

A mysterious door stands open, inviting a boy who’s been brutally bullied all his life to take a courageous step forward into the unknown. On the other side, he finds a hoard of priceless artifacts and a world as filled with magic as it is with monsters. The most shocking revelation, however, is that he can bring whatever he wants back with him when he returns to Earth. It won’t be long before this double life changes him forever... This light novel does not belong to me I am just sharing this all right belongs to the original owner and translater Currently there's only 13 volume that has been published or translated. Most of the chapter has a word count of 6k-10k this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · アニメ·コミックス
100 Chs

Vol-03 Ch 5 – Evolution

Part 1

I got a master and an apprentice named Usagi-san. Since then, I've continued my life of teaching magic while having him observe my kicking.

When I was teaching the magic that I inherited from sage-san, I was surprised to learn that among the many titles of "Holy" like Usagi-san, there is a person called the "Magic Saint" who has mastered magic, but the sage-san's magic seems to be even better than his. No, really, sage-san is too amazing.

Well, it was written that he had reached the realm of God while he was alive, so if I think about it calmly, there's nothing strange about it.

Anyway, I taught Usagi-san my own version of sage-san's magic in my own way… and really made me appreciate sage-san's magic circuit once again. It seems that Usagi-san has never been able to use his magic as much as he thought he could.

Apparently, I was naive in my perception. I thought that magic could be used by anyone who trained it. However, it seems to be common knowledge in the other world that it is difficult to learn and understand the theory necessary to control and activate magic unless you become a live-in apprentice under an excellent magician.

I've been told that the magic theories that magicians have studied and discovered seem to be an asset to them and that it is normal for them to keep them a secret. I have an image of publishing my research results like the scientists on Earth, but it seems that magicians are not like that. Well, it's not hard to understand that when business is involved, the technology is kept secret.

It's hard to get someone to teach you that kind of magic theory. Furthermore, the person who understands it, and who can control magic after controlling the magic power, is extremely rare.

…There was a soldier who had cast what seemed to be a recovery spell on Lexia-san before, but that might be one of the specialized units. If I think about it that way, I thought it was really amazing that a monster could naturally weave magic into a battle and attack from both distance and perspective in a well-balanced way. Now I'm making it a challenge to find out how I can use magic to my advantage in battle while fighting such monsters.

I heard that Usagi-san also asked the person with the title of "Magic Saint" to teach him before, but he could not use his magic at all. That is why I wondered if I could be of any help even if I taught him. Still, it seems that sage-san's theories of magic are easy to understand. Usagi-san was happy to learn that he was able to use magic better than before, so I was relieved for now.

I'm not the type of person who can say whether or not he is good or bad, so I don't know, but I could feel the power of the kick is increasing day by day. And now, as a break in my training, I had been brought before a certain monster.

That is──.


"Um… is it really possible for me to win?"

(It's not that you can win it or not. it is that you have to win it.)


The other day, I couldn't compete with it, and Usagi-san easily kicked it away, and it was the Mithril Boar. And if I look closely, it's bigger than the one I fought before.

"No, don't you think the revenge match is too early? It's only been about a week, you know?"

(There's no way we would wait for a chance for revenge so leisurely. Since it's the same race as before, you should have some idea of their behavior patterns, right?)


Realizing that nothing I say will work anymore, I activate the [Identification] skill to confirm the strength.

[King Mithril Boar]

Level: 3

Magic: 5000

Attack: 60,000

Defense: 100,000

Agility: 50,000

Intelligence: 3000

Luck: 1000

Skills: [Charge] [Iron Wall] [Magic Reflection] [Super Sense of Smell] [Magic Control] [Earth Attribute Magic]

"No, it's not the same!"

In fact, it's stronger than before! I can see why I thought I sensed something different about its dignity and presence! Because it was clearly a different rank! What's more frightening is that even the previous Mithril Boar had that unbeatable status at a low level of level 10. It was now upgraded to an even lower level of level 3 with an even higher status; it was no joke.

"Usagi-san, it's indeed impossible!"

(Don't worry. I'll save you before you die.)

"No, can you just save me before I get hurt!"

There's nothing about it that makes it okay!

"Brrr… Burururuuuuu!"

While Usagi-san and I were arguing with each other, the numbed King Mithril Boar came charging at me with more speed than the Mithril Boar. I managed to spin my body to avoid it, but it shook its head tremendously as it passed me, trying to put its fangs on me.


I quickly manifested the [Infinite Gauntlet] and blocked its attack, but I was easily blown away and slammed into the black hard tree.


(Hey. You can't participate in this fight. He has to get through this much on his own.)


Night is stopped by Usagi-san, and Akatsuki is watching such a situation with a not-so-subtle look on his face.

Well, seriously… I was hoping for Night's assistance…

(What's the matter? If you keep going like that, you'll be killed in no time. As I've told you before, there are people in this world who use the word "Evil" in their title. Of course, they are much stronger than this boar. You can't protect anyone when facing such a strong enemy.)

"That is…"

I don't want that. Night and Akatsuki, and then Lexia-san and Luna. If something happens to the people I know in this world, and I can't save them with my own hands… I will absolutely hate it.

I quickly regain my position and take out the [Absolute Spear].

Even though I was struck by the black hard tree, thanks to my own way of escaping the impact to some extent, I can still move without drinking the [Complete Recovery Herbal Juice].


Looking at me, the King Mithril Boar, perhaps annoyed by my appearance, charged at me with even greater vigor. In response to the charge, I spun along the side of King Mithril Boar and let the impact go.

The moment the King Mithril Boar passed by me, I slammed a direct kick at its ass, directed at Usagi-san!


"Buh… Bugiiiiiiii!"

The last time I fought the Mithril Boar, I couldn't do any damage at all, but now in front of me, the King Mithril Boar is plunging face-first into the ground, writhing from the damage caused by my kick.

Besides, I couldn't even keep up with the moves last time, but now I'm able to keep up with King Mithril Boar's movements properly.

In training with Usagi-san, my overall leg strength was super-strengthened in proportion to the increase in the kick's power. That's why a single step into the ground is completely different from before. I'm able to move at a speed that I couldn't even imagine before.

To the King Mithril Boar, who was rolling on the ground and enduring the pain, I threw the [Absolute Spear] in my hand from the stance that I had kicked at. If it was any other monster, I could attack it with magic, but since King Mithril Boar had [Magic Reflection] in his skill list, I couldn't use magic. So in the true sense, I need to make full use of [Absolute Spear] and Usagi-san's teachings.

