

*Just an mtl translation of a dude that faked it till he made it* _____________________________________ Sypnosis The worst criminal in history: the fraudster Power: Turn false into true (no superior) When Lu Ming, who was sealed in the endless hell and had the unnatural ability that as long as enough people believed, falsehoods could become reality, a chat group appeared in front of him and interesting things began to happen~ Quantum Immortality Infinite Chaos Sutra Omniscient Authority · Beginning One thought of the vast verse ……… As long as I fool enough chat group members, I can control everything and be omniscient and omnipotent!

Slothful_Cliche · アニメ·コミックス
94 Chs

The Quantum Demon Lord, A Warning From the Future?

In the vast sea of ​​​​stars, two magnificent energy groups, one black and one white, are competing against each other. Their battle does not seem to have earth-shattering explosions or various astonishing visions, but in fact, it is far more powerful than those visions. An astonishing battle, countless times more dangerous.

This is a battle of origin and a battle of heaven and earth. They merge with each other, and the winner gets everything!

At this time, it was clearly visible that the magnificent white light group seemed to have the upper hand.

Suddenly, Lu Ming's consciousness was awakened from his immersion, and a message was introduced into his consciousness.

"This is, someone in the group is talking about me~"

Omniscient authority can not only actively explore and analyze everything, but also passively has effects. Whenever he is mentioned, it will be sensed!

As long as it is within the scope of omniscience, if the strength is not enough, the moment the omniscience is mentioned, everything about the mentioner will be understood in reverse in an instant. If the strength is relatively strong, based on the continuous in-depth discussion of the omniscience, And constantly being informed about everything.

This is the true omniscient person. Whatever he thinks will be known!

The more you think you understand him, the more he will understand you.

The next moment, the omniscient authority was activated, and the messages between the famous detective Kogoro Mori and Aizen were clearly understood by Lu Ming.

It stands to reason that neither Kogoro Mouri nor Aizen is from the same world as Lu Ming. He is not yet capable of pluralistic omniscience, but the problem lies in that they are talking about Lu Ming through the chat group.

Now Lu Ming's omniscient state is currently still limited to a single world, which is improving towards the omniscience of the unit universe, and the omniscience of the single world is not a planet in the traditional sense.

If a world has dozens of small worlds created by others, do those small worlds count as a world?

In this case, there will be many conceptual paradoxes.

Therefore, in fact, this single world can actually be understood as a conceptual unit!

If a world has the concept of Three Realms, and the three worlds are connected with each other, then it is considered a whole unit and is within the scope of Lu Ming's omniscience. On the contrary, if a world has the concept of Three Realms, but for some reason the three worlds are completely separated, Without any connection, then it cannot be viewed by his omniscient.

It is precisely for this reason that even if there are hundreds, thousands or even more separate worlds in the supernatural world, Lu Ming can still be omniscient, because conceptually these worlds that govern each other and are connected to each other are a whole.

The same is true for the members of the group. If you put your phone aside and talk nonsense in your own world, Lu Ming cannot be omniscient, but as long as you hold the phone and have the conceptual linking object of the phone, then as the phone holder, he knows everything about him clearly.

This is part of the power of the omniscient being who possesses single omniscient authority~

"Interesting, that great writer actually still has this problem? She is suspected of being a spy or something like that?"

Lu Ming is not surprised by this. Lu Ming understands the tricks of chat groups very well. It requires various high-level artifacts, perhaps to restore oneself, or to improve oneself. In short, chat groups are not a stop-and-go thing, so Whether intentionally or unintentionally, it is not impossible to absorb such a spy.

However, what makes Lu Ming find it ridiculous is that these two guys with extremely high IQs actually think that he already knows everything. They really think too much about this.

It was interesting to talk about that guy at that time, just because the other person thought he was a false omniscient, and he was slapped in the face casually, which was considered a bit of bad taste.

"Now, it's not the time to pay attention to this matter~~"

Whether it's the great writer or Aizen, it's all trivial. Fighting for the absorption is the most important thing now. Lu Ming has a vague feeling that there seems to be something wrong with this Great Dark Sky. There seems to be something wrong with him. There is something very strange about it.

The next moment, Lu Ming extended his heavenly power to the extreme and crushed it down with great force. At the same time, a brilliant sound resounded throughout the starry abyss.

"You, pickled"

The Dark Sky Incarnation trembled slightly when he heard the words, but soon, he remembered Lu Ming's ability. He was shocked and at the same time, he immediately erased the memory.

