
I got Possessed by the Tentacle God

WARNING! CONTAINS STRONG SEXUAL CONTENT, NOT SUITABLE FOR EVERYONE. AHHHH!!! That was the last of what Tie Zhu could remember when out of no where a small "Meteorite" fell out of the sky and and hit him right in the balls before passing out! Little did he know it was at that moment a black sludge that was the former Tentacle God seeped into his blood and tried to possess him. What will be the outcome? How did this happen? Find out by following this novel, guaranteed to be spicy! ****** Also if you would like to help me in other ways then signing up for Audibles 1 month free trial would do just that! With the one month trial you will get 30 days of membership free, plus 2 audiobooks and 2 Audible Originals to get you started. You can cancel anytime and the audiobooks you choose will be yours forever! Not only do u get the free trial and free audiobooks, for each signup they pay me money, so I consider it a great favour! As such for each person who signs up, I will make sure to release an Extra chapter! :D If you do decide to sign up for the free trial I greatly recommend the fantasy series "The Wheel of Time" which was one of my favourites growing up before I even knew about web novels. My Patreon Link!: https://www.patreon.com/phantom12 My Amazon Audible Affiliate link (30 Day FREE Trial!): https://amzn.to/3122F0y Wheel of Time Audible Affiliate link: https://amzn.to/2PQdZvo *Note* I do not own the artwork for the cover! The rights belong to Sang Sheng Wan Tags: R-18, cultivation, handsome male lead, overpowered male lead, romance, smut, harem, beautiful female, Tentacle, possession, rape

Phantom12 · 都市
70 Chs

Beauty and the Beast! (Part 1)

Bing Meifeng POV:

4:30 Pm

Bing Meifeng's mood during the whole day was very poor. Not only did she start the day with her father telling her that she had to get married to some playboy, she had also been embarrassed and lost face by actually getting rejected by a boy that she thought had liked her. To make matters worse, word of that event had spread around the whole school and now everyone had been talking about it secretly behind her back. Although they did not mention it within her vicinity, word did not escape hear ears given her cultivation that made her much more perceptive than the average person.


The sound of the school bell rang, signifying the end of the school day. 'Finally I can go home' Bing Meifeng thought, glad that the day was finally over. She could not take people talking behind her back anymore as it kept reminding her of her shameful appearance in the morning. Hastily walking out class she made her way to parking area, where she got in her brand new Mercedes S63 AMG Auto to drive back to her house that was located in the luxury residential villas nearby the Taihu Lake.

As she entered the door to her house she was immediately welcomed home by her house maids, however after she barely had the time to take her shoes off, footsteps came down the stairs. It was her father.

"How was school?" Her Father, asked bluntly.

"Like you actually care about how my day was! All you care about is your work and status! What do you really want?" She replied, knowing that it was unusual for her father to greet her after school like this.

"Ok, I'll just say it then. This weekend Long Dahai is coming over to meet with you. Don't be too cold either, remember what the fortune teller said. If you ruin this opportunity our family will be doomed to mediocracy!" He sternly reminded.

"I knew something had to be up! I don't want to marry him, I don't care what stories that fortune teller said, even if it's true I still wont accept it!" She yelled before slamming the door shut and walking back to her car. 'Why did it have to be like this!' She thought to herself while thinking back to what the fortune teller had said.

"The prosperity of your future will depend on a soaring dragon." Is what the old man had said. Although this old man was famous for his accurate divinations in the cultivation world, she did not expect that her father would sell her out that easily. As soon as her father had heard that he recalled the business partnership that the Long (Translates to dragon in Chinese) family had proposed not too long ago. Back then he did not give it too much thought since their family was not very powerful, and had just recently came into prominence through the real estate boom. However after he heard the fortune tellers divination he immediate called them back even to go as far as offer his daughters hand in marriage.

To her this already made no sense at all. She was already a genius herself, whether in was in her studies, business knowledge or cultivation. Her future would be bright without the help of any man. Why did her father not trust her abilities and force her into this situation? Although she never really got along well with her father, she could now understand why her mother loathed him. For his own selfish desires he would willingly sacrifice the happiness of anyone as long as it was not himself.

Realising that complaining was futile she decided that she would have to prove herself. Becoming powerful enough on her own that she would not have to listen to the likes of her father, who currently was stuck in a bottleneck at the peak of the 9th step Qi condensation for the past decade. Although she couldnt disobey his orders now it would only be a matter of time before she overtook him. 'That's right, although the spirit bottle that I have saved for the past 2 years is not completely full it should be enough for me to definitely break through to the 8th step and possibly into the 9th. Once that happens my dad will have to show me some respect.' she though to herself before driving off towards the island in the Taihu Lake.

As Bing Meifeng approached the location she had stored her spirit bottle, traversing past the dense forest and rocky terrain, it was already past 5 pm.' The cave should be just ahead" she thought to herself as she imagined the shocked face of her father once he saw her promotion.


'What! Whose yelling, why is someone near my special cave' she thought before quickly rushing towards the location of her spirit bottle in panic. However as soon as she approached a distance of 500m fron the source of the screaming her mouth opened wide in an o shape. What she saw made her almost completely forget about her bottle.

'Why is he here, what is happening to him?' She thought as she could see Tie Zhu bare body writhing on the floor in pain. Just as she was about to approach to help, his body started to rapidly expand. Bones visibly protruded out from his skin, and his red meaty flesh ripped all around his body before it reformed into void black scales. She had never experienced or heard anything like this before, however the figure reminded her of something. The figure resembled a dragon...

Bing Meifeng continued to watch Tie Zhu as his body underwent gruesome transformation, simply unable to take her eyes off. While watching the process wild thoughts flooded her mind as she wondered what secrets Tie Zhu was hiding. However it was not long before there was a sudden change in the weather. Dark clouds came in and suddenly a huge bolt of lightning fell from the Heavens landing straight on Tie Zhu's body.

".... Such pure spiritual energy!!" she exclaimed, unable process whta had happened. That bolt of lighting contained such concentrated spiritual energy that even after it struck its aura lingered around spreading in all directions. It made the area around where it struck perfect for cultivation! With that being the case she immediately sat down and began to cultivate. She started rotating her cultivation base and practice her breathing exercises immediately, not willing to let go of this opportunity.

"WHOOSH" All of the sudden the wind picked up, torrents of highly concentrated spiritual essence was being sucked in to a specific location, passing by her as it did so. She felt huge amounts of Qi flow comfortable within her meridians, breaking past her barriers, filling her dantain with extremely pure spiritual energy.

"Boom" It was not long before she felt a barrier completely break away, pushing her into the 8th step of Qi Condensation. This rapid progress however did not stop but continued to increase in speed! She continued to greedily absorb the Spiritual Essence as fast as she could, however at this moment something had struck her!

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" Came Tie Zhu's menacing voice. His deep golden sinister eyes piercing Bing Meifeng mind, while he forcibly pinned her body down to the ground.

Explanation chapter. Hopefully I can get in 3 chapters tomorrow. This one was written by phone so there may be more grammatical errors. I'll have to change it later.

Can't please everyone so it is what it is.

Phantom12creators' thoughts