Then the King Mithril Boar, who noticed the existence of the [Absolute Spear], hurriedly flicked the [Absolute Spear] upwards with its huge tusks. But I didn't let up in my pursuit.


I was running towards the King Mithril Boar at the same time as I threw the spear, I took out the [Heavenly Whip] from the item box and swung it at the spear. Then, the [Heavenly Whip], which is aimed at the [Absolute Spear], gets entwined with the handle of the Absolute Spear.

I pulled the [Heavenly Whip] simultaneously as I leaped into the air with my strengthened leg power. I pulled the spear closer, and I launched a heel-drop at the [Absolute Spear] that floated in the air above the King Mithril Boar's head.



The power of the [Absolute Spear] unleashed by using my leg strength forged by Usagi-san's special training was tremendous, easily piercing the brain of the ultra-hard King Mithril Boar, not only sewing it directly to the ground, but also creating a crater on the spot with just the wind pressure of the heel drop.

The lifeless King Mithril Boar disappeared as it was, turning into a particle of light, and the spot was littered with drop items. As I landed on the spot, I involuntarily sat there from mental exhaustion.

"I-I wooonn!"

(Hmm. To tell you the truth, I would tell you to take him down with just a kick, but… this time, I'll give you an even grade.)

"A-are you serious…"

Even the current battle would honestly have been protracted if I hadn't relied on the weapons that sage-san left behind. Besides, there's no guarantee I'll win.

As I was twitching my cheeks at Usagi-san's words, Night and Akatsuki ran up to me.

"Woof~. Woof?"

"Fugo, fugofugo."

"You guys worried about me? Thanks. I'm fine, as you can see."

Both Night and Akatsuki seemed to be worried by the way they were rubbing and licking me. Thank goodness I survived..

(Well, whatever. Our training for today is over. Let's check the dropped items and return after collecting them.)


As Usagi-san said that, I once again gathered the drop items scattered around and checked them one by one.

[Great Tusk of the Demon King Boar] :: The great tusk of King Mithril Boar. These tusks are made up of mithril that nullifies all magic, and cannot be scratched by a single half-hearted attack. Special technology is required when processing it as a weapon, but if you process it, it becomes a weapon that reflects magic, or cuts through it.

[Great Hide of the Demon King Boar] :: The great hide of King Mithril Boar. It is a skin composed of mithril that nullifies all kinds of magic and boasts a high resistance to physical attacks. It is not mithril itself, but skin, and is, therefore, lighter than mithril. For this reason, it is used for armor and other protective gear. The armor is treated as a rare masterpiece, even among adventurers.

[Meat of the Demon King Boar] :: The meat of the King Mithril Boar. The meat has a slightly peculiar taste and smell, but once you eat it, you will be captivated by its taste. It's a good one if it can be found in the market or auction once every few hundred years. For those who know this taste, this is an ingredient that you want so badly that you can't help but want it at your throat.

[Magic Stone: Rank SS] :: A special ore that can be obtained from magical beasts.

[Broomstick of the Demon] :: A rare drop item obtained from King Mithril Boar. No matter how stubborn the dirt and dust is, it will clean and purify with just one sweep. The dust automatically lands on the broom, so no matter how hard you sweep, there is no need to worry about the dust flying around. Once the sweeping is done, the dust naturally leaves the broom. In addition to trash, it also has the ability to exorcise spirits and curses.

"Rank SS!? No, more importantly, where did the broom come from!"

The fact that the magic stone's rank was SS was also a surprise, but it took all the impact away from the super-capable daily necessities series as usual. No, really, the effect of brooms is amazing. I mean, normal brooms don't have that kind of effect on them.

Since I was very happy with such a useful broom itself, after collecting it straightforwardly, I thought about the magic stone's rank again.

"Rank SS… I thought S rank was the highest…"

(What are you talking about? Not only is the S-rank, but even the SS-rank isn't the highest rank, you know?)

"Eh, really?"

Even the SS rank is fantastic, but to think that there are even more than that! I can't imagine it anymore. Night and Akatsuki don't understand more than I do, they tilted their heads and Akatsuki tilted it too much and fell to the side. So cute.

As I was being soothed by Night and Akatsuki in a bit of escapism from reality, Usagi-san crossed his arms and told me.

(On top of the SS ranks, there are SSS rank, EX rank, and L rank!

"There were more of them than I expected!"

Even though there was a higher rank, I thought it was at most one! I didn't think that there were that many of them!

I mean, most of the monsters encountered near the entrance of the Great Devil's Nest are rank A, but even so, Owen-san and the others said that they were an incredible threat and would be a desperate existence if they encountered them, but what would they do if an unimaginable existence like an EX-rank or even an L-rank showed up? Wouldn't the world be destroyed already?

"Hii… I don't even want to imagine an L-rank…"

(Don't worry, we don't see many of those above the EX rank. Moreover, these kinds of monsters are basically not interested in fighting. As long as you don't mess with them, they're harmless.)

"What if… if they mess with you…?"

(Every last particle of dust will be erased.)


I have to swallow my breath. If I ever meet one, I'll run away. I don't even want to meet them.

By the way, it's said that there are EX-ranked and L-ranked monsters around the deepest part of this Great Devil's Nest. We're all so close to each other!

Well, I guess so! The Great Devil's Nest is revered because powerful monsters inhabit it, so it's not surprising that they're there.

"By the way, Usagi-san… well… what rank can you take on?"

(Well, I can manage to fight an EX rank… No, I honestly don't know. One thing I can say is that if we fight, we won't be safe at first. And although there is an L-ranked existence with an "Evil" title, we, the "Holy" holders, will be fighting against one of them in a group. To begin with, defeating them alone is out of the question.)

"What? The "Evil" title is that strong?"

(Isn't it obvious? They are the crystallization of all the negative aspects of the world. It is impossible for us to defeat them on our own. What do you think? Do you want to be the successor?)

"I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to do that forever."

It's impossible. In my mind, Usagi-san is the second most powerful person after sage-san, but I can't very well take on the duty of fighting an opponent that such a powerful person would say would never win alone. I don't have that much strength in my heart.

…When I think about it, how strong was sage-san really?

"Maybe he's even stronger than that L-ranked one."

(Hmm? What are you talking about?)

"Oh, no, it's nothing."

(Is that so? Oh well. If you have collected the drop items, we'll go now.)


When I finished collecting the dropped items and was about to leave, a message suddenly appeared in front of me.

Your level has been raised. Since you have reached a certain level, your race will be evolving.


