
I DARE YOU TO LOVE ME (by gabryyyte)

A girl meets an awfully rude man which devilish looks. In an attempt to make her ex jealous she gives the man her first kiss, grabbing his attention.

Gabryyyte · 若者
14 Chs

The bidding

"Is that why you ran to the bathroom crying?" they pretended not to hear it as my mother continued.

"I know you don't like surprises, but…" at that moment I knew she got something up her sleeve that wouldn't necessarily be great for me. "We organized so that guys can bid for a dance with you. The bids are anonymous and only 3 highest bidders would be able to dance with you."

My mouth opened. I didn't expect that at all. I couldn't believe that thought even entered my mother's mind.

But that wasn't all she started speaking again. "I can see you are really excited for this new idea of mine." she said happily.

I guess she mistook my shock reaction as if it was a good thing. The man in front of me brought his eyes up from the phone to look for himself. As he saw my expression he burst out laughing in front of everyone. Clearly understanding my expression.

My mother continued:

"Don't worry sweetheart I've told everyone before they even arrived and the bids have been going since yesterday until…" she stopped for a moment, looking at her wrist watch.

As she was about to open her mouth and announce the end of bidding time the man did it for her.


Annoyed my mother said:

"So the 3 highest bidders are now announced and you will dance firstly with the third highest bidder then the second and lastly the highest bidder which you will dance with for two songs." I couldn't bring myself to differ with her so I just smiled and pretended to agree.

My first dance partner was a man I have never seen before but he was extraordinarily handsome.

"You look astounding. And the way you dance is so elegant. Who taught you?"

I simply smiled and told him how my uncle taught me dancing the day before an extremely important event my parents and I had to attend. Just because he forgot he was my dance instructor. We both laughed.

"Well anyway he did an amazing job. Sorry for not introducing earlier I'm Marquel but you should just call me Mark."

I pleasantly nodded. With that our dance ended. We said our goodbyes and I started searching for the second bidder even though I didn't know who it was. But after Mark's experience I wasn't nervous and I was waiting to dance with someone and get to know them.

Sadly my hopes were crushed when I saw Kevin rushing to me. Still panting he said:

"Finally found you my princess" Even after we broke up he kept on calling me his princess. At first these words meant the world to me but now they sounded like filth in his mouth.

"Wish you hadn't" I remarked as the music started playing again.

He just ignored my response, put out his hand to me and asked:

"Shall we dance?"

I just took his hand and put on a fake smile.

"Why did you bid so much on me? We're done I was certain you understood it when I saw you brought Cassandra here with you."

He just kept on smiling looking lovingly into my eyes.

"Princess don't you understand that was a mistake, we're all humans we all make mistakes you always say that. I love you and I want us to be together again."

"O now I understand you she just accidentally fell on you while somehow the aliens took all your clothes off just before I walked it?" I snarled at him.

He laughed under his nose and continued the nonsense excuses.

"You're funny as always. That's not what happened, sadly…" he wanted to keep going but I cut him off.

"If that's not what happened I'm not interested in hearing what you have to say about it. Let's finish this here. There's nothing that's going to change my mind now."

He saw defeat and changed the topic.

"I wonder who the highest bidder is. I've bid a lot of money to be fair and I really am interested. I've talked to most of the men here and couldn't find out. I guess we shall wait and see my princess." He smiled.

The music stopped but he didn't let me go and kept on dancing in the silence.

"I have to go. Goodbye Kevin." I tried letting go of his hands but he didn't seem to care.

"I said I'm interested in who the highest bidder is so we'll have to wait for him together." He smirked

I tried to push him off of me. I've had enough of this. I just wanted to run away in a small place and just cry myself a river there. The highest bidder just came. He tapped Kevin on the shoulder and said:

"I think the music has stopped already, I must intervene now, though I can see that won't be a problem little miss here doesn't like your company too much." The man smirked at Kevin.

To my surprise it was THE man, the café man. He was my highest bidder. I couldn't believe it so I just stared at him in complete and utter shock.

The man laughed and took my hand. As soon as he did that the music started playing and I was swooned off my feet by him.

"I'm guessing you're pleasantly surprised that I am the highest bidder. Am I wrong?"

I looked at him sarcastically.

"I wouldn't necessarily say pleasantly but surprised none the less. Why did you bid so much for just a dance with me?"

He thought for a moment.

"First of all two dances and second of all I wanted to see for myself if the rumors were true."

"Anyways don't even bother to piss me off. I'm not frankly in the best mood right now. The second bidder was my ex. My… he's a psycho."

The man didn't seem to bother my ramblings; he even asked me.

"What makes you say that?"

"He brought the girl he cheated on me as his date tonight. And dared to say he still loves me while we danced."

Someone pushed me into his arms. He didn't seem to care and without a breath basically started dragging me on the dance floor.

"Anyways what's your name?" I decided to keep the conversation going. As much as I didn't want to talk to this man it was still better than to talk to Kevin.