
I Have No Choice Except For Third Path

I had seen two future paths of my life in my dream. One where I lost everything so destroyed everything. Another where I had everything in the beginning but still lost everything became a vengeful human. "There is no way I'm going to choose them. They are complete nut jobs. In the end, it's always I am the one who regrets everything." "I am going to search for an alternative third path where there is no bloodshed, no destruction, no losing everyone. I am going to live happily on that path with my future wives. " "Yeah, I am defiantly going to find that path. I have to......." For this, I will become a shadow even if I have to...

AliceOnZombieLand · ファンタジー
9 Chs

The Second Dream

I jolted wake from my thought. I get up from my bed and drink a glass of water. It's still dark outside. I open the door to my balcony and set on the armchair. It's quite cold as the winter season is about to enter. I could faintly see the light that was coming from the rice field as the farmers were harvesting the crops.

As I watched the faint light I started to remember the second dream. In the first dream, I was a weak pathetic man but in the second dream, I was a diligent gentleman.

I started as an arrogant boy but one day I changed myself after my parents give me some advice. It's not like they didn't give me any advice in the first dream but I just didn't listen to them. But I listen to them this time. I changed myself as I started paying more attention to my study and training. Soon I became a powerful man with both power and dignity. People of the fiefdom started calling me the great young master.

As I grew strong my reputation grew more and more. Soon the fated moment came when I met the prince. This time it was different. I met the prince in the same place the bar. But I accidentally talked with him while ordering a light drink without alcohol. The prince questioned me why I am drinking while I am an underage person. But soon I explained to him politely as it was a beverage, not a drink. I offered him a drink and as he liked the drink we started drinking more. Through drinking, we chat for a while and soon we became a kind of drinking buddy.

During the remaining of his stay in our fiefdom, we became close friends as we often met with each other. From him, I learned about the capital and the royal academy that he will start studying next month. He offered me to join him as I am a novel who can also become a student easily.

I got excited about meeting new place and I quickly left for the academy. My parents were reluctant to send me there but I insisted to go to the Academy. In the end, they gave up but they warned me to stay away from political trouble. I didn't give it much thought and I started attending the Academy.

In the beginning, everything went smoothly. I was top of my class, friends with the prince, and respected by everyone. Damn, I even had a girlfriend from the marquise family. But soon everything falls apart. It was a simple misunderstanding that started all.

At the start of my 2nd year, I was introduced to a man named Elric. He was a funny and handsome young man. We met each other at the start of the new semester when I was moved to a new class. We quickly became best buddies. Soon I started hanging out with him more. It was nothing as men can also hang out casually. But my girlfriend misunderstands the whole thing differently.

After a couple of days, a strange rumor starts to spread around the academy, that I'm gay. The rumor spread like a wildfire and after a couple of days, every single people in the country seems to know about this. My girlfriend didn't even listen to me anymore and people who I once called friends didn't even talk to me anymore. And just like that, I became an outcast.

The prince also started to avoid me. I tried to explain everything to everyone. But soon another devastating rumor started. It was that I tried to seduce Elric.

People especially girls started to avoid me even more. Now one thing to note why being gay was such a problem is because being gay as a noble is a disgrace to the empire. Soon the empire took away my nobility and as punishment, they forbid me to meet with my parents.

Soon another major issue came out as I found out that I can not improve my skills anymore as my potential reached a bottleneck. It has something to do with the power of my race. Soon my grade starts to fall and not long after I reached the low-tier talent. The rest of the year in the academy was a painful journey for me as I have no one beside me anymore. It lasted for a long time until the first half of the 3rd year.

In the autumn break of my 3rd year, I one day met a girl. Her name was Lisa. She is from the prominent Franko family. She was only caring on the park bench. She was a 7-year-old girl and alone. So I went to her and asked her what was wrong with her. She said that she is lost and forgot the way out. She came here with her sister but she lost her. So I helped her to find her sister.

Her sister's name was Henrietta Franko. She thanked me for saving her sister and offered me money but I didn't take it. So she asked me out for a lunch. After that, we frequently met each other. She was a junior who joined the academy this year. So she probably didn't hear the rumor. It made me somewhat happy but I became fearful she might learn about me soon.

She did learn about me as she was a powerful noble with her network. But it didn't bother her, probably with her influence she learned about the truth. I became in debt to her.

I started working for her. As I spend more time with her I became more infatuated with her charm. Unbeknownst to all she also falls in love with her. As we were in our initial state of romance the bridge between us is only Lisa. Lisa is the one who always wanted us to be together.

This moment became my most happy moment. Henrietta wanted to reopen my case of mine, as she was hell bend on winning the case. As the trial of my case started again, people also started to believe me more. But everything changed in one single night.

Lisas birthday came. I was officially invited as a Franko guest. It was a close friend's birthday and everyone was happy. I greeted Mr. Franko and Ms. Franko. They assured me not to worry about it as I will win in my case. I went to Lisa and gave her my gift. A fine bracelet. She was very happy with the gift and started showing it to everyone. In the middle of everything, someone intrudes on the party. He was an old man with a mustache who was probably in his 70s. He wore a butler uniform and had a glass on his eye.

He greeted us humbly. As he was an unknown person we all became alert. He started introducing himself as he said,

"My name is Alberto. I'm the butler of the Vonclay family of the south."