(Hmm? Wha-!?")

Before I could react in any way, my whole body suddenly began to glow.

"Wh-what!? What's happening?"



Night and Akatsuki try to get close to me, but I'm not sure if they can really touch me, and they are busy moving all around me. As everyone, including me, was flustered by the sudden situation, only Usagi-san quickly regained his composure and explained my condition.

(Don't worry. It's a preparation for evolution.)

"E-evolution? What do you mean by evolution?"

(Just as it is. Since you've reached a certain level, you're evolving to become a better existence. …Well, it's incredibly rare for a human body to evolve, but…)

"A quick shocking fact!"

From Usagi-san's initial explanation, I thought that everyone evolves, but apparently, it's extremely rare for a human like me to evolve. No, more importantly!

"What's going to happen to me? I won't turn into a monster, will I?"

(Is it the first time you've evolved? Then there shouldn't be so much change. …Maybe.)

"You gave me nothing but anxiety!"

It would be very troubling if I grew horns or wings here. No, it might not be a problem if I were to live only in this other world, but I have a life on Earth too, you know!

Contrary to my thoughts, my body did not stop emitting light, and since there was nothing I could do about it myself, I had no choice but to be quiet. I waited for a while, and eventually, the light subsided, and I was finally able to see myself.

"H-how is it…?"

I was prepared for the intense pain that I felt when I first came to this other world and leveled up for the first time, but I didn't feel any such pain. I took a quick look at my body and touched my face and head, but there weren't any special changes.

"Um… is there anything strange about me?"



Night and Akatsuki also looked around me, but once again, they both tilted their heads and fell to the side. Adorable.

(In terms of looks, there's nothing particularly unusual about you.)


Thank goodness! If this had changed my appearance beyond the first level up, I wouldn't have any more excuses or anything to make.

(However, you should check your status once. The evolution itself has indeed taken place.)

"Oh… Y-you're right."

As Usagi-san said, I decided to check my own status, which I feel like it's been a long time since I've done so casually.

And then──.

[Yuuya Tenjou]

Race: Human (Transcendent Species)

Occupation: none

Level: 1

Magic: 10000

Attack: 15000

Defense: 15000

Agility: 15000

Intelligence: 9000

Luck: 15500

BP: 10000

Skills: [Identification (SR)] [Endurance (SSR)] [Item Box (SSR)] [Language Comprehension (SSR)] [True Martial Arts (SR): 9] [Presence Detection (N)] [Fast Reading (N)] [Cooking (N): M] [Map (SR)] [Mind's Eye・Revision (SSR)] [Assimilation (SR)] [Tame (R)] [Mind-Body Unification (R)] [Mental Enhancement (R)] [Field Book (SR)] [Magic Control (R)] [Magic Culmination (U)] [Adjustment (N)] [Kicking Sacred Art (U): 2] [Concealment (R)]

Titles: [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder] [Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time] [The Sage's Apprentice] [The Heir to the Supreme Magic Circuit] [The Heir to Ultimate Sorcery] [The Disciple of the Kicking Saint] [The Master of the Kicking Saint]

"There's an increase in a lot of things!"

There have been times when skill levels have risen without notice, but this is the first time I've seen an increase or decrease in skills themselves or titles increase this dramatically.

First of all, I allocated BP with momentum and intuition. As a result, the final status was this:

[Yuuya Tenjou]

Race: Human (Transcendent Species)

Occupation: none

Level: 1

Magic: 11000

Attack: 17000

Defense: 17000

Agility: 17000

Intelligence: 10500

Luck: 17000

BP: 0

"A-all right. Let's take it easy for a moment, okay, me. Let's go through this one by one…"

[Human (Transcendent Species)] :: A form of human evolution. There is no change in appearance and so on, but the overall status is enhanced. It has a strong resistance to disease.

"It sounds kind of amazing!"

I'm genuinely grateful for the enhanced status. Most importantly, I'm very happy about the fact that I have a strong resistance to disease. Even though I can cure myself with [Complete Recovery Herbal Juice], I don't know what's going to happen.

I usually take care of myself, but this is really reassuring.

"Next up is the skill. The new skill [Mind's Eye・Revision] is a slightly better version of [Mind's Eye] that Usagi-san had, I guess. I understand that it's a result of the integration of [Foresight] and [Weakness Detection] skills since they're no longer there, but other than that… I have no idea."

Moreover, I've learned [Kicking Sacred Art] so nonchalantly. Usagi-san has the true "Holy Kick", and such a person has taught me, so it's not surprising that I learned it, but… this [Kicking Sacred Art] is unique in its rarity, isn't it? I don't think it's unique when Usagi-san and I can use it already, is that okay?

I get back in the swing of things and check out the unfamiliar skills one by one.

[Mind's Eye・Revision] :: [Mind's Eye] is the ultimate version of [Foresight] skill, and this skill also gains the effect of [Weakness Detection].

[Magic Culmination] :: It is the result of understanding the special magic theory that differs from the normal attribute magic skills, and as a result, you can use magic regardless of the attribute. The effect of magic depends on the user's image and magic power.

[Adjustment] :: You can freely adjust the degree of all abilities. However, it takes a certain amount of time to get used to it.

[Concealment] :: You can hide a variety of occurrences. When used for status, you can also prevent others from seeing your status. You can also hide magic.

"All of these skills are immensely useful…"

I'm especially grateful for the [Adjustment]. After all, with my evolved status, I might have trouble living on Earth.

Besides, I hadn't thought much about [Concealment] either. Still, there are people besides me who can use [Appraisal] or [Identification] skills. I wouldn't want those people to see my [Otherworldly Person] title, which will be useful when I'm active in this other world.

"Well, lastly, the title…"

What I don't remember the most is the title of [The Sage's Apprentice]. It's true that I inherited the magic circuits and magic theory from sage-san, but…

[The Sage's Apprentice]: A title given to those who have been exposed to the Sage's thoughts and have gained knowledge of his thoughts. It has the effect of reducing magic power consumption.

[The Heir to the Supreme Magic Circuit] :: A title given to those who have inherited the supreme magic circuit.

[The Heir to Ultimate Sorcery] :: A title given to those who have inherited the ultimate sorcery.

[The Disciple of the Kicking Saint] :: A title given to those who have become the disciple of the Kicking Saint. Unlock the [Kicking Sacred Art] skill.

[The Master of the Kicking Saint] :: A title given to the person who has become the Master of the Kicking Saint.