"It's ridiculous. You think erasing your memory is enough? How naive!"

"The moment you couldn't help but develop trust, a gap completely appeared between you and me. If you lose every step of the way, you will definitely lose!"

Suddenly, I don't know whether the power of the white incarnation of the sky has greatly increased, or whether the black incarnation of the sky has been suppressed in some way. The gap is obvious!


With a hysterical roar that resounded across the starry sky, the white incarnation of the sky suddenly expanded, completely wrapping, covering, and swallowing the dark incarnation of the sky in an instant!

The depths of the starry sky suddenly expanded, and then began to shrink at a terrifying speed. Finally, Lu Ming's original figure was revealed.

Lu Ming did not move, sitting cross-legged in the starry sky, and began to slowly digest the power of the Great Dark Sky.

The strength of the Great Dark Sky is only half a level lower than his, and the opponent's understanding of the law is even better than Lu Ming's, so defeating the opponent is one thing, but completely refining the opponent is another.

In the starry sky, time is the least valuable thing. Even if it lasts for thousands of years, it cannot make any waves in the starry sky.

Finally, at a certain moment, Lu Ming suddenly opened his eyes. In an instant, a terrifying wave of energy flashed away and countless stars around him were destroyed.

After refining a mere half-step galaxy level Sky, Lu Ming's strength seems to have more than doubled!

"I see, this is the real division!"

Previously, Lu Ming only had a vague division of levels in his mind. After swallowing the Great Dark Sky, he unexpectedly obtained complete information about the division of levels.

In the eyes of a truly advanced life level, all life levels can be roughly divided into ten levels!

From level one to level three life forms, mortal level life forms, and characters as weak as dust, Lu Ming compared the divisions of the superpower world and easily came to the conclusion that levels one to three are equivalent to first level superpowers. Those who reach the ninth level of superpowers, and the first-level life forms, corresponding to those with one to three levels of superpowers, are divided in this way.( Basically Tier 9 to Tier 7)

Level four to six life forms, ordinary level life forms, barely escape the category of dust, and have the qualifications to control their own lives, and this exactly corresponds to the Morning Star King(Basically Tier 6)

Life forms above level 7 are truly advanced life forms. Level 7 life forms have astral-level vitality. Their life essence is comparable to that of a living planet. There are many small-level divisions in it. Let's not mention those for now, as they are meaningless.(Basically Tier 5)

An eighth-level life form, a galaxy-level life form, whose life essence is comparable to that of a galaxy. This is the level Lu Ming is at now.(Tier 4 to Tier 3-C)

A ninth-level life form, a star field level life form, has its own life essence comparable to that of a star field. The so-called star field is equivalent to the composition of dozens or even hundreds of galaxies.(Basically Tier 3-B)

Finally, the life essence of a tenth-level life form is equal to that of the universe, a cosmic-level life form.(Basically Tier 3-A to???)

As for the multiplicity, the Great Dark Sky is only equivalent to a half-step seventh-level life form. How it is possible to possess the inheritance in that regard will probably only be known when the completion of Lu Ming's Incarnation of the Sky/Heaven is close to 100%.

In addition, the level of life is on the one hand, and corresponding to the level of life is the level of laws. Different from Lu Ming's original belief that the understanding and division of laws are relatively vague, in fact the laws also have clear levels of division, and they are exactly the same as those of the ten Level life forms are benchmarked, and the rules are also divided into ten levels of rules.

The first to third-level laws, the most superficial laws, the superficial laws, only provide for some life cultivation at the level of ordinary dust, etc.

The fourth to sixth level laws can match the understanding of the laws of the Morning Star King, the Bright Moon Throne, and the Sun Emperor. In other words, those who understand the laws to this level can already exert the destructive power of this realm. Those so-called geniuses, fighting across levels, etc., is because although the level of life has not been broken through, the laws comprehended have already taken the lead in breaking through one step.

The seventh-level law targets star-level life forms, the eighth-level law targets galaxy-level life forms, the ninth-level law targets star field-level life forms, and the tenth-level law, also known as the perfection law, targets - The universe level, and only when the life level reaches the tenth level and then understands a perfect law, can it truly be called a unit universe level life!

And above this, there is a special level.

