
I DARE YOU TO LOVE ME (by gabryyyte)

A girl meets an awfully rude man which devilish looks. In an attempt to make her ex jealous she gives the man her first kiss, grabbing his attention.

Gabryyyte · 若者
14 Chs


The first time I saw him was at the local cafe shop, my friends thought he looked extremely handsome. When we were about to leave he came up to me and told me I looked "Astonishing". I was dating Kevin at the time so I wasn't interested.

The second time I saw him was at the masquerade. My parents planned it to introduce me to the new "grooms'' after they found out I broke up with Kevin and thought this would cheer me up. I've noticed my parents talking to the café guy the entire evening not giving much attention to the others. Gladly, not even me. Even though this masquerade was for me to get to know people I didn't dare to talk to many others, I just hung around people I already knew.

As I was looking for people I already knew, I noticed him. Drinking at our table. My mother only put close people to our table. People we had known for years and trusted. He looked miserable, not even a fake smile on his lips. He was just glued to the phone.

I've decided to ignore him for now and just find my cousin. When I found him the first thing he told me made my feet weak.

"Did you know Kevin is here?"

I screamed. Inside. How dare they invite him after everything I told them? After hearing that there was only one question in my mind:

"Who did he bring with him?"

My cousin just looked to the ground, after a couple of seconds looked back at me and with a shocked expression looked behind me. He started shaking his head. I knew what was coming. I gulped. Gathering all the strength in me to turn around and look for myself.

"He brought…" I stopped for a second to hold back my tears. "The girl he cheated on me with… Cassandra"

I ran to the bathroom, tears rolling down my cheeks, everyone was staring at me. But I didn't care. I just couldn't comprehend:

How could he come here and bring a girl he cheated on me with…? How could my parents invite him here after all that I've told them that happened…?

I heard a knock at the door. Someone was getting inpatient. I wiped off the tears and shouted that I'm only going to take a minute. I cleaned myself and prepared to face Kevin again. "This time I won't act like a pussy." I told myself.

I got to our table. The man was still sitting there. I've only now noticed but he brought himself a date. A tall hot blond girl with a pretty smile. Even though she clearly tried to get him engaged in the conversation our table was having he looked extremely disinterested. When I sat down everyone darted their eyes to me and it started for a bit, it made me feel unbearably uncomfortable so I decided to break the silence.

"How are you enjoying the evening so far?" Everyone smiled softly and spoke all at once saying that they are having a lot of fun and that everything looks amazing.

An older man the head of the police in our town coughed to get everyone's attention. Then he looked at his wife and at me.

"I can see that the rumors are true." He paused. There was complete silence in the room. Everyone was looking at him except for the man sitting at our table. He was still just looking at his phone. "I propose a toast, for Arthemia- the girl with immense beauty. So you shal find your love tonight!"

Everyone's eyes darted at me. I got up and lightly bowed thanking the man for the toast. Then everyone's glasses clanged and the chatter continued. The man started to annoy me. Everyone was asking him questions and trying to get him to talk but all he did was nod or answer vaguely. Mostly, not getting over the two word mark. In a bit he clearly got annoyed too.

"Did you all come here to talk to me or get to know her?" he pointed at me with his scornful eyes.

I busted at him.

"Then why did you come here in the first place? To yell and ignore everyone?" This man got me riled up for practically nothing. I always kept calm and did not get into anyone's business. But this time I just couldn't control myself.

"Well miss, that's none of your concern now, is it?"

I just pouted my lips and compressed the anger trying not to cause a scene.

My mother tried breaking the ice and changed the topic.

"So Arthemia, did you have enough time to talk with the guys here?"

I gulped she can't know I basically haven't talked to anyone except maybe two new men here.

"Yes." I replayed nervously. "Had a pleasant time with most of them."

The café guy chuckled a bit and said to himself but loud enough for the people at my table to hear. I've even noticed the blond girl hitting his foot under the table.