It's a good thing that I'm recognized as an apprentice because I got sage-san's book and was able to use magic. Although from other people's point of view, it would be strange to call this a master-disciple relationship. I was happy to be able to feel the connection with sage-san.

Other than that, I also found out why I was able to use the [Kicking Sacred Art], and I need to work harder every day to live up to this title. However, it seems that the worst part of this evolution was the change in my race.

"Sigh~… I didn't expect to evolve…"

(What are you complaining about? Normally you should be happy about that.)

"I-is that so?"

(That's probably true. Evolution by itself makes you stronger than before. I don't know about humans, but beastmen and elves will be delighted.)

"I-I see…"

To be honest, I'm not sure what Usagi-san refers to as elves and beastmen, but I guess it doesn't matter as long as they're getting stronger? It seems this world is still a very dangerous place.

But even so… just like sage-san's book says, I'm not only going to be strong, I'm going to get more involved with the people around me. Sage-san took the time to give me this advice.

As I realize that again, Usagi-san is staring at me.

(…Now that you've evolved, you're even more unpredictable… I wonder what will happen next…)


(…It's nothing. Anyway, no more practice today. Go home and get some rest. …Ah, and also, if you get into trouble while I'm gone, you can try practicing the techniques I taught you. Not to mention training against monsters, the experience of fighting against others is essential.)

After telling me that much, Usagi-san jumped up on the spot just as lightly as before, using the air as a foothold and jumping straight away.

"…If I continue to train like this, will I be able to make such a ridiculous move too?"



At my question, Night and Akatsuki just tilted their heads.

Part 2

The day before the ball game tournament. The decisions for the event were finished in the previous class, but as each of us were planning our strategies and making careful preparations for the ball game tournament, Ryo suddenly remembered something and opened his mouth.

"Come to think of it, there will be a photographer coming to the ball game tournament to take Yuuya's picture, right?"

"A-ah, yeah, that's right."

"Mmm? Ryo-kun, Shingo-kun, what do you mean by that?"

When Ryo and Shingo-kun remembered the conversation with the entertainment company president the other day and asked that question to me, Kageno-kun, who happened to be listening to the conversation, asked them with a glint in his glasses.

The other students were also surprised and turned their attention to us.

"Um… on our way home the other day, a person from an entertainment agency came to scout Yuuya."

"T-then Yuuya-kun refused the offer, but the agency couldn't give up on Yuuya-kun, and instead of him joining the entertainment industry, they decided to put him in a feature on the Ousei Gakuen, which will be published in a magazine. The staff members are going to come to this ball game since they got permission to photograph the event."

I had completely forgotten about it because of Usagi-san and the evolution, but when the classmates heard Ryo and Shingo-kun's explanation, they all started buzzing.

"I-I didn't know that was going to happen…"

"Eh, so there's a chance we could be in a magazine too?"

"Uoooo! We'll need to work extra hard on this one!"

I was worried about what it would be like to have an outsider come to a school event, but everyone seemed to be in a rather welcoming mood, which I was very grateful for.

Then, one of the boys suddenly muttered something.

"Hmm? Wait a minute? If that shoot is for Yuuya, then if we bring Yuuya into the team, we have a better chance of getting into the picture, isn't that right…?"


At that word, everyone was silent at once.

And then──.

"Yuuya-kuuunnn! By all means… please join us in football!"

"Huh? Of course, he will join the basketball team!"

"No, no, no, he should have chosen dodgeball!"


I am very grateful and happy to be recruited, but in the end, trouble is inevitable no matter which event I participate in…

Besides, I wonder if people have forgotten about it?

"Um… I'm supposed to play table tennis, but…"


The boys froze in silence at my words.

"Aahh, that's right!"

"Why… why didn't I win at that time…!"

"I want to go back to that day and do the rock-paper-scissors again…!"

I didn't know what to say to them, because they were all more frustrated than I thought. Then Ryo looked at them all in a daze and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Well, don't mind these people, just do your best at table tennis!"


I could only nod, with an indescribable expression on my face.


The day of the ball game tournament. The school is filled with the unique and fluffy atmosphere of the event, and everyone is already anxious since the time of homeroom. Today's schedule is only for the ball game tournament, so no one is in their school uniforms, but in P.E. clothes and jerseys instead.

"Alright, it's an important ball game tournament for sensei's bonus. Be sure not to lose!"

"No, it's not like we're fighting for you, sensei?"

Everyone nodded at Ryo's calm tsukkomi. Yeah, as usual, Sawada-sensei is very honest… well, I think she was saying that just to make the place more relaxed. …Is that right?

After the briefing, we headed to the venue for our respective events. And along the way, I met Kurosawa-san from the entertainment agency and the president of the agency.

"Well, Yuuya-kun. I'll make sure to take pictures of your gallant performance today."


"Oh, but please don't be strangely conscious of the camera or anything. From what Miu and Hikari have told me, you're not used to being photographed yet, so just be natural."


Confused by the president's words, I shifted my gaze to the numerous photographers behind her. Following my gaze, the president and Kurosawa-san also turned their gaze once to the photographers behind them.

"…Don't be nervous!"


Well, there are more photographers than I expected! I had assumed it would be at most two people, but it looks like there are actually about ten photographers who came. And it wasn't just SLR cameras, there was also some kind of T.V. station cameras prepared, so it was a pretty large scale.

"It's going to be okay! Once you're in the entertainment industry, you will get used to this so quickly!"

"No, I think I declined that offer already, so…"

"Ara? I haven't given up yet, you know?"


I thought she had given up on me already, so I was dumbfounded when she clearly told me that.

"But really, you don't need to be so nervous today. It's just that the name of the event is a special feature for the Ousei Gakuen, and we're going to be taking photos of the scenery of the school and other students. Well, I would definitely like to have Yuuya-kun's picture, so just keep that in mind."

She says that I don't have to be nervous, but if my picture is definitely taken, I can't help but be nervous.

…Well, it would be all for naught if I lose the game because I get distracted by the photoshoot. So I have to brace myself for it.

"Uh… sorry. I'll be heading to the venue now…"

"Yeah. I'm looking forward to it."

"Yuuya-san. Good luck."

After separating from Kurosawa-san and the others, I went straight to the venue.

"L-let's do our best, Yuuya-kun."


When I arrived at the gymnasium where the table tennis match was taking place, Shingo-kun and the other classmates, who were also competing in the table tennis match, had gathered there as well.

"Whoa! I'm so nervous…"

"I didn't expect Yuuya-kun to join us for table tennis."

"Yes, yes. I thought you were going to play football or basketball or something like that."