There is only one vonclay family in the world. They live in the south a country called Night Country. It was a country ruled by Vampire and Vonclays are the most famous bunch. The butler started telling that he came here to take something from the Franko family.

It was a sword. Many generations ago Franko family borrowed a Sword from the Vonclay family. The borrowed date has ended today. So he came to take it back. Everyone was confused but then he showed the contract. As he demanded the sword Franko's family stated that they don't know anything about such a sword. It was obvious that an incident happened generations ago everyone would forgotten about it.

The butler became furious and he activated the contract. Soon something weird started to happen with Lisa as smoke generated all around her. Soon a skeleton knight appeared in front of her. Alberto started explaining saying that the sword was a magic sword and it became mixed with the Lisas blood. So now he will be taking the sword from her. We asked her what will happen to Lisa and he answered that she will die.

As he proceeds toward her Henrietta shoots a magic bullet toward the magic knight. I jumped at the knight and punched him in the gut with all my might. As everyone started fighting we soon realize Alberto is powerful. He is an S rank fighter. At one point we were all exhausted. Soon Alberto and the knight started making toward Lisa. I desperately started to remove my bottleneck but it was no vail. And in front of everyone Lisas soul was sucked out.

At that moment guilt, sadness, despair, and anger every emotion surfaced within me. I broke the chain that was entangling me. With rage and fury, I punched at Alberto and who was thrown away and smashed into a pillar. But I made a mistake. The knight had already separated the soul. Lisa is no longer.

I punched at Alberto with all my might but he turned into his full form and defended. He mocked me saying a weak normal human will always remain weak and punched me in the gut. His punch was terrifying as I was thrown away.

He ran away saying his mistress will be delighted and they will offer an official apology. Henrietta and everyone are divested.

The death of Lisa became public. As the Night Kingdom officially sends an apology. The worst part about it is that the Kingdom accepted it. I sware in my heart that I will become strong and take my revenge.

We quit the academy for my revenge, but Henrietta also joined me. We became mercenaries and joined various wars. It didn't take long but soon we became famous. The man and women duo. But for us, it didn't mean anything as our goal was revenge.

5 years passed by and soon we become very powerful. We destroyed our enemy like nothing. We became the king of destruction. Our love between us also bonded as we become a married couple. But our goal never changed. Still, we had a dream that one day we will become happy.

Soon the global war started. And we created a mercenary army of our own. As the war keeps going on our army becomes more powerful. Whoever gave us money we fight for them. And like this, we met against the Night Kingdom.

The Night Kingdom along with other kingdoms of the beast race joined forces as they started to Fight against the Human. In that battle, our main goal was to kill the Dragon King. If we killed him the Gondor kingdom will let us do whatever with the Night Kingdom.

Soon the battle reached the climax as we assaulted the Daron King. But he was guarded by the vampire. The ruler of the vampire was a girl name Shina Vonclay and close to her is Alberto. He was still the same but he lost one of his eyes.

Alberto became surprised as he recognize us. Soon his mistress learned about us and she apologized to us the mid-battle.

"I never wanted the tragedy to fall on to the Franko family. I punished Alberto as you can see that I plucked one of his eyes out after that incident. The sword was never that important to us in the first place, I hope that you forgive us and we can start anew from here."

Both of us didn't give a fuck about her apology. We became furious as channeled our mana into our sword. The vampire underestimated us. But soon they regretted their decision as it took mare 15 seconds to finish every single vampire on our path.

With my sword, I pinned down Alberto as he watched Henrietta face off his mistress. Shina was a powerful fighter. But it's still impossible for her to fight Henrietta for so long. Henrietta had a large amount of mana than your typical S-rank fighter. We both become S+ rankers. A rank beyond S rank. Soon Shina fell off she succumbed to injury. Alberto furiously cried to spare her mistress and begged for mercy. But I asked him,

"Did you show us mercy? Did you?" I plunged the sword into him more dipper.

Soon with her sword, Henrietta chopped off Shina's head and Alberto watches the entire thing. I used another sword to chop off his head.

Our revenge has ended as we both win our long war. We were relieved of our burden. But we were still in the middle of a war. The Dragon King became furious after he heard about the death of Shina. The enraged dragon king attacked us with a fire breath. We dodged the attack and started attacking him. The battle became intense as he transform into his half dragon and half human form. As me and my wife and I both become more powerful we also started launching critical injuries to the Dragon King.

The battle lasted more than an hour. Our intense fight destroyed the land completely. In the end, we won the fight but with a cost. Both Henrietta and I lost our arms in the fight.

We become heroes. As we single-handedly stopped the war but at a cost. We were seriously poisoned by the Dragon King's poison fang. As we both realises that we didn't have much longer to live we left the kingdom.

The remaining of our time we spend in my home land my old fiefdom. My parents were long gone and Henrietta's family was inherited by her cousin. So we started our own family and lived peacefully at the cost of Ruin Sea in my homeland.

We were peacefully and happy for the remaining time of our life. My wife died ahead as soon after I also died. I Edward Pen Dragon a foolish man, a hero, a husband who avenged my enemies died peacefully at the age of 40 with a small group of people knowing. Also, it looks like after the war everyone believed that I was not gay as I was married.