
I, Cut down Douluo, without Spirit Skills

Synopsis: Reborn in Holy Spirit Village, nicknamed Ah Man, whose 18 generations of ancestors were born only with zero-Level innate spirit power, awakened green hatchet with Level 3 spirit power. No spirit ring or no spirit bone skills, fights rely on cutting everything flat, if you feel uncomfortable, come and cut me. Also known as "Born as a commoner, the daughter of a rich family fell in love with me" "This man obviously has no spirit skills, why is he so fierce?" PS1: Entering the Spirit Hall, won’t follow Tang San, won't worship the master, and bring his wifu to build his own academy. So If you love Tang San you won't like it. PS2: His advantage or cheat is soul power and Dark Arts of Dark Ones from another world (Feng Shen Ji Manhua), power of Dark Ones complements well as a not-too-powerful cheat (no instant Op, need some growth). PS3: There's no need to read that Manhua, I will add an Auxiliary chapter to introduce the skills and other bits for both your and my convenience; Author will also introduce the cheat skill in chapter 5 and 6. === Author: Stir-Fried Qitian Pepper === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://www.69shu.com/txt/44424.htm You can support original author in Chinese site.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · 書籍·文学
365 Chs

Chapter 236 Eliminating harm for the people, for the world

Half a month later, the two came to a mountain path.

"Hm? Father, stop for a moment." Tang San, who was following beside him, suddenly shouted softly.

"What's wrong?" Tang Hao frowned.

"According to the information coming from the surrounding Blue Silver Grass, there seem to be people on both sides of the path in front of us, I'll turn on my Head Bone Skill to probe carefully." Tang San's face sank slightly.

After absorbing the head spirit bone, his spiritual power had risen greatly, and his Purple Demon Eye had successfully broken through to the Mustard Seed realm. After the second awakening of his martial soul, he had successfully comprehended the Blue Silver Domain, and his resonance with Blue Silver Grass had become deeper. Even without turning on the Spirit Bone Skill, he was able to establish a link with the surrounding Blue Silver Grass through his spiritual power and collect the information coming from the Blue Silver Grass within a range of several hundred meters.

However, there had to be a Blue Silver Grass within a certain distance to pick up the link.

Because his actual mental strength didn't cover too great of a distance, he had to resonate with the blue silver grass by linking to it to expand his exploration range. And when the distance between the Blue Silver Grasses was too far, this resonance would be interrupted, and information would naturally not be transmitted.

In addition, limited by the blue silver grass cultivation, only the distance close enough or by touching the blue silver grass the information can be derived. And the information gathered is relatively simple, it can only check whether someone is in a certain location, but what they look like and what they are saying or doing is unknown.

Another point is, it can only detect information on the ground. After all, Blue Silver Grass only grew on the ground.

This was the result he had come up with through constant experimentation on the road during this period of time.

"Hmm." Tang Hao nodded slightly, and inwardly, he was also thinking, 'Could it be that the fact that I'm going to bring Xiao San to the Killing City has also been exposed? There are people on both sides of the path, and this kind of station is usually only encountered during ambushes or roadblocks, as well as doing intelligence reconnaissance operations.'

In a moment, the glow on Tang San's forehead dimmed, and he opened his eyes, frowning slightly.

"There are indeed people, all hiding in the bushes, there are spirit power fluctuations, they seem to be spirit masters, could they be roadblockers?"

Spirit masters? Tang Hao frowned, and said indifferently, "Wait here, I'll be right back."

After saying that, his figure disappeared in place.

Right now, the Martial Spirit Hall was undoubtedly searching for him in a big way, because as long as he was dead, they would be able to attack the Clear Sky Clan in a big way without worry. The fact that he had been to the Killing City was known to the Martial Spirit Hall, and back then, when he fought against the Martial Spirit Hall's pursuers, he had used the Death God Domain. Therefore, the Martial Spirit Hall could guess that he would take his son Tang San to the Killing City for training based on his old path.

'Martial Spirit Hall, you guys are really unwilling to let go of any hint of a chance to find me.' Inwardly, he thought furiously.

In the middle of his thoughts, he soundlessly arrived not far from the two men, and his brows immediately furrowed, 'Sure enough, it's someone from the Martial Spirit Hall.'

Their aura was stable and introverted, which was by no means something that could be cultivated by an ordinary force.

'Looking at the situation, the area around the entrance to the Killing City is likely to have been filled with secret outposts of the Martial Spirit Hall. However, the Killing City doesn't only have regular entrances and exits.' He turned back in the middle of his thoughts, returning to Tang San's side in a few bounces, and turned around, "Keep scouting, and follow me."

Now it seemed that letting Xiao San absorb that piece of spirit bone wasn't a bad thing. At least this ability to avoid danger in the forest is very useful. If we got discovered, there might be a fierce battle... He thought deeply inwardly.

"Yes, Father." Tang San nodded and followed suit.

Late at night, the two of them evaded probes and arrived in front of a crack in the valley hidden by weeds.

"Go in." Tang Hao's tone was flat.

"Remember, being merciful to your enemy is being cruel to yourself, this is the only advice I have for you. When you enter the Killing City, the only person you can rely on is yourself. I will not follow you around, much less protect you. There are no friends or companions inside, only enemies. Kill all those who can bring you threats, and become the champion of Hell Slaughter Arena, then I will naturally come to pick you up."