"Oh, man… it's not like I'm going to be the one to be photographed, but the thought of a photographer coming here to take pictures of Yuuya-kun makes me even more nervous."

In this table tennis tournament, other than Shingo-kun, the rest of my classmates weren't those who were good at sports like Ryo, but rather more of the indoor type boys like Shingo-kun.

I, myself, didn't often go outside before I started going to another world, and it's a little comforting to see that many of them are the same type as me. They thought I was going to participate in football and basketball, and the entertainment agency's staff was going to be there, so they thought the photographers wouldn't come here.

Was it annoying? That's what I thought, but everyone was very positive about it, and I'm very grateful.

There are two different types of table tennis tournaments: doubles, and singles. I will participate in the singles tournament, and Shingo-kun will participate in the doubles tournament.

After a little while, the fixture list was posted, and I went to check it. When Shingo-kun saw the list, his expression grew cloudy.

"Uwahh… My first opponent is a student from P.E. class, huh…"

"P.E. class?"

"Ah… there was no physical education class or anything like that on the field trip the other day, so Yuuya-kun doesn't know about it."

When I tilted my head at the words I didn't know, Shingo-kun explained to me gently.

To summarize the content of the explanation, it seems that apart from the "General Class" that Shingo-kun, I, and the others belong to, there is another class called "Physical Education Class" where students who are admitted through sports recommendations get together.

I didn't know about this class because I never met them in school. After all, they were in a different school building, and they didn't participate in the field trip we took part in.

However, it seems that this "Physical Education Class" took another special class instead of the field trip. It was called "Physical Education Class", so I guess they were taking a special class that was tougher than our field trip, wasn't it? Well, fortunately, I had some skills, so I didn't have that much trouble with the field trip, but…

"I-I heard that Ryo-kun was supposed to be in P.E. class, but he wanted to focus on something other than sports, so he was put in the same general class as us."

Ryo, you really do have the specs like the main protagonist of the story! Rather than the existence of another class, Ryo was more surprising to me.

"Ugh… I would hate to just lose the first game."

Shingo-kun walked over to his doubles partner with grief on his shoulders. G-good luck. No, I'm worried about Shingo-kun, but I also have to think about my opponent, too, right? I haven't even practiced table tennis in class, will I be able to do well?

I was getting anxious now, and before I knew it, it had come to my turn.

"Come on, let's get some pictures!"

The photographer followed me around tightly. No, I can't be natural in this situation!

"Um… could you please take a few more steps away…?"

"I can't do that."


Apparently, I don't have the right of refusal. I give up and head to the assigned table tennis stand.

And then…

"Hoo? So you're my opponent here, huh?"

There was a man with amazing muscles standing in front of me. He was dressed in a tight, short-sleeved, half-pants gym uniform, and looked taller than me, maybe around 190cm tall.

And most of all, he has a sharp and piercing face, like a certain sniper who doesn't allow himself to stand behind. [T/n: sorry, I can't get the reference for this.]

…Hmm? Huh? Is he really a high school student? He doesn't look the same age as me at all!

While I was frozen in place by my unexpected opponent, the schoolboy opponent(?) snapped his fingers.

"Fufufu… can you keep up with this delicate technique of mine?"

By all accounts, he is far from delicate in appearance! If anything, I get the vibe that he's going to say that power is everything!

I mean, why would there be a boy like this in table tennis! He doesn't look like a table tennis player by any stretch of the imagination! I mean, isn't there some sport that's more appropriate for him?

…Doesn't he belong to that "P.E. class" that Shingo-kun was talking about? I remembered that all of a sudden, but…

The boy in front of me methodically checks his racket to ensure that it's in perfect condition, while I am getting even more anxious. Then he glances at the photographers.

"Fumu… it's a little uncomfortable to have a match while feeling the strange stares, but…"

"Ah, I-I'm sorry."

My classmates took it well, but the boy student in front of me seems to dislike it.

"What, don't be so apologetic. Always perform your best in every situation; that's what being a professional is all about."


He doesn't look like a high schooler… Maybe he's a famous player that I just don't know about. But if anything, he's got the dignity of a professional background.

"Hmm? H-he is! Isn't he the "Sniper?" one of the nation's regulars?"

"Wha-what!? That "Sniper" who always hits that exact spot?"

"Speaking of which, he was also a student at Ousei Gakuen, huh…"

"He's so unlucky… to have his first match against the sniper."

No, wait, he's really famous! And they even call him "Sniper"? What a perfect fit!

But… sure, as the staff says, I'm not having any luck against such a famous player or anything like that. I don't even practice table tennis in class, so will I be able to compete properly…?

As I was anxiously holding my racket in my hand, the umpire-sensei came over.

"Yes, let the match begin. Well then… begin!"

Then, my opponent took a low stance.

"Fuh… my serve is enough to beat you…!"

When he said that, he hit an amazingly spun serve! The ball spins like a bullet and comes towards me.

"W-what a serve!"

"He's aiming right at the corner of the opponent's court…"

"Him being called the "Sniper" is not just for show… huh."

Hey staff members, since when did you guys become a live reporter?

They are terrified of the skill my opponent possesses in disregarding their job of photographing. I wonder if that is okay?

Regardless, I focused on the ball that was coming towards me.

"U-uoh… oh?"

I was surprised by the momentum of the racket swing and the unusual rotation rate of the racket, but the moment I focused my attention on the ball he had hit, the ball suddenly seemed to move slowly to me. It had been moving at a normal speed, but now the ball and the movement around me appeared to be in slow motion.

However, I had a vague recollection of this phenomenon.

It also happened when I almost got hit by the male boxer model who came in late when I took photographs with Miu-san before. It seems that my body, which is getting used to the speed of fighting in the other world, doesn't feel it's fast anymore unless it is as fast as those monsters.

I still can't get used to it, and I'm still confused, but if I just stood still like this, he would have scored a point, so I hit the ball back in exactly the same way he hit it.



The ball penetrated the table tennis table and went straight through the gym floor.


The teacher, the photographer, and I, too, stare at the table tennis table and floor, which have been struck out in silence.

"Sensei, I forfeit."

I gently raised my hand.

Part 3

"H-hey… did you catch the moment when he hit it…?"

"No, that's impossible. I mean, I heard a sound that wouldn't have been possible if you were playing table tennis normally, you know?"

"…More importantly, the table tennis table had been penetrated."

Yes, I know, I did it! On a level that's irreversible now!

