
I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community. Powerful wizards willfully capture gods, conquer planes, and transform civilizations. Lin En came to this world and after being exposed to the power of wizards, he gradually realized that knowledge is power and power is truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, I will always be a humble apprentice.

potz4ever · ファンタジー
70 Chs


The chain moved rapidly at his fingertips, but Lin En didn't consume much mental power because he didn't pour too much mental power into the spell frame to maintain the spell.

If it is said that consuming 1 point of constant standard mental power stimulates the magic power to be 1, then I only consume 0.1 points of constant standard mental power now, and the power of the spell is less than one tenth.

You can completely determine the power of the spell according to how much mental power you consume.

Is it because I mastered this spell step by step through meditation?

So this spell can be completely mastered by oneself?

Lin En pondered, and he found that this might be the core of the idea of meditation.

Because this spell framework can be regarded as a little bit condensed and formed step by step from scratch, this spell can be used like a finger, so it is extraordinarily simple.

Lin En thought maybe he could get the answer from the teacher.

Get up and put on the wizard cloak. Lynn found this gray wizard cloak to be very useful. I don't know what material it is made of. It feels very smooth to the touch and keeps me warm.

And there is a constant defensive spell on it. With this defensive spell, Lynn feels much more at ease walking on the street.

"It's time to go to the teacher," Lin En thought.

Then Lynn tried to cast a spell, and after a short trial, he confirmed the power of the spell.

One-level spells need to consume up to 10 standard mental powers at one time. If you have a staff, you can reduce the consumption of mental power by half. You only need five standard mental powers to cast a first-level spell.

By trying, Lynn determined the power of the first ring spell.

After Lauren was imprisoned by the maximum power of the Earth Ring Technique, she was imprisoned in place and unable to move, and her body movement was greatly disturbed and restricted.

When he came to the teacher's residence, the courtyard door outside the door was open, and Lin En knew that the teacher knew that he was coming.

Entering the room, Lynn pushed open the door.

A fire was burning in the fireplace on the first floor.

Ms. Angelet was sitting on the sofa.

"Teacher," Lynn said.

"Have you completed the Earth Ring meditation?" Angelet looked at Lynn.

"It's done," Lynn said respectfully.

"Slower than I thought." Angelet said flatly.

"Teacher, I have some questions I want to ask you." Lynn said.

   "Say it." Angelet closed the book in his hand.

   "I have successfully meditated on the meditation method you gave me, and I have also constructed a spell framework, but I found that this spell is somewhat different from the spell I constructed through normal meditation." Lynn hesitated.

"If you can spot the difference, you've surpassed many people." Angelet nodded appreciatively.

   "A long time ago, wizards' meditation methods were different from the current meditation methods." Angelet said.

   "Teacher, please tell me."

"A long time ago, the meditation method used by wizards at that time was different from the current meditation method." The meditation method of that period only had the effect of simply strengthening the spiritual power." Angelet said, "But many wizards found that it was a waste of wizard's time , because constructing the spell frame itself is a relatively time-consuming thing, some wizards think that wizards can't waste most of their time on constructing the spell frame, so there was a change later, and today's meditation methods are all improved Yes, the improved meditation method can not only enhance the spiritual power but also complete the construction of the spell frame after the meditation is successful.

   Lynn nodded.

"At the beginning, some wizards thought it was a waste of time, and some wizards thought that the spiritual power purified through the new meditation method was unstable."

However, some colleges experimented and discovered that in the early stages of wizards, wizard apprentices who use this new meditation method can master several key spells faster than wizard apprentices who use the old meditation method, and it has no effect on wizards' spiritual power. As a result, this new meditation method was gradually popularized.Angelet said.

Lynn nodded to express her understanding.

"And the spells meditated through meditation are incomparable to the proficiency of spells constructed through the spell frame." Angelet said.

"Do you think that spells are mastered just by building the spell frame?" Angelet laughed.

   "Isn't it?" Lynn was puzzled.

   "Of course not." Angelet said, "Constructing the spell frame well just means that you have mastered the spell and can release it."

"But in fact, even if it is the same spell, there is a big difference when it is cast." Angelet raised his finger.

After the words fell, a ball of light appeared on Angelet's fingertips.

Warm, bright lights illuminate the somewhat dark living room.

Then, the brightness of the light on Angelet's fingertips seemed to be able to adjust itself, gradually changing from dark to bright and from bright to dim again.

"The ability to freely adjust the power of spells is considered to be more proficient in mastering spells." Sometimes the power of spells depends on the mental power consumed, not the spell itself. Angelet said.

"You have mastered the method of Earth Ring Meditation. "It seems that your mental strength should have reached the standard of a second-level wizard apprentice." Angelet said.

"Compared to those noble wizard apprentices who have been exposed to meditation since childhood, your talent is not bad even on the wizard continent." Angelet said.

"The fleet is still a month away from arriving at the port.""In this half month, you will be ready, and then you will go directly to the ship."

Lin En was taken aback, feeling a little puzzled in his heart. How did Teacher Angelet know the specific arrival time of the fleet?

Besides, didn't you say five months later? Now there is still one and a half months before the agreed time, but Teacher Angelet said that the fleet can arrive one month earlier.

"Since the Earth Ring Meditation thinks that you have finished meditating, this new meditation book is for you." Angelet's ring flashed in his hand.

The next moment, there was an extra magic book with a cover.

Lin En took the magic book from Angelet and then saw Angelet sitting on the sofa, waving at people.

Lynn took the magic book and left.

Back home, Lynn took out this magic book, with six characters written on the cover: "Hellfire Meditation Method."

Open the magic book. There are not many pages in the magic book; the first page is a dynamic picture.

Lin En was very surprised. It was the first time he had seen such a moving image.In the picture, a stone giant with green flames was standing on the scorching earth.

The next moment, the picture of this stone giant gradually distorted and transformed into a complex star map.

The star map is full of stars connected together to form an extremely complicated pattern.

If this meditation method also represents a spell, what level of spell is it?

Lin En looked at the stars all over the sky, and his head hurt just by glancing at them.

wanted to turn the contents at the back, but Lynn found that the magic book seemed to be stuck together, and the pages at the back could not be opened unless he wanted to use brute force to forcibly tear the pages.

It seems that before the meditation method is introduced, the content behind it cannot be seen.