1 Chapter 1: Darkness

I was awoken by the thunderous sound of the train. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was darkness. Pure, utter darkness.

I don't where I am. I can't see myself. I can't even feel my legs! Where am I?

I slowly got up (or have I really gotten up?) and tried to touch my face. Fortunately, it's there. I can feel my lips... my ears... my nose... my eyes... my eyes... I can't feel my eyes! Where are my eyes?! I can't feel them! I can't touch them!

I frantically touched my head. Okay, there's my hair, my forehead, my eyebrows... everything's in there EXCEPT my eyes. All I can feel is a hollow space wherein I can't seem to reach anything. Oh no. What is happening? Where am I? Who am I? And most importantly, where are my eyes?

I cried. Or have I really cried? I don't know. It's so dark in here. I can't see anything. Suddenly, there's a change in the air and a chill run down through my spine. My lips started quivering.

"Come back..."

I flinched at the sudden whisper in my right ear. "Who's that?", I asked nervously. The voice sounded distant yet near. Feminine yet deep. But it sure does sound familiar though.

"Come back... come back in here..."

"Who are you?!" I shouted to the darkness of the blankness. There was a sudden wind that passed by me. I then smelled a really fragrant aroma. It's like the sweet, ripe apple that I bought the other day. My head started spinning and I felt dizzy. The whisper continued to tell me to come back and I kept asking who it was till I lost consciousness once more and into the darkness I gave in once again.

"Please come back..."
