
I joined the Thor familia !!!(Rewrite)

Our main character dies and is reincarnated in danmachi world.Join him in his ventures to finally become the strongest adventurer there is along with his trusted partner,the adorable Pichu. The plot will not be fast .There is a possibility that our Mc will have multiple romantic interests. Disclaimer all of the characters in this story belong to their respective owners.

Raging_Pulverizer · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Chapter Four:Killing some goblins and visiting the village.

"Rise and shine Pichu we should try to hunt some goblins"said Alex to Pichu .Pichu woke up and demanded berries from Alex.Alex fed Pichu five berries and Pichu burped loudly after eating the berries.Alex ate some of the leftover meat with some difficulty.It had such a bland taste.

He then took the black wolf pelt and stuffed it into his backpack and filled the canteen with water and left the cave with Pichu on his shoulder .He paid his respects to the cave and carved the word 'Rob' on the wall of the cave as a tribute to the one who reincarnated him.

He started walking towards the village.While walking he noticed that Pichu was always outside and did not like to be infused inside Alex.Alex also didn't force him as he liked Pichu's company.

He also wondered if Pichu could evolve or not.He did not worry about it as he wanted his partner to follow his own path.And if he became Pikachu ,Pichu would lose some of his cuteness.

Alex looked at the Pokemon, who was eating a berry,and rubbed its head which made Pichu letting out a cute squeak.Alex unconsciously smiled at the little Pokemon.Pichu was too cute too resist.

Alex then noticed some small footprints in the forest soil.He examined it and found it to be the size of a child's foot and figured that it was Goblins.He noticed three sets of tracks and decided to follow the tracks.

He found two goblins sleeping while the other goblin was taking a piss.He quietly crept behind him and slit his throat.Alas as his skills were pretty much nerfed the goblin yelled out to his friends before he died by Alex's hands.

Alex noticed the other goblins waking up and grab their weapons.The closest one carried a bow while the farthest one carried a dagger.Before it shot an arrow at at him,Alex rushed at it and pierced its eyes .Alex kept on stabbing until he killed it.Suddenly Alex rolled towards the left but he was cut by the other goblin.Pichu quickly shot some sparks at it which paralyzed the goblin.Alex immediatly ran and pierced the goblin's heart ,before it loses the paralysis effect, thereby killing it.

"Shit I let my guard down and that green bugger nicked me" Alex said to himself feeling angry at himself.He should have known that the nerfed abilities do not match up with the actual powers of Deathstroke.Anyhow Alex felt that he should train his body a bit more before foolishly battling with monsters.Even a shitty Goblin was able to injure him.He noticed that Pichu was a little tired as he was still a baby pokemon.

Alex gave Pichu some water and gave him food.After checking that Pichu was okay ,Alex washed his wound to see that it was completely healed.Even though it took a few minutes ,small wounds could be healed easily and also no scars were left as he observed that no scar formed on his skin.

Alex then dug out the goblins magic stones and noticed that the goblins were a variant species and so he believed that he could get a few extra valis from selling the stones.

He then searched the goblins' bodies and found 1000 valis from their bodies.He then started walking to the village .

It was currently around noon and he saw the Village gate.Before going to the village ,Alex made Pichu infuse itself in his body.Pichu did so albeit a little reluctantly.Alex did not want anyone to see Pichu because he is not of this world and people who kidnapped Xenos would also try to kidnap Pichu.

Alex also put on his eyepatch on his left eye.There was a magical enchantedment on the eyepatch.If he concentrates enough he could see heat signatures of people,monsters,etc with his left eye.And there was a silver cross like symbol on the eyepatch.

He also tied his hair in a ponytail.He felt that he should look awesome right now.

Anyways he walked towards the village gate where he saw two guards standing near the gate.

"Halt stranger ,state your purpose"one of the guards questioned Alex.

"Sir I was travelling with my party but I got separated when a pack of wolves attacked my party.I managed to kill one of the wolves who followed me.Thankfully I had a potion so I didn't die"Alex replied to the guard.

"You got luck kid there is a goblin camp inside the forests.You would have surely died if you stumbled upon their camp.Anyways the toll is 100 valis but I will let you go inside the village ."said the guard to Alex.

Alex nodded appreciatedly at the guard and went inside the village.He saw a signpost saying that this village was known as Beer town.He was surprised at the name but did not say anything.

He saw that it is a small village consisting of small houses along with a pub,a small shop and a normal sized Inn.And of course the main attraction of this village is ,you guessed it,beer .

Alex went to the inn to check himself in.It was hundred valid per day to stay in the inn.Food was not provided in the inn and so he had to go to the pub.

He walked towards the pub and as soon as he reached the pub ,he was hit by a really bad smell.He nearly threw up.

After a few minutes the smell became more bearable.Alex wondered if he had a skill that affects odours.He decided to think about it later.

He opened the door of the pub and went inside.He saw that most of the people were wearing clips on their noses.

A few unfortunate ones were passed out with foam coming from their mouths.I looked at the person who was the source of the problem.

That person had long blond hair with a thick beard.He had electric blue eyes and had a bulky appearance.That person was currently drinking beer without a care in the world not showing any consideration to the people around him.

Even the bartender had a clip on his nose.That blond guy should be a big shot or something, otherwise he would surely be beaten up.Alex choose a seat far away from the blond guy.He motioned the bartender to his direction.

Alex ordered some soup and rice along with curry.He also ordered some grape juice.Alex was currently waiting for the meal when Pichu decided to show up.Alex figured it was hungry and since everyone was distracted ,he gave it some berries.

Suddenly the blond guy came up to me and said"Kid join my familia"

What the hell Alex didn't think that the blond guy was a God.But some parts of his mind believed that he should be a god since no mortal could fart like that.

"Hmmm I will try to see if he has no ill intentions towards me.If he is an ok God I could join his familia."Alex thought to himself.

"Who are you"Alex inquired at the god.

"I am ............."the god started speaking.

(Continued in the next chapter.)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

If you like the story ,power stones will be much appreciated.

Raging_Pulverizercreators' thoughts