
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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Organize a team-building session for them.

 "Old Zhang, why did you bring us to the mental hospital? Do you plan to turn those people into lunatics and send them in?" "I'm

 not sitting around like this, I'm going crazy, and I still have to be raised here. I'm grateful to them for the rest of their lives!"

 "Then what do you think..."

 "Hehehehe," Zhang Mengyu laughed evilly, "These patients are always kept in this place, which is not good for their health. Ah, you have to go out for some fresh air occasionally, right? I plan to organize a team-building activity for them, just in the spring of Cheryl. What do you think?" "High! It's really

 high!" Wang Ling couldn't help but raise his hand. Thumbs up.

 Don't those people look down on them? Isn't it only for people in Europe? In this case, there is no reason to let these locals patronize their shopping malls this time, right?

 Europe is a place that values ​​human rights very much. Mental patients also have human rights. Even if they are ill, their personal freedoms cannot be restricted. Can they not accept people who want to go shopping?

 "By the way, Ropers, how many people in this hospital are of Frankish nationality?" "

 Well, I don't have the statistics here, but there are about 700 people. For the exact data, I have to ask the hospital's file management Member," Ropers replied.

 "It's okay, a rough figure is enough," Zhang Mengyu said, "Let's do it. It's not convenient if there are too many people. Tomorrow, let's organize a team-building activity for these people. "

 It's just that these people are so seriously ill that they may not even be able to enter the city!" Ropers said, "They are left in this hospital because they have lost their sense of self, so the human rights Laws cannot restrict them, but European countries also have corresponding policies for this type of dangerous people. They cannot just watch these people misbehave in the city." "Then how can we get in?" Zhang

 Mengyu asked.

 "When this hospital was established, it was to treat and isolate critically ill patients. Therefore, when it was first established, each country sent a professional psychiatrist to be stationed there. Only with their signature can these patients be allowed to be released. Get out.

 "It's so troublesome," Zhang Menglong suddenly fell into deep thought. This is not easy to handle. This can't be solved by simply stuffing money. "

 Mr. Zhang, this is not a difficult problem, as long as they can maintain their integrity during the inspection." A normal person's clear thinking and conventional logic will suffice. "Ye Yin's voice sounded in Zhang Mengyu's mind.

 "You put it simply, how can it be so easy to cure a mental illness? And if it's cured and taken out, then I can play with a ball! "

 Mr. Zhang, the reason why those mentally ill patients enter such a state is because external factors such as stimulation and lesions have destroyed their brain structure and caused certain nodes in neurotransmission. But as long as some special methods are used, Methods can be used to restore their spiritual transmission nodes to normal in the short term, and then they will be like ordinary people.

 " Do you still have this ability? " Zhang Mengyu said in surprise, "Can you do it?" "

 It's just a small means. In fact, if you want to completely cure their disease, I can do it. It just depends on whether you are willing."

 "Cough, cough, cough! " Zhang Mengyu suddenly became serious, "Well, people's birth, old age, illness and death are all objective laws of this world. Although we have this ability, we should not deliberately destroy its balance."

 "Mr. Zhang, just say you don't want to! "

 "You want so much nonsense? " "If Zhang Mengyu could speak, he would have started scolding him now, but if he really spoke, he himself might be sent in. "

 When this matter is over, you can treat them. After doing so much, Contribution, I, Zhang Menglong, am not a stingy person.

 "Okay Mr. Zhang, I will make arrangements when the time comes. "

 "Ropers, go call the doctors here and gather all the patients from the Frankish Kingdom into the square in front. Then you go see the person in charge appointed by Frank. I will discuss team building with him. " .

 "Mr. Zhang, it's impossible for him to agree. The condition of these patients is too serious, and almost every one of them is very aggressive. Let alone go to the Frankish capital, even if they go to the suburbs, they will fight with each other. " There were all casualties caused by Ken. "

 Ropers pointed to two of the wards and said, "That's the disciples of 'Xiao Yan' and Ma Baoguo. Every time they go out to have fun, the two of them have to fight. Later, for safety reasons, they are separated. coming. "

 Hahaha," Zhang Mengyu had already made up the scene in his mind, "It's okay, just go and call someone. We will follow the procedure. If he refuses to sign, I will not force him. We will Chinese people are very disciplined. "


 Soon, Ropers came to the square with the psychiatrist.

 "Ropers, I said, this is impossible, those people are really too sick, no matter what There is no way I can sign it! I know your dean is very rich, but the legal risks in this matter are too great. If something happens, I will be hanged! "

 Dr. Child, the new director said, just go and have a look. If you really think the condition is too serious, you don't have to sign, and he won't force you." "

 But this is meaningless at all. I came to patrol the ward yesterday, and the conditions of those patients have not improved at all. Did they recover overnight?" It will be a messy scene again soon, look..."

 As soon as he finished speaking, Dr. Child was stunned. More than 700 patients, wearing uniform hospital uniforms, seemed to be neat and tidy. Orderly troops generally stood in this square.

 Originally, some of their expressions were dull and some were chaotic, but now, their expressions were uniformly calm and serious. This feeling made him feel as if he had arrived at a rehabilitation hospital in the military region. , not a psychiatric hospital.

 "How is this possible? "Ropers and Child said in unison.

 When did these patients become so honest?

 In fact, not only them, but even Wang Ling could not explain the situation in front of him. Zhang Mengyu just said that a family under his name recently The pharmaceutical company has produced a special medicine to treat severe mental illness.

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 First of all, any medicine cannot be given to patients casually, especially for experiments. The drugs in the drug, such clinical drugs, must first obtain the consent of the patients' families.

 Zhang Menglong immediately asked the hospital to call the families of those patients. With the

 condition so serious, they almost had no hope, and Zhang Menglong Mengyu also said that as long as they agree to this drug experiment, one person can receive a compensation of 100,000 euros. If the drug causes any negative effects, the compensation will be increased a hundred times! Under this premise, all the patients' families rushed to sign the electronic

 contract , in less than half an hour, the authorization was actually completed.

 In fact, there are no special medicines, this is just a capsule to supplement human nutrition!

 But the miraculous thing is that after taking the medicine, all of the patients actually became quiet, and their crazy and sluggish expressions suddenly disappeared without a trace, which made people marvel at the magic of this medicine.

 In just a few minutes, all the patients arrived in front of the square in an orderly manner.

 "Friends, he just doesn't want you to leave here. If you want to go out, just protest with him!" Zhang Mengyu pointed at Dr. Charlton and said.

 "Let us out!"

 "We are not sick!"

 "You are detaining us like this, we have the right to appeal to the court!"

 "We want freedom, we want human rights!"


 the patients shouted one by one .

 "Is this really the thinking logic of patients with severe mental illness? This is impossible! Are they all better? But this is too outrageous!" Dr. Child couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

 "What's going on?" Dr. Charlton asked.

 "Oh, it's nothing. These patients seem to have recovered. They all want to be discharged from the hospital, but everyone has feelings after being together for so long. I think before everyone leaves, I want to organize a team-building activity for them."