The unexpected turn of events caused me to forfeit, but… on second thought, I wonder if it was a good idea to forfeit. Although the main reason for this photoshoot was to feature Ousei Gakuen, it was originally supposedly because they wanted to take my picture… so maybe it was a bad idea to abandon the photoshoot, right?

Even though such thoughts are overwhelming now, I'm more afraid of continuing on and injuring someone else, and it wouldn't have been a mistake to forfeit the tournament, after all. Because if something with the power that could penetrate the table tennis table and the gym floor with a table tennis ball hit someone… yeah, I'd become the real "Sniper", instead.

As I was letting out a single sigh, the president of the entertainment agency came over to me quickly.

"H-hey, Yuuya-kun! I'd be troubled if you lost in the first round! Moreover, what do you mean by forfeiting…"

"N-no, but… my opponent is a famous table tennis player, correct? So I think I knew I'd lose even if I continued like that…"

"No, you weren't. You were able to hit your opponent's ball back. At least you wouldn't have been beaten to a pulp, you know?"


President-san, you're observing well, aren't you?

"However, I didn't expect you to destroy the table tennis table. You must have something to hide, don't you?"

"H-hahaha… there's no way that's possible."

T-this president has a sharp intuition! However, since I wasn't going to talk about the other world honestly, I just laughed and fooled around.

"Well, that's fine. Anyway, if you continue to lose here, we won't be able to achieve our original goal, so please do something about it."

"Eh? No, wait, what did you mean by that───."

"So, I asked you to do something about it, okay?"

Before I could stop her, the president left quickly, accompanied by Kurosawa-san. E-eh… no way, do I have to somehow participate in another competition or something…?

I don't know if that's really allowed, though.

Anyway, since I decided to forfeit the game early, I'll have to support everyone in the class that's fighting properly until I get to do something about it.

First of all, I headed over to Shingo-kun, who was having a doubles match at a nearby table tennis table and cheered them on, but as he said before it started, his opponents were students from the P.E. class, so, unfortunately, he lost.

By the way, his opponent, who was from the P.E. class, wasn't muscular like my opponent from earlier; he's just a normal boy. Thank goodness for that, because I wondered what I would do if the standard body type in P.E. class was also that of a muscular guy.

Shingo-kun, who has finished his match, notices me and comes over while dropping his shoulders.

"Ugh… it was no good after all…"

"But you've got some points, so you shouldn't be that pessimistic, you know?"

"W-well, if you say so, it's true that I'm not very good at sports, but I did my best, I guess. Also, my partner has helped me so much."

It's unfortunate that they lost, but Shingo-kun seemed to have fun in the end, and I couldn't help but smile too.

"O-oh, by the way, how did Yuuya-kun fare in the end?"


"L-look, all the photo crew members were nearby, and I believe Yuuya-kun was able to win because of──."

"…I forfeited."


Shingo-kun's eyes widened as I said that while averting my gaze.

"F-forfeit, you said? …What happened?"

"…Uh…well… the table tennis table and the gym floor had been penetrated by the ball…"


Well, that will be the reaction I get. I know very well that it isn't realistic for me to be saying it myself. But it's the truth, so I can't blame him!

"I-I don't know how that happened somehow, but… thanks for your hard work!"


"R-right! What are you going to do after this, Yuuya-kun? I'm going to go watch Ryo-kun's match outside, but…"

"Well actually, as I said before, I had to forfeit the match so they couldn't take a proper picture of me, so they asked me to do something about it… that's why I thought I'd try to enter another event for now…"

"Oh, another game? I wonder if that's acceptable…?"

"Well….. To be honest, I don't know if it's okay with me either, but I thought I'd look for an event I could participate in while cheering for my classmates in the other events in the gym. So, after I look around the gym to a certain extent, if it looked like Ryo was still competing, so I'll show up there as well."

"I see… I guess we'll have to split up for now."

Thus, Shingo-kun and I parted ways, and I began to look around the gym. And then suddenly, a voice calls out to me.


"Hmm? Ah, Kaede!"

It was Kaede who came running up to me with a small run. As Kaede came in front of me, she tilted her head curiously.

"Yoo-hoo! What's going on? Have you finished your game yet?"

"Ah… actually, I had to forfeit it for a variety of reasons."

"Eh, really? But it's unfortunate… I wanted to go and cheer you on, you know."

"Ah… I'm sorry about that. What about Kaede? I believe you're playing volleyball, right?"

"Yeah, you're right! …Ah! Yuuya-kun, that means you're free right now, right?"

"Eh? W-well, I guess?"

I couldn't see the real meaning of Kaede's words, so I tilted my head, and she took my hand.

"Please! Can I ask you to join volleyball?"


Kaede told me while I was surprised at the unexpected request.

"I will be participating in the mixed-match division, but… One of our members got hurt earlier, so we have to play with only a small group of players. But our next match will be in a class with a lot of students from the volleyball club, and honestly, if we don't have enough people, it's going to be tough… what do you think? Will you join us?"

Kaede looked up at me anxiously.

"For me, it's not a problem to participate… but is it okay for non-registered members to participate?"

"Oh, don't worry, it's okay!"

"I-is that so? Well, I'm going to give it a try then."

"Really? Thank you, Yuuya-kun!"

Kaede laughed, looking really happy. As for me, I was grateful for Kaede's offer because I had to participate in some kind of competition again due to the president's absurdity.

Kaede took me to the volleyball team, and I saw Rin there as well.

"Ooh, isn't that Yuuya? Could it be that you are a helper?"

"Yeah, Kaede asked me to join her. Is that okay?"

"Of course. Right?"

When Rin called out to the other members, they all nodded with motivation.

"W-well, I didn't expect to be able to fight with Yuuya-kun…!"

"Eh, by the way, if Yuuya is here, does that mean we're going to have our picture taken?"

"Wow! This will make me not want to lose even more!"

As everyone was motivated for the next game, the photographers who followed me started to get ready for the next game.

"Looks like volleyball is next."

"And it's mixed gender. This is going to make for some great pictures."

"Besides, all the girls at Ousei Gakuen are high class. They'll look even more picturesque alongside Yuuya-kun."

"This is a good target."

And as expected, or rather, because the photographers talked about it, my classmates… especially the girls for some reason, had a fire in their eyes.

"This… makes me feel so motivated!"

"We might be able to get a picture with Yuuya-kun, right?"

"I definitely won't show him my ugly self!"

Each of them were prepared for the conditions, and when the match started, they scored one point after another, despite Kaede saying that their opponents were mostly students from the volleyball club.

