
part 2

My crush, Hanako Kiko, rejected me, and little did I know I was walking home with her today. After the class started to spread rumors about us dating, she grabbed my hand and ran. I also play along with her to get the answer to why she is doing?

We ran away, and after a short while, Kiko was out of breath, and we rest for a bit on the bench. I thought to ask why did she do that? But the fact that she rejected me made my mouth unable to utter a word about it, so I went to buy a cold drink for both of us. It was very thoughtful of me to a person who didn't even like it.

I collect the drinks from the vending machine and head back to Kiko. I sat on the bench and gave Kiko a cold drink.

"Here, Drink it. My treat."

"Thank you." She accepted my offer and quickly drank it.

"Wow! You really must be thirsty huh?" I opened my can as I ignored eye contact with her.

"Yeah It is very tiring to ran away this much." She muttered, "Are you not tired after running this much?"

"I am little tired but not tired as you."

"Oh, judging from your body, i thought you would be weak."

"That is harsh, Well it is the truth, i am weak in fact i am the weakest boy in the class."

"I know but how could you not be tired?"

"I happened to be in sport club during my middle school."

"Oh, What do sports do you play in the sport club?"

"Mostly running but i got bored with it so i eventually left it."

"Thats a shame."


I finished drinking and was planning to ask her why she asked me out in the class. Suddenly she asked me,

"Want to stop by a cake shop?"

I thought to refuse it since it was almost night, but I couldn't resist her cute face, so I accepted it. While we were walking, there was an awkward silence between us until we reached the shop. We enter the shop and saw a huge guy at the reception counter. For some reason, he stared at me. I gulped and ignored him. In my shock, Kiko hugged that giant guy who was staring at me, and not only that happened, but the colossal guy turned into a sweet guy and gave a charming aura.

"I am back Dad!" Kiko hugged.

"Welcome back my angel!!" The giant guy hugged her back.

"Wait a minute what is happening?" I interrupt.

"What do you mean by what is happening? This is my dad." Kiko and her dad stared at me. Kiko's dad suddenly changed to a cold, ruthless and gave a bad vibe.

"Who is this Kiko?" Kiko's dad asked in an unfriendly tone.

Out of nowhere, Kiko hold my left arm tightly and announced,

"He is my boyfriend, dad."

I was stunned after what she announced.

"W-w-what?" I looked at Kiko and got dazed.

"Are you her boyfriend?" Kiko's dad started to crack both his hands.

I had no choice but to accept the fact that we are dating. Since Kiko's dad looked scary, I decided to act like a boyfriend in front of him.

"Yes, Hanako and I are dating for about months now!!! I am really luck that I got to date with angel like her." I panicked.

Then Kiko's dad took a deep breath, and a moment later,

"Ok, I accept you as my little angel's boyfriend since you are giving me a trustworthy vibe from you." He continued, "Introduced yourself."

I gave a respectful bow to Kiko's dad and introduced myself, " My name is Hiroyuki Kuragari. It is honor to meet you dad." I accidentally utter dad. It was a slip of the tongue, so I apologize. It was tension moment but eventually, her dad utter,

"I understand, My name is Dachi Hanako. I hope you will not harm my little angel."

It was an intense moment between Kiko's dad and me but suddenly,

"I will walk you till train station, Kuragari." She holds my left arm and pulled me out of the shop.

I heard Kiko's dad whispered, "Still not able to call first name huh?"

"Why did I go with the flow?" I thought as she still holds my hand. I was so angry at her announcing something like that after she rejected me.

I grabbed myself and pulled my left hand out of her. I stood and told her,

"You are just using me huh? Do you think i am some kind of toy to you? You really are good at playing with a boy's heart huh? Just because you are girl does it mean that you get to do whatever you want."

"It is not like that-"

"Shut up!!! You are nothing but a bitch Hanako san." I shouted.

She slapped me, and after few seconds, I could feel the warmth in my cheeks. I got a numb feeling.

"Better change your thinking, not every girls are like you think. Baka" She went back, leaving me in the middle of the road. I realized that I went too far with words, and felt a little regret after saying it. I started to walk home with my bag in my right hand.

I reached home after an hour, entered my house. When I was taking off my shoes, Sakomi shouted, "Oni-chan, Mom came to visit us, she is staying for the dinner. Would you like to eat with us?"

I couldn't expressed my feeling when I heard that mom came to visit my little sister and me.

"I ate dinner at my friend's house, so i am full. You guys should eat."

I went to my room without meeting them. Many things were going on in my mind, so I decided to nap right after entering my room.
