

[Mature Content] Leona is living with only one purpose in life and that is to retaliate against the organization that caused her parents' death, anything else is irrelevant to her. She's like a robot on default mode who couldn't care less about her surroundings unless it involves those she deemed important like the few friends she has. She even earned the nickname "stoic doll" from her peers for her lack of reaction about almost everything. But unbeknown to her, Leona's life is about to turn upside down when she has to act as a sweet newly-wed wife on a mission with a handsome stranger inside a cover house that is fully wiretapped by the enemies. She always ends up losing her cool with all the smooching and skinship going on inside that house, causing her to behave out of her usual you-could-drop-a-bomb-in-front-of-me-and-I-wouldn't-even-budge character. Hi everyone! this is my first novel so please bear with me because I'm pretty sure there would be some (lots of 'em) error with the grammar, I would certainly appreciate any constructive criticism as it will help me learn. I'm also hoping that you would leave some comments if the story piqued your interest. Thank you so much for checking and have a great day ahead! P.S: I wanted this to be rom-com but there might be some heavy and dark scenes because I wanted to shed some light on mental health a bit. ****the photo is not mine.**** CTTO. Please comment down below if you want me to take down the photo.

wanderingauth · 都市
31 Chs

12. Damsel in Shining Armor

Leona has a scowl on her face as Katarina keeps on dumping clothes in her arms "Kat we've been doing this for hours, I think we have enough already." She was always bored when she sat around the benches while accompanying this girl to shop before but today is a whole new experience for her, this is the first time that she's freaking exhausted by shopping for her own clothes, she has to try them on just to discard most of them to hop on another boutique and do the same routine.

She's someone who buy clothes for comfort, so she normally just picks whatever looks comfortable. 'I'm not gonna ask this crazy girl to shop ever again.' She complaint internally as she once again was shoved to a fitting room to switch to another pair of pencil skirt and blouse.

When she went out the fitting room her brow furrowed looking at these girls huddled at the dress section, she slowly walked on that direction when she didn't notice Katarina anywhere else.

"You still have time to shop when you can't even dance properly." she heard one of them say and her eyes dimmed.

"You can just take the dress if you want and stop starting a fight okay?" after getting closer to them, she finally saw her friend sorrounded by 3 other petite girls.

By the look of their bodies which is similar to Katarina she deduced that they're all ballerina themselves.

"What do you mean start a fight? You poor little thing, this is barely a fight" one if them mockingly stated. "Do you even have the guts?"

And though it doesn't show on her face that was enough for Leona to take matters into her own hands. She doesn't normally get mad, she stays calm under this kind of situation but that's because she's more inclined on using her energy in thinking of ways to punish stupid people than on rage, her friends which she treated as her family is her bottom line, no one touches them without getting retribution from her. You see, she likes holding grudges so much.

Making sure that the sales ladies are busy with other clients, Leona removed the detachable belts from the trench coats near her and swiftly pulled a wide clothes rack and created a partition between them and the other side of the shop.

Using the belts she deftly tied two of girls which she reckoned were the sidekicks on the rack before they could even proccess what is happening and pulled the last one by her collar away from Katarina.

She pushed the wide-eyed girl to the wall, still holding the colar of her dress.

"Hey what are you doing." They angrily retorted.

"What are YOU doing?" she sarcastically threw the same question back at her and when she noticed the other two were about to scream for help, her glare was enough to shut them up.

"And you what did I tell you??" she asked Katarina as she bit her lower lip guiltily. "speak!"

"Never let other people even have the slightest idea that they can bully me." she meekly answered.

"Raise your head, you dimwit" She really can't understand why this friend of hers is prone of bullies. She met her again after years of separation when she was being bullied and didn't waste time since then and taught her self defense, she even enrolled her to several martial arts classes while she was away just to find out today that nothing much has changed.

"Let me go, you bitch I'll sue you." the girl in her grasp exclaimed which made her tighten her grip more.

"Go ahead, just so you know we're in a blind spot. Sooo just in case you're having high hopes about getting evidence later, I'm so sorry to break it to you but we're not being recorded sweetie, so there is nothing you can do to stop me from whatever I want to do to you now." she whispered and blow some air to her ear, making the girl shiver but still feigned bravery.

"I'll scream!"

"How about you try me and shout for help."

Leona's expression is akin to summoning the devil from the depths of hell, it's so calm and yet sinister at the same time.

Leona's sight suddenly whirled and darken a bit as she felt her head throbbed. She pulled the girl a little just to pushed her a bit harshly again, banging the girl's head on the wall. Feeling that she's about to pass out, she held her other palm up on the wall for support.

Katarina Panicked looking at Leona's expression and pulled her away from Eva who is wincing in pain "Babyyyyyy, what is wrong with you." she exclaimed and that brought Leona back to her senses.

'damn it, not now.'

"Huh? I'm fine let's get out of here." She took a deep breath and straightened her clothes as if nothing happened while the girls were shookt.

The girl that was pushed to the wall slid down and sat on the floor, shaking. She felt like the woman was possessed by the devil for a second, she definitely saw her eyes changing.

'It was full of murderous intent. I thought I was gonna die for a moment.'

"Okay, wait a second." Katarina agreed right away before turning her attention to the bullies "Look here you three little bitches, I've been ignoring you not because I'm afraid of you okay? It's because you three are irrelevant people. Jeez how can you ruin my date with my baby! Do this again and I'll break your legs!" she ended the encounter with a speech and stormed out the area while pulling Leona towards the cashier leaving the three flabbergasted.

"Baby the clothes looks good on you, we should buy it!" Katarina cheerfully complimented Leona as if they didn't cause distress to the three poor souls behind them.


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