"Here, Kaede!"

"Alright! I'm coming!"

Kaede jumped up vigorously to the ball that Rin tossed and decided to spike it beautifully just like that. Then I called out to Kaede with a smile.

"That's good, Kaede! Excellent!"

"Wawa, Yuuya-kun is praising me…!"

"Kaede, you have a big grin on your face, you know."

"N-no way!"

As I watched Kaede hold her own face, Rin approached me with a grin.

"So, how was it? Yuuya."

"Hmm? It was amazing. Rin also tossed at the perfect time…"

"No, no, it's about Kaede's breasts!"


"Ueeehh! R-Rin-chan!"

Rin suddenly walked around behind Kaede and grabbed her chest directly.

"You see, when she hit that spike earlier, it was super shaky, right? Hmm?"

"No, I'm not looking at it like that!"

"Eeh? Isn't that weird? This girl's breasts are so amazing…"

"Hiyauu! Hey, wait, Rin-chan! I'll get angry if you do this any further!"

In front of Rin, who continues to rub Kaede's chest without hesitation, I activated the [Mind-Body Unification] and [Mental Enhancement] skills with all my might and desperately removed my gaze. Thanks, my skills!

It's not the way it is supposed to be used somehow, but I quieted down Kaede's anger at Rin.

Even though we were having such a loose exchange, we were steadily gaining points, and we were steadily getting closer to victory. However, the president, who was watching the development of the game, called out to me.

"Hey, Yuuya-kun! Don't just support all the time! You need to decide, spike it!"


The president was right, I continued to be mostly supporting my team, blocking the opponent's spikes and collecting balls that everyone else couldn't reach while trying not to spike during this match.

That's because, as you can see from the table tennis matches, it would be a hell of a lot of work for me to compete in a normal game. That's why, as I was pondering what to do about the president's request, Rin and Kaede approached me.

"That's right… then next time, we'll support Yuuya so that it's easier for him to strike, okay?"

"What? No, no… you don't have to do that to accommodate me…"

"It's okay! Besides, Yuuya-kun has supported us a lot, hasn't he? So, we'll support Yuuya-kun this time!"

It's hard for me to refuse when they say that as a pure favor. That's why I was extraordinarily worried about what to do, but time never waited, and the game continued.

And then, Rin picked up the opponent's spike and Kaede tossed it, but…

"Ah, sorry! That was too high!"

Kaede's toss was raised farther than expected, and if I waited until it fell into a hitting position, the opponent would be able to get the timing of the block perfectly.




I reflexively kick the ground and jump up at Kaede's ball. My leg strength has increased due to my training with Usagi-san, and even if the ball reaches the ceiling of the gymnasium, I'm confident that I can jump up there and get the ball.

I thought about it a lot, so I desperately tried to control my power, then I spiked the ball, which was raised high and aimed at the opponent's court.


As I heard such a grand bursting sound, the wind pressure created by my spikes' momentum tore down the volleyball court net. My spike, which I was supposed to have controlled, caused the ball to explode, blowing the volleyball net off.

Luckily, no one was injured, but the students were silent as they looked at the volleyball court that had been turned to nothing.


"Uh, I'm sorry."

While the photographers, and even the president, who had requested the spike, were stunned, I could only apologize. I knew I shouldn't have spiked it…

As I was worrying about what they were going to do for the rest of the game, one of the opponent's team raised his hand.

"I'm going to forfeit."

──Thus, the victory was secured, this time due to the opponent's surrender.

Part 4

After that, the other classes that were watching our match declared an immediate withdrawal every time they faced our class, so we didn't have to fight until the end to win… or rather, we did. To be honest, I can't be honestly happy at all, but Rin and the others rejoiced because a win is still a win, and they comforted me, so my heart felt a little lighter. I'm really grateful.

And just as we won the volleyball tournament, the winners of other events were also decided, and it seemed that our class won the soccer tournament, too, although I couldn't cheer for them in the end.

I didn't do well in the table tennis tournament I participated in, but overall the other events did well, and Sawada-sensei was very happy. She really doesn't try to hide her desire, does she?

As I walked around cheering for the other events, I noticed something noisy on the tennis court. When I looked closely, I saw people gathered around the tennis court, and I could even see some kind of stretcher-like object.

I'm not sure who it is or if it's okay, but when I went to look at the center of the commotion.

"Eh, Kaori?"

"Ah… Yuuya-san."

The one in the middle of the commotion was, to my surprise, Kaori. Kaori was sitting there looking listless, and I couldn't help but go up to her and ask her about it.

"What happened to you? It looks like a serious matter…"

"Um… I participated in this ball game in tennis doubles, and the person I was paired with earlier got injured and couldn't continue the match…"

When I turned my gaze towards the stretcher, there was a male student there, groaning unconscious. From the look of him, he doesn't seem to be seriously injured, but still, he was unconscious, so it's difficult to continue, isn't it?

"Then… what will you do? You're still in the middle of the game, right?"

"Unfortunately, I can't continue without a partner, so I have to forfeit here…"

I found myself opening my mouth to Kaori, who had a sad expression on her face.

"Well, then, I'll join you. From the looks of it, it was a mixed-gender match, right?"

"Eh? Yes, that's right, but… we are in a different class, and as expected…"

"Yeah, but at least your current opponent isn't in my class. Besides, it seems that even if someone isn't registered, they're allowed to play… and if your original partner wakes up in the middle of the game, we can just switch again."

I managed to convince Kaori, who looked somewhat apologetic, and the opposing team agreed, so I would participate in the tennis match as a limited Kaori pair.

"W-well then, Yuuya-san. Please!"

"Yeah, you can trust me."

It seems that the match was resumed by a serve from Kaori, and while I was standing in a suitable position──.



I suddenly felt a chill and moved my head on the spot, and a tennis ball ran through the position where my head had been a moment ago with great force.

"I-I-I'm sorry, Yuuya-san! Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine. Ahahaha…"

Wait a minute. Could it be that… this serve was the reason why Kaori's partner was knocked out…? It was a small matter, but I was secretly glad that my otherworldly combat experience, intuition, and reflexes were put to good use. Or maybe I would have fallen prey to it, too.

After regaining her composure, Kaori carefully served again, and this time she managed to get into the opponent's court.

However, the opponent returned the serve by aiming at Kaori instead of me.

"Wawa! Eii!"

It was a great strikeout, and sadly, it led to our opponent scoring.

"Ugh… I knew that I would just be a hindrance when it comes to sports…"

"I-it's fine! Somehow… we will manage it…!"

