
The Beginning? Or The End..?

Tri had just gotten married, when a kid(it was obviously a dragon hybrid but still a kid) showed up at their doorstep alone. Tri and Maxi had taken pity on the child bringing them inside and later adopting her. As Maxi's payed days off ran out, he had to go back to work at the Factory when the accident occurred the facility had blown, luckily Maxi was alive but he'd be in coma.

Tri was heartbroken their husband was in coma and they had fallen deep into depression without the love of their life to light up the room just by existing. Nadine their child had woken up early to find her parent Tri had stopped breathing, scared they called their parents best Friend Kirby.

When they had heard what happened they came to pick Nadine and called an ambulance on their way, they knew as soon as they saw Tri's lifeless body they'd be responsible for the little one…

Nadine and Tulip Kirby's little one grew up together now seeing each other as sisters they went to Nadine's parents grave every year on their death anniversary to bring flowers from Tulip and buttermilk, one of Nadine's favorites. They are 11 now, they had recently had gotten a little brother figure too Dylan. He had this adorable little fox hat that tulip adored they loved the way it felt on their fingers, it was hard for them growing up blind but it was manageable with the help of their friends and family, Dylan had fit in perfectly; their mother Shan was a wonderful asset to their growing family. With Pista showing up with a very sleepy dragon kiddo, they'd never be awake and active at the same time, it's kind of weird… as soon as Leah moved in with their kiddos Dai and Lunar it was a happy neighborhood, one big happy family….


Kirby They/Them or any

Tri any

Shan She/Her

Leah She/Her

Luna They/Them(will use She/Her)

Pista(Pistaxo) He/They

P0G_K1RBYcreators' thoughts