
[Prologue?] New Game?

Akaylah woke up startled as her best friend, Melissa called her. She answered it and groggily answered.

"What is it?" she mumbled into the speaker. She laid her phone down on the pillow and put her head next to it.

"Inkheart was released this morning!" her friend screamed into the phone. Akaylah yelped and sat up, putting a hand to her throbbing ear.

"Quiet down! You almost burst my eardrum from you screaming." she said with a sigh.

"Hm... How about... No. Anyway, I got some of the scoops. The game costs $50, but you need the new consul first, and that costs $500. So in total, $550. Considering your budget and how you live in general, that's gonna be too much for you. Oh ya, and tax is around another $50." her friend said.

Akaylah sighed and laid her head back down.

"$600? But I'm broke!" Akaylah whined.

"Stop whining, okay? I have an idea. Get a rich boyfriend-"

"That's your solution to everything! I'll never get a boyfriend, and just for that?"

"He can get you other stuff too..."

"That's not the point! Tempting, but no. I'm a college student, I'm not gonna find any rich boys soon. We're all broke here."

"True. Well, I gotta go! There might be an online sale, bye!"

She did a slight eye roll and brought her legs over the bed's ledge and let them dangle them. She finally stood up and walked to her PC. She turned it on and impatiently waited for it to load. When it did, she immediately went to Amabon, the most used online shopping service in the world.

Searching up "Inkheart", she looked at the price with squinted eyes.

"That's a dot... No, a comma. No, a dot! That's a dot. 30%? Only if you're a member... And membership is $99.99 a year... Why am I like this? I hope that I find a rich boyfriend some day." she murmured.