Comprehending a complete law can enable you to benchmark the unit universe level. However, no one stipulates that you can only comprehend one kind of law. If you continue to comprehend, the second, third, and hundredth... Until you understand all the three thousand laws, and then nurture the energy in your body to the extreme that a universe can carry, you can call it: the peak of the unit universe!

He has the qualifications to hit the wall of the universe and step into diversity!

Of course, there doesn't seem to be much difference between the peak of the unit universe and the level of the unit universe. After all, it is just an extension of the unit universe. In fact, quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes. The real peak of the unit universe [is enough to easily kill the unit universe] exist.

Sitting cross-legged in the starry sky, Lu Ming's eyes showed strange colors.

"No wonder, the Great Dark Sky was able to maintain a stalemate with me for such a long time even though it was clearly a different level from me. His dark law has reached level eight, which is comparable to the galaxy level and is the same as my life level."

Lu Ming's Incarnation of the Sky is easy to form, but it has a fatal flaw. The understanding of the laws is seriously insufficient. Now Lu Ming's incarnation of the sky is only equivalent to a pure white sky with almost no power of laws and only an energy body.

Fortunately, the completion of the incarnation has improved in recent times. Lu Ming has become stronger than the ordinary galaxy level. Coupled with the help of talents and abilities, he has just completely defeated the Great Dark Sky.

But now, having completely swallowed up all the power of the Great Dark Sky, the missing piece of Lu Ming's Law has been successfully completed. Now he is a true galaxy-level existence, an eighth-level advanced ecology!

At this level, in a complete universe, one can be called a truly strong person!

The next moment, Lu Ming pinched his fingers, and something appeared in his hand. It was a jade-like object, but it was completely pitch black.

This is obtained from the body of the Great Dark Sky. It stands to reason that except for Lu Ming, who controls the power of the sky with his own power, there will not be too obvious emotional changes. After all, the sky is the sky and the way of heaven is ruthless, in the sky's vision, everything is just dust and ants.

Maybe a certain ant will be more interesting and be favored by God. That is just a gift from above!

However, the Great Dark Sky is different. His mood swings are extremely violent. He is not like a sky at all, but more like a person like Lu Ming who controls the power of the sky. The reason, if Lu Ming guessed correctly, should be related to this object in his hand.

Because this is the only thing that can resist Lu Ming's refining of the Great Dark Sky.

The consciousness penetrated into it, and the omniscient eye opened. The next moment, Lu Ming's roar suddenly sounded in the entire starry sky.

"How is it possible!!!"

Shock, horror, confusion, all kinds of expressions that would never appear on his face at ordinary times, all came together to form Lu Ming's almost distorted face.

After taking sometime to calm he's spirit, Only then did he forcefully suppress the turbulent emotions in his heart and gritted his teeth.

"Why...the power of quantum war demon!!"

The concept of quantum immortality is not unique to Lu Ming. However, the quantum war demon was clearly created deliberately by him with the help of his own understanding of quantum immortality.

It is a false life!

This kind of creature theoretically would not exist at all, but within this black jade is clearly the power of the quantum war demon, a power he is all too familiar with!

Lu Ming's mind was a little messed up. It took a lot of effort for him to calm down completely.

"There are three possibilities. The first one is that the quantum war demon I created actually exists in all the worlds. The second possibility is that the quantum war demon itself does not exist but someone influenced my will and created this kind of life with the help of my talent. The third possibility is that there is a life in the future that reverses time, goes back to the past, and puts the power of the prince to fight demons in this world! "

All three possibilities are possible!

However, the next moment, all these speculations were shattered!

Because, the power of the quantum war demon suddenly began to melt, and finally integrated into Lu Ming's body and became...a part of him!

Perfect and round, without any repulsive effect, as if it was his own power.

Silence, a long silence, and finally, an extremely complex luster appeared in Lu Ming's eyes.

"The fourth possibility is that I in the future reversed time and did all this?"

Almost subconsciously, Lu Ming opened the attribute panel. At the bottom of the attribute panel, an unexpected yet reasonable new change appeared.

[Quantum Demon Lord (?%): You are ????, you are ????, you are the only ????, now, you can only use this power once, this time, don't worry!

PS: It's more complicated than you think~~]

Silence, a long silence again.

Then, Lu Ming waved his hand and completely erased the lines of text in his own way. This ability was still there, but it would no longer appear on the properties panel.

"I received the tip you gave me~~"

In this era, there is only one thing that can give Lu Ming an idea but not a complete grasp of it!