
Part 3: My reasons

this world these people and this life

I don't know why they are given to us logically it is impossible for a person to know the answer.

In our life, we see sad times and happy times but people always want happiness, you see happiness doesn't last forever nor the sadness last forever. you know even the fairy tale doesn't have happiness all the time right.

that's right if you lose something you can build it again and this time even with a lot of care so that it won't shatter again.

it's okay if you don't make a hundred friends instead make a true friend. who is important to you as a hundred friends. even if you have only one friend as long as you have someone close to your heat.you is not alone in this world.

let's say

what if...

what if.....!!!!!!

what if you can have any wish granted? anything you want in the world???

what would you wish for???

there will be many answers in the world every person have their own way of thinking right.

like someone wants to be a wealthy man, someone wants to be a singer, someone wants eternal life

but the one wish that everyone wants is to be happy in the world.

I always think that someday some come to me and say hey you are the one choose.

you know every story and every book and every movie it's about one special guy chosen.

in real life, if one was chosen then there million people who aren't.

you know,

if we go for human observation only 30% of communication done through speech but other 70% we observe through eye movements and small gesture.

so if you look at another way a person who doesn't talk much is still performing 70% communication ritual.

sometimes I think life should have reset button so if we had gone somewhere wrong then we can start life again, right that would be an easy way out.

hurting is something we always get and give it back. its impossible to not hurt others cause whether they are aware of it or not people hurt each other just by living.

they do it when they are alive and they also do when they are dead. they do it when they try to get involved and also do it by leaving. if you don't care about someone

you won't even notice that they are hurting. the point is being aware of it like if you know you are hurting them, it shows that you care about them.

that's what is life to improve yourself and to be a good friend and good lover

and out of all be a good person.

you know there are emotions all the types happy,sad, anger , fear,trust, disgust and surprise well a person is made of different type of emotions some are most of the time are happy and some are most of the time sad etc . there is big majority of emotions a person without emotions is like a dead person or at least like a robot .

if we talk about sadness:

most people say that men are not supposed to cry I don't understand why. we are also human beings and every person cry at some point in there life right.

ohh i forgot something to tell you guys every person cries definitely do cry , you see when a baby is born the doctors reasonably make us cry. now I know why

people hate hospitals and doctors most hahaha that's logical thinking.

for one thing, I never trust a person who had never cried in there life and these people are very hard to figure out too.

and if we talk about anger when a person gets angry you know our mouth works faster than brain so we say awful things to other that we never mean and also end it up hurting others. that's the way life is always unfair.

if we consider peoples problem there is no one without problem. the thing I don't get is why everyone says my problem is bigger than yours.

every person has some problem with there poor person there own problems to worry about and rich person has there own problems to worry about , every person has something that's never-ending till your last breath

even a small newborn babies have there own problem hahahaha like if they are hungry they can't ask like " hey I want something to eat I am hungry" like we do all the time.

problems everywhere but it doesn't mean it lasts forever it will end at some point.

well guys have you ever heard about those things people always say like " if you feed a dog for three days he will remember you for three years" something like that.

i think this one is about loyalty of dogs there are other things that people say too like " if you like or have interest in the things you then you are going to do it better than the inventor himself"

and its true when you like the work you do , you are going to have fun doing it in the best of your heart right"