Although I said so, the opponent will probably come after Kaori more aggressively from now on. That's only natural since they are here to win.

Well, then, what should I do──?

Starting from Kaori's serve again, this time, she entered the opponent's court for the first time, and as expected, the opponent returned the shot close to Kaori.

And then──.



As Kaori was swinging an empty air, I snatched up the ball from a rather tight position and returned it directly to the opponent's court. Then, inevitably, Kaori and I are on one side, and the other side is empty, and of course, the opponent is going to aim at that point…


I used the leg strength that Usagi-san had taught me directly, moved in an instant on the court, and then returned the shot to my opponent. The photographers who were following me were surprised to see that scene.

"H-hey, hey… isn't this Yuuya boy really crazy…?"

"Even when he followed up on the girl who swung and hit nothing but air was so incredible, but moving around the court in that split second was just…"

"And the ball is precisely aimed at the edge of the opponent's court line; it's sick."

To be honest, I wasn't really paying attention to the photographers' situation because it was now just me versus my opponent's team. Nevertheless, I managed to keep my strength in check, and while keeping up with Kaori, I kept gaining points, and finally, we reached the point where the game was match point.

And as we continued to rally again, my opponent made a mistake and launched the ball high. The ball was now on top of Kaori, and she was full of enthusiasm as she readied her racket.

"This time, I'm going to be useful too…!"

With that enthusiasm, Kaori aimed at the ball and swung her racket down with vigor.



Unfortunately, Kaori's racket sliced through the air without hitting the ball, and not only Kaori and the photographers, but also the president of the agency and the students around her who were watching the event, were shouting at the scene.


I ran to help Kaori out from behind and swung my racket at the ball that bounced up to the highest point in the air. And my racket caught the ball firmly and hit the ball cleanly through the middle of the opponent's team.


Then Kaori, who had just flailed before, almost fell over with the momentum, and I moved to Kaori's side as soon as I landed and held her.

"Are you okay?"

"Yu-Yuuya-san… uh, thank you very much."

I'm glad that Kaori managed to remain uninjured.

"Did you get that!? You got it, didn't you!?"

"That's okay."

"Alright, alright, alriigghhtt! Now that is perfect!"

Just then, the president was talking to the photographers with some kind of excitement, but well, it's none of my business. Anyway, the one pitch I just made was the final score, and we were able to win the game successfully.

"Ugh… in the end, I could only be a hindrance for Yuuya-san…"

"I-I don't think so, but…"

I tried to comfort the depressed Kaori somehow, but no matter what I said to her, she just shook her head.

──After that game, her partner woke up safely and went to the next game, but her partner fainted on Kaori's serve again. And I couldn't bother them anymore, so, unfortunately, she had to forfeit the game… I don't know what the right thing to say to her would be.

But the fact that her serve gave me chills even though I'm supposed to have evolved, let alone leveled up, in another world must be honestly amazing. While I was seriously unsure of what to say to her, the smiling-faced president and the photographer approached me, as if they had gotten a good picture.

"Yuuya-kun. That was a great game earlier! Besides, we also took a good shot of the scene where Yuuya-kun held Kaori-san in your arms earlier!"


Apparently, what she was discussing with the photographers earlier was about the scene where I held Kaori in my arms. I didn't particularly care for it at the time, but now that I think about it, I did something incredibly daring, I…! I'm so embarrassed now!

"Ugh… I was only a hindrance from start to finish…"

To Kaori, who was depressed, the president made an "I got an idea" expression on her face.

"Ah, right! Kaori-san, if you don't mind, would you like to take a picture with Yuuya-kun?"

"Eh… what? Are you sure about that?"

"Of course! The two of you looked so good together in that scene earlier, and I just need a few more pictures of you two. Yuuya-kun would be fine too, right?"

"Huh? Eh, yeah. I'm fine, but…"

"By all means, please do so!"

Kaori's expression brightened at once, to the point where the depression she had felt earlier went away. No, is it really okay? And under the instructions of the president, Kaori and I line up next to each other.

"Look, Yuuya-kun. Don't be so distant, come closer to each other."

"Eh, more than this?"

"I don't mean you have to embrace each other, just come closer, okay?"

The president says so, but Kaori and I are already close enough to touch each other's shoulders…

When I looked to the side, I saw Kaori's eyes met with mine, and we both blushed and looked away involuntarily.

"Geez, your innocent looks are dazzling for an old lady like me. But I don't need that innocence right now, so make sure you have a smile on your face."

"I-it's impossible." Kaori and I looked at each other as we blurted out the same line at the exact same time.

"Now is the chance! Shutter, please!!!"

The moment we laughed, it was truly a professional photographer. They were able to capture those smiles without missing a beat.


After the ball game was over without any problems, everyone finished changing out of their P.E. clothes and were about to go home when I saw Kaori standing near the school gate.

"Huh? Kaori, what's going on?"

"Um, that…"

Kaori stammered while blushing a little, and eventually opened her mouth with a look of determination.

"Yu-Yuuya-san! Would you like to walk home with me?"

"Hmm? Okay, but… what's going on?"

"Um… I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you today, and more importantly, I'm really happy that you helped me out of a difficult situation. So, to thank you for that, why don't we stop somewhere on the way home?"

Apparently, Kaori is going to thank me for today's ball game tournament.

"Oh no, you didn't have to worry about that."

"No! I've been helped by Yuuya-san many times. Of course, I don't think I can repay you for all of that with this short detour, but still…"

"Well, since you're saying that much, I guess I should go for it."


Kaori's eyes sparkled with joy at my words. It's a good thing that she's this happy, to be honest.


"Well, just being with Kaori is more than enough for me, and that is worth it."

"Eh? T-that's…"

I've never had a friend before, so it's a real pleasure to be invited to hang out with her like this, and it's a precious time for me.

…I want to have fun with everyone again next time. While thinking like that, Kaori, who froze with a red face for some reason, opened her mouth with a determined look.

"Yu-Yuuya-san! Um… could you please shut your eyes?"

"My eyes?"

I'm not sure, but Kaori says that with a serious expression, so I honestly shut my eyes. Then, for a moment, a pleasant scent tickled my nose, and I felt as if something really faintly touched my cheek, opposite to the cheek that was kissed by Luna some time ago.

"T-that's enough."


When I open my eyes, I see Kaori's cheeks are even redder than before.

"That, what is that exactly?"

"It's a secret."

While I tilted my head, Kaori smiled somewhat mischievously and in a charming way.