

[Mature Content] Leona is living with only one purpose in life and that is to retaliate against the organization that caused her parents' death, anything else is irrelevant to her. She's like a robot on default mode who couldn't care less about her surroundings unless it involves those she deemed important like the few friends she has. She even earned the nickname "stoic doll" from her peers for her lack of reaction about almost everything. But unbeknown to her, Leona's life is about to turn upside down when she has to act as a sweet newly-wed wife on a mission with a handsome stranger inside a cover house that is fully wiretapped by the enemies. She always ends up losing her cool with all the smooching and skinship going on inside that house, causing her to behave out of her usual you-could-drop-a-bomb-in-front-of-me-and-I-wouldn't-even-budge character. Hi everyone! this is my first novel so please bear with me because I'm pretty sure there would be some (lots of 'em) error with the grammar, I would certainly appreciate any constructive criticism as it will help me learn. I'm also hoping that you would leave some comments if the story piqued your interest. Thank you so much for checking and have a great day ahead! P.S: I wanted this to be rom-com but there might be some heavy and dark scenes because I wanted to shed some light on mental health a bit. ****the photo is not mine.**** CTTO. Please comment down below if you want me to take down the photo.

wanderingauth · 都市
31 Chs

17. Office Drama

The XWT's CEO's office has been busy for a week preparing for the launch of the company's new software. They've been working with the finance and HR departments in dealing with the ad campaigns; from hiring ambassadors, choosing the best advertising agency and even in selecting the venue for the launch party down to sending invitations to important people and the press.

She did not expect desk jobs to be this exhausting too, she respects these people around her but she loves her real job better. It's dangerous but she atleast get to enjoy the adrenaline.

Leona is now standing next to Xavier, who's waiting for Sam to finish explaining the details of the contract to the two celebrity ambassadors, a male popstar that has been slowly gaining popularity worldwide and an innocent looking female game streamer.

She heard from one of the secretaries that unlike the other streamers that showcased their body while playing games online, this girl is popular because of her cute but sexy vibe which garners the love from all genders and ages. Making her the most popular amongst the game streamers.

Looking at her, Leona can't help but miss Katarina. These girls look so vulnerable, one would like to protect them at all cost.

However she changed her mind about the game streamer when she noticed a glare being sent her way once in a while. Leona tried to meet her eyes to confirm but every time she catches the little girl's gaze, she just reverts back to her innocent facade like a pro. It could make someone think that she's just imagining things.

Though upon further observation, Leona finally understood where the hostility is coming from. 'little girls and their obsession with handsome men.'

Leona has this impulse to gag looking how this girl is sending hearts to Xavier's directions by batting her lashes and non-stop smiling like a lovestruck fool.

'Jeez, do I need to deal with this kid too?'

She's wondering if this demon King is secreting too much pheromones for the female species to swarm around him the next second they see a glimpsed of him, Leona stared at him with an inquiring look as if she's looking at the world's greatest mystery waiting to be solved.

Well, looking at his face she has to admit the word handsome is even an understatement for his beauty. He has the most beautiful eyes she's ever seen, there was actually a time that she wanted to take a closer look. Curious about how they sometimes change shade depending on the lighting. His face is also well sculpted it's as if God took an extra time in perfecting his chiseled features, from the shape of his face, his jawline, his lips and even his cheekbones and not to mention his well-maintained body. She even overheard a few of her colleagues talked about how they wanted to be crushed in their boss' embrace, they wouldn't mind dying as long as they're being smothered by the one and only Xavier Wang.

She snapped out of her reverie when she heard her company ipad vibrated with a ding sound and her head almost burst with what she read next.

King: You like what you see?

Arya: Tssk as if I would, you know you're a mystery to me. I don't get how these little girls seems to swarm around you like moths to a fire. So stupid.

Her eyes twitched when she heard a low chuckle from him, gaining everyone's attention. They were surprised to witness their boss laughing about something on his phone. Not to mention this is the very first time they witnessed a positive expression on the devil's face.

"Aherm, go on." He said on his usual cold tone reverting back to his stoic self.

King: Jealous?

arya: Wow, reading comprehension bruh. Kindly re-read my reply. I was just W-O-N-D-E-R-I-N-G. Do you think I'm as stupid as your obsessive admirers?

King: Oh I've re-read it, honey you think I'm a mystery? how about you UNCOVER me? I'll willingly spread my arms wide for you to explore until you find the answer, no worries nobody is gonna dare call you stupid after.

Reading his reply made Leona want to puke blood, she held the ipad too tight it's about to snap in half. 'Why am I even talking to this pervert?'

She collected herself and bravely blocked the guy from sending her *DMs. Leaving Xavier in awe, she dared block the boss of the largest IT company in Asia from his own company's messaging app which he developed exclusively for his and his employees convenience, she must have no qualms in offending him.

'Good, keep it up Leona because I don't expect less from my woman.'

After signing the contract Xavier stood from where he was seated and gave a nod to his subordinates and company directors who slightly bowed to him and started walking out the conference room with Sam and Leona treading closely behind him.

they were about to enter Xavier's office when they heard heavy footsteps striding towards them.

"Mr. King" They all halted to see a pink face lady, catching her breath. It's Bei Chunguang, the female streamer. "I think you left this behind." reaching out to show the handkerchief she's holding dearly.

"Thank you Miss Bei but Mr. King doesn't bring his own handkerchief." reaching out to the pocket of his own suit jacket, Sam conjured a handkerchief. "I have his with me, so that doesn't belong to or CEO."

Leona is quietly watching on the sideline, 'Poor kid, she must have had racked her brain to think of an excuse to speak to this cold guy.' Xavier didn't even spare her a glance.

"Oh I must find the owner then." Leona could see her expression waver for a second before it seemingly brightened the next moment. "Uuhm, Mr. King I'm really grateful for the opportunity so I'm hoping I could buy you a coffee as a token of appreciation." She appealed with a cute impression on her face, melting the male employees' heart.

Even Leona gave her a thumbs up in her mind for her courage, She has worked with Xavier for two weeks and in that short period of time even she found these swarming bees around him exhausting but atleast this girl tried a fresher approach.

'Well, not really. But I'm being bias okay? I see my friend in her so my protective side is kicking in.'

Even though this girl is hostile against her, she still can't help the urge to protect her from this cruel world just like Katarina.

"Arya" Xavier called her in his usual cold tone but this time it sounded a bit endearing even though it's commanding.

'Damn this devil king!'

Shout out to Shawna_Morrison, this chapter is for you. Thank you so much for the powerstone guys! lovelots! add it to your collection for more updates.

wanderingauthcreators' thoughts