
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

DaoistLbwMKl · 都市
370 Chs

Hurry up and print money.

 As the chairman of a bank, no one knows what these cards represent better than Pu Zhiguan. This Hazy not only owns the black card of their Ligao Bank, but also the black cards of several other banks.

  Will these black cards have no money? You wouldn't believe it even if you beat him to death. As for how much money he had, Pu Guanzhi didn't even dare to think about it.

  "Do you want to mobilize cash from other banks?" Zhang Menglong saw through Park Guanzhi's thoughts at a glance. At this time, apart from this method, he probably has no other way out, but Zhang Menglong will give him Does he have this chance?

  "Mr. Park, I'm sorry, even if you call the CEOs of all the banks in the Ligao Kingdom here, you won't be able to get a dime from their vaults, because none of them can protect themselves now."

  Zhang Mengyu pointed to the black card of Ligao Minsheng Bank and said, "This card has 6,666 sub-accounts, and the total savings is not much, 420 trillion Ligao coins."

  "This is a black card from Lane Bank. There should be more than 8,000 sub-accounts under its name, and the total savings should be about 480 trillion."

  "And this one, it's about 390 trillion."

  "Oh, this one is a lot. It has 12,000 sub-accounts and a total savings of 810 trillion. I filled up two-thirds of the savings in their entire bank."

  "Do you want me to tell you how much the remaining ones cost?" Zhang Mengyu looked at Pu Guanzhi with a smile.

  Park Guanzhi and Manager Li's bodies were already trembling.

  Zhang Mengru came completely prepared this time! The savings in these cards alone have exceeded the total savings in their bank. Even if funds are mobilized through relationships, it can solve Ligao Bank's urgent needs, but what about other banks?

  They were sure that once Zhang Mengyu got the money from here, his next target would be other banks. Can they still mobilize the money?

  Zhang Mengyu is like a swarm of locusts, leaving no trace behind wherever he goes. As long as he completes one trip, all the bank deposits of the entire Ligao Kingdom will be wiped out.

  Not to mention Zhang Mengyu, even the ordinary people of Ligao Country's demand for withdrawals can cause them all to collapse.

  Once everyone knows that the bank is out of money, angry workers will immediately surround all bank buildings and force the bank to give money.

  By then, companies will be unable to operate normally and society will be in chaos. In order to cope with the crazy people, the country will inevitably have no choice but to turn on the money printing press, and inflation will be inevitable.

  In a few months at most, the economic system established by the entire Ligao Kingdom over the years would collapse in an instant. Not to mention that they don't have any economic model at all. Even if they do, do they still have a dime? Is there still a basket to use with this economic model?

  "Mr. Zhang, there's no need for you to be aggressive, right?" Pu Guanzhi's face was bleak.

  "Aggressive?" Zhang Mengyu said angrily, "When you idiot economists scolded me and asked me to apologize, why didn't you stand up and tell them not to be aggressive? Are you a double standard dog?"

  Zhang Mengyu said with unabashed sarcasm, "Isn't your economic model amazing? You even caused the economic crisis. Since you can cause the economic crisis, you must be able to calm it down, right? I mainly want to see, There is no other meaning in raising your posture."

  "Mr. Zhang, you will cause very bad diplomatic relations."

  "Oh? Really?" Zhang Mengyu spread his hands, "I don't know, I only know that when I deposit the money in your bank, it's all my money. When I want to take it out, it's all mine. If you insist on imposing any crime on me, there is nothing I can do about it."

  "But, what I hate most is people threatening me. What you just said made me very unhappy, so I have decided now that I will add another 200 trillion to the money I withdraw from your bank. If you can't take it out, Then I can only go to your finance department to ask for it. You have no money, but your country always has money, right?"

  Hearing this, Pu Guanzhi immediately panicked. If this matter rose to the national level, it would be almost impossible to solve.

  "Mr. Zhang, give us some time. The amount you want to withdraw is really too much. Although we are the person in charge of the bank, these banks are state-owned. I'm afraid we can't make the decision."

  "It's okay, I have plenty of time. I just plan to live in your Ligao country for a while, enjoy your customs and see your beauties and handsome guys. You don't have to worry. Anyway, the deposit certificates are here, and you can't run away. "

  Zhang Menglong certainly didn't think about getting everything done at once. For him, bringing down Ligao's emergency was not the main purpose. His main purpose was just to give them a slap and give them a warning. As for how serious this slap was. Cruel, that depends on their attitude towards admitting their mistakes.

  "Oh, by the way, I'll give you a piece of advice," Zhang Menglong added, "Instead of studying how to deal with me and make me give up withdrawing money, you might as well print money quickly!"

  After saying that, Zhang Menglong actually took Hong Yi and left directly.


  "Hong Yi, what do you think they will do in the end?" After returning to his residence, Zhang Mengyu lay down lazily.

  "Does that need to be said? It is estimated that the bosses of the banks are gathering together for a meeting now. I am afraid that even the people in the Finance Department of Ligao Kingdom will be alarmed. If nothing else happens, I should invite you over for tea in two days."

  "Drinking tea? I still don't give them face!" Zhang Mengyu said with a smile.

  He took out his mobile phone and had not used Weibo in the past two days. There were already hundreds of thousands of comments under his sentence "I heard you don't believe it."

  "Mr. Zhang, did you run away?"

  "Don't you want to prove it to us? Hurry!"

  "Didn't you say that your parents are great? The world economic crisis can be caused. Don't just drink, eat vegetables!"

  "SB upstairs, based on what we know about Mr. Zhang, he should be preparing for a big move now!"

  "The anti-fans are scolding, but the old fans are ready to watch the show."


  "There are really everyone in this world," Zhang Menglong sneered, and he directly expressed his current position, "I'm sorry, in line with the concept of world peace, I won't do anything big yet, but I have to teach some bad-mouthed people a lesson first, and I plan to empty out all the money in the bank here first."

  Later, Zhang Mengyu directly sent a screenshot, which was his deposit in Ligao Bank.

  "730 trillion Ligao coins? I...I...ah, ah..."

  "Can someone tell me the exchange rate? I don't know much about reading!"

  "Won't you check the Baidu upstairs? Today's exchange rate between the Chinese currency and the Ligao currency is 165 times. Do the math yourself. It's more than 4 trillion Chinese currency and more than 670 billion U.S. dollars!"

  "Really or not? It can't be p, right?"

  "Mr. Zhang needs a p-picture? You seem to be making me laugh!"

  "Oh my God! I remember that Ligo Bank only has 2000 trillion in total. What is he going to do?"

  "Hahaha, I know this. I work in a bank. Even if someone has a deposit of 2000 trillion, I'm afraid they may not even have 500 trillion in cash. If Mr. Zhang comes to visit, he can directly bankrupt the bank!"


  "Hahaha, let me tell you, Mr. Zhang is not the kind of person who suffers and suffers losses!"

  "We will start the operation from Ligao Country first!"

  "I'm here to worship Jianguo, and I'm already starting to panic."

  "Excuse me for all the dirty tricks, Mr. Zhang is killing the chicken to show the monkey!"

  "Everyone, stop checking Instagram, stop checking Twitter, stop checking Facebook, you should print money quickly, otherwise Mr. Zhang will come and see what you will do!"