned the nickname "stoic doll" from her peers for her lack of reaction about almost everything. But unbeknown to her, Leona's life is about to turn upside down when she has to act as a sweet newly-wed wife on a mission with a handsome stranger inside a cover house that is fully wiretapped by the enemies. She always ends up losing her cool with all the smooching and skinship going on inside that house, causing her to behave out of her usual you-could-drop-a-bomb-in-front-of-me-and-I-wouldn't-even-budge character. Hi everyone! this is my first novel so please bear with me because I'm pretty sure there would be some (lots of 'em) error with the grammar, I would certainly appreciate any constructive criticism as it will help me learn. I'm also hoping that you would leave some comments if the story piqued your interest. Thank you so much for checking and have a great day ahead! P.S: I wanted this to be rom-com but there might be some heavy and dark scenes because I wanted to shed some light on mental health a bit. ****the photo is not mine.**** CTTO. Please comment down below if you want me to take down the photo.

wanderingauth · 都市
31 Chs

26. Courtship Display

"We got ten days left to finalize our back story, get married and move to the cover house." Leona is giving Xavier an Update about the plan while they are in the middle of lunch, it's the perfect time to cascade details of the operation provided how hectic his schedule is already. Apparently since it is her agency's mission, it fell under her obligation to provide Xavier the neccessary information and assistance.

"DoSOC had already sent people to set up the secret room in the house and had it fully furnished so you don't have to do anything else aside from taking the prenuptial photos and vacation photos for the house decoration. I guess to make it warm and intimate." She added matter of factly while cleaning up the coffee table after asking Xaiver if he's had his fill already.

'Ugh, can't they just photoshopped me in it?' Leona complaint in her head. She tried to actually raise it, but she ended up being scolded instead. The director reasoned out that they needed to leave footprints all over the place to strengthen their cover.

Xavier nodded in agreement and walked to his desk to start browsing the pile of paperworks he needs to sign today.

"You mean our honeymoon?" he corrected with a raised brow, making Leona roll her eyes.

"You say honeymoon, I say vacation. Sand, salty wind, sunset and a cold glass of piña colada. yeah definitely a vacation." Leona listed, who appeared to be convincing her self more than the guy in front of her. It's been a while since she took some time to relaxed, it's her ultimate guilty pleasure. When she's not trying to spy or shoot at someone or when she's not stuck inside the camp, she's out exploring. Since Leona turned 18, she's been doing solo backpacking trips whenever she can. It's her escape from this cruel world, it's one of the few things that helps her keep her sanity knowing that there is something else left for her to do aside from plotting for revenge. She always find it nice to be somewhere no one recognizes you and just forget all of your worries. Sadly, it seems like she won't be able to travel in the nearest future with how full the team's schedule is lately.

'One day, when all of this is over I'll disappear from this place for good.'

"Honey you must have forgotten that I'm included in that fancy itinerary of yours." Xaiver teased, he didn't peg her at all as someone who would enjoy traveling and thought she's a complete introvert. What more is the surprise that she openly discussed a topic with quiet enthusiasm with him. He hopes she would get more comfortable around him like this, so he can learn more about her wants and her passion in the future.

'We still have a long way to go my feisty Lioness.'

"Yeah bummer, that's the only con of this trip. I always preferred to travel alone." She was busy criticizing the old man in DoSOC command for working them like a dog for almost 2 years without a break that she didn't notice that she blurted her thought loudly, hurting the poor guy in the proccess.

Xavier didn't know how much more his self esteem is going to plummet by how vocal this girl is with how much she despises him.

'Wow babe that hurts. Just watch me pester you some more and I'll start growing on you before you know it.'

He's been self reflecting at first and thought that maybe he came too strong at her so soon and made her uncomfortable but then judging with how she seems to be uninterested with a lot of things, especially men. He won't be surprised if they wouldn't go anywhere else aside from being mere strangers if he won't be thick skinned enough to initiate a conversation and heck he didn't like them to be just strangers so even when he's a known snub and never done this before, for the sake of getting a chance to get close to her he has to think of a lot of ways to get her attention. Even when he gets dissed everytime, just like now.

'But I'm still a Wang, I won't let this day pass without getting back at you for hurting my feelings, just you wait honey.' he thought with a smirk on his face.

"It seems like you already have a place in mind?'

"Hm, we'll they're fine with it so we just needed to confirm if it would be okay with you." since she can't have an official vacation yet, might as well make the most out of that 'honeymoon '. Atleast she won't be that pissed with this perverted guy if she's in paradise, all she needs now is his confirmation. "Would you be okay with an island in Country P? it's tropical and has a nice view."

He casually glanced at her before answering "I have a nice view right here."

Leona gave her a puzzled look and then darted a look at the concrete jungle outside his window, it's true that he has the best view of the city but it definitely can't be compared to a vacation in paradise.

She sighed feeling that her dream vacation is slipping through her fingers just like the fine white sand she's been craving for.

"I guessed different people really does have different perspectives huh? Where do you want to go then?" admitting defeat, Leona asked for his suggestion. He has the busier life so they have to adjust on his schedule and preference.

Xaiver chuckled looking at her depressed expression, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry with how dense she is.

The statement he said earlier, he definitely was not referring to the high-rise buildings around his.

"Honey we have to work on your EQ"

"Huh? what kind of gibberish are you prattling about now?" but he just gave her a knowing smile, which irks her the most. It's like he's up to something that she would definitely not like again.

Xavier, finally getting and idea about how to get back at her for the words she said earlier took his suit jacket from the hanger stand and strode towards the door.

"Let's go." he said inserting his hands in his pockets.

"Where? Why?" Leona asked, looking skeptical. Last time she checked he doesn't have schedule outside this afternoon.

"Announcing our relationship, so we can move to the next level and you could get to chill on that island."

"Can you atleast tell me what you're planning to do????" She said walking towards him with reluctance.

He just grinned at her and held her hand before opening the door. The secretaries on the other side of the floor stood up in respect to the CEO who is about to go outside but what greeted them shocked them to the core, they knew their boss is getting a little too chummy with the female secretary but they thought it's just a temporary fling thing however looking at their intertwined fingers they must be really serious about their relationship. Leona's mind went blank for a second, she was not prepared for this. For an organized person like her she needed to know the plans first and this guy keeps on improvising while keeping her in the dark. Isn't it enough to just let them think they are dating without actually flaunting it? The gossip is already out anyways and they're supposed to do it on the launch, what's the rush again?

"Mr. Wang what the hell is this." She murmured with a gritted teeth which appears like an awkward smile to the spectators.

He let go of her hand for a second and snaked his arm to her small waist, pulling her closer as he ushered her towards the elevator.

"Too bad for you, I go all out when I'm in a relationship." he leaned closer to her side and whispered as he playfully bit her ear a little, leaving the girl flabbergasted and all red.

'dafuq was that?'

I've noticed that majority of my readers are from India, I hope you guys are safe. Praying for the country's healing.<3

wanderingauthcreators' thoughts