
Slime Transformation System

Do you know what it feels like to love and trust someone for years on end, only to have it ripped away in mere seconds? Do you know the despair, envy, rage, and sorrow that flashes through you like a riptide, coming in seconds and taking away all that is you? Do you understand what it feels like to be cast out by the one you love so deeply you wouldn't hesitate to give your life for them?


Winston's dad felt mad for his son.

The boy loved a girl for many years, and she had met him before, but he would never believe that such a kind girl would do this to his son, but here it was, staring him in the face. He wasn't very good with this type of thing, so he decided to try something he'd heard would work.

"Winston, during a state of sadness and grief such as this, you should try to concentrate on something else, why not go to the forge out back and try to make something?" He told his son

"Thanks dad" Winston smiled"I'll try" Winston got up and hugged his father, before trudging his way through the hall towards the forge out back.

If there was something Winston loved besides the girl, whose name was Persephone, it would be forging and mechanics. He could be considered a genius in both fields, already making machines in high school.

He walked past the garage and sighed. There was a car in there he had been working on for years for when he confessed to Persephone. It was past top of the line and even had a sleek look, all it needed was paint.

He walked to the large shed a few meters away from the garage and opened the door. Inside was a crucible with a red hot metal bar inside. Beside it was an anvil and a large hammer, while on the other side of the room was a mechanical hammer many times stronger than a person.

Winston lifted the metal out of the crucible with a large pair of pliers, sat it on the anvil and started hammering. He'd decided to build a sword. He brought the hammer up, then down, up, then down. This repetition calmed his heart and mind. He slowly started to lose any love for Persephone through this repetitive motion akin to meditation for him. After a few hours of hammering and reheating. He had a sword blade. The sword was meant to be a straight double edged blade. He took it to a grinder a few feet away to get out any unevenness in the blade.

After he finished grinding the blade, he started to fashion a handle out of wood with a knife. At this point he lost his love and truly hated Persephone.

After he had the handle, he decided to make blade's edge. He took it back to the grinder and slowly made an edge along both sides of the blade.

Once he had an edge and places for the handle to attach to the blade, he aligned the handle with where he was going to hammer the pins in to keep it in place. There were two pins. He put the pins in the holes and hammered them in.

Ping. He moved the hammer

Ping. The sword was done. Right as he stepped back to look his handiwork, he heard a beep.

[Slims Transformation System installed]

"What!?" he was extremely surprised and shocked. "What is a slime transformation system?" He thought.

[Name: Winston Smith


Race:Human(Can become a slime)

Average Combat Power:25

Skills:Absorption,Dissolve, Body shaping, Body storage, mimic

Absorption:Gain abilities of things you eat, mass is added to slime form

Dissolve:Dissolve almost anything placed in body

Body Shaping:shape slime body at will

Body storage:Store thing in your slime body

Mimic:Can mimic beings consumed



Inventory:1. ]


Lucifer was watching the mortal world, like always, to help his boredom. He came across Winston as he was looking at a few miles out from New York City. He could feel a large amount of negative emotions radiating from that area. He wanted to increase them and maybe cause a suicide. He plucked one of his feathers filled with negative emotions and sent it to the kid, but as he watched, the second it hit that kid, it was absorbed, then the power mutated and absorbed energy from the universe itself to make itself powerful, then it seemingly disappeared. Lucifer thought it was interesting so he deemed it a place to keep an eye on, little did he know of afar he just caused.