"Father, I'll definitely do it." Tang San nodded, not hesitating to push aside the weeds and walk in.

Two-quarters of an hour later, Tang Hao stepped in.


No wonder Father said that there would only be enemies here... Inside the Killing City, after listening to the Black Veiled Maiden's introduction, Tang San was inwardly shocked while at the same time having a clear understanding of what to expect in his heart.

'I'm afraid this is also the place where Father hammered out his killing aura back then, through constant killing.'

Turning his head towards the black-veiled maiden, Tang San didn't hesitate, "Bring me to Hell Slaughter Arena."


Half an hour later, outside a house, "Poof!" Blood spurted from the original house owner's chest as he slowly collapsed.

Looking at the burly man lying on the ground, Tang San pondered, 'Within the Killing City, my Mysterious Heaven Skill's operating speed has obviously slowed down. This means that my spirit power cultivation speed, spirit power recovery speed, and even injury recovery speed will all be slower.'

Thinking of this, a slight frown formed on his brow.

'Perhaps, I can utilize the Eight Spider Spear's devouring ability to my advantage. In this way, at least the recovery of spirit power and injuries can be sped up quite a bit. The people within the Killing City are all vicious people, no, to be precise, the people here are no longer considered people, but beasts, and each one of them has taken the way to death. When I do this, it's also considered to be a way of ridding the world of evil and utilizing the waste in the process.'   

'If these sinful beasts were to run out, how much harm would it bring to the people on the continent? It would be better to kill them on the spot to eliminate future troubles!'

'Hmph, Martial Spirit Hall! The Killing City, such a filthy existence, is a result of the indulgence of the Martial Spirit Hall.'

'For the sake of the continent's peace, for the sake of the continent's people's safety, one day, I will definitely eradicate the Martial Spirit Hall and destroy this filthy place as well.'

In between his thoughts, he bent down and dragged the corpse into the house.

There were many dangers within the Killing City, so he could not expose the external spirit bone, or else it would surely be coveted, and he would be besieged.

Closing the door, he threw the body down, and without hesitation, he unfolded his external spirit bone and stuck it in.

Wisps of spirit power and life force converged into his body along the Eight Spider Spear, and the spirit power lost due to the battle was made up for in a moment.

Moreover, Tang San could completely feel that the excess spirit power ran along the Mysterious Heaven Skill operating route, and a small portion of it stayed in the body, and his own cultivation actually grew slightly. The strength of his physical body also had a slight increase with the injection of life energy.

With his current spiritual strength, he was completely certain that he hadn't sensed wrongly.

Realizing this, Tang San trembled, his eyes instantly lighting up.

'Could it be that after the second awakening of the martial soul, my Eight Spider Spear has evolved along with it? Plants originally rely on absorbing nutrients to grow, perhaps, it was during the Martial Soul's second awakening, the external spirit bone was flushed by the energy shared by the many Blue Silver Grasses, and a similar ability was attached to it?'

'However, no matter what! The way things are now, doesn't it mean that I can rely on the devouring ability of the external spirit bone to continue to cultivate my spirit power and strengthen my physical body at a not-too-slow pace by devouring those who have committed great sins and evils in the Killing City?'

In a moment, the brow suddenly furrowed again.

'The Eight Spider Spear is still unable to store life energy, and the same goes for spirit power, which the body absorbs and transforms to a certain extent before it can no longer do so.'

'Where exactly is the problem? Why can Lin Manshan's external spirit bone store life energy?'

Being unable to preserve it meant that one could only watch the excess spirit energy and life energy inhaled into the body dissipate.

This was simply a waste!

'Could it be that the level of evolution of the spirit bone isn't enough? I wonder if devouring more will speed up the rate of evolution. After all, this change in the Eight Spider Spear is most likely the result of the martial soul's second awakening process that absorbed the energy shared by the many Blue Silver Grasses.'

'Well, let's give it a try and find out... Anyway, this Killing City is full of people who deserve to die.'

With this thought, he retracted the Eight Spider Spear and threw the corpse at his feet, then dragged and threw it out of the house. After being devoured of spirit power and life force, the corpse had no other changes except for the skin becoming a bit paler, and the blood was still scarlet, so there was no need to worry about being recognized for what he had done.

Closing the door, he began to clean up the house.

At night, ta-da, footsteps sounded one after another outside the door, Tang San who was sitting at the head of the bed slowly opened his eyes, the corner of his mouth curved with a cold smile, ''Hehe, I didn't go to look for you guys, but you guys came to the door instead. It's just the right time to shut the door and take you guys to continue experimenting."

After an unknown amount of time, Tang San licked his lips, "Although the improvement isn't much, it's still faster than cultivating outside."

The next day, Tang San continued to head to the Hell Slaughter Arena.

At night, corpses were taken out from the spirit tool.

As a Tang Sect disciple, no one knew more about assassination than him, especially in the dark. Although his storage spirit tool, Twenty Four Moonlight Bridges, couldn't hold living things, dead things like corpses were fine, which undoubtedly made it convenient for him to bring the corpses back after the assassination.

Unfortunately, corpses couldn't be left for too long, as the life force would be rapidly lost as the creature died.

It was also for this reason that he had to hunt the spirit masters in the Killing City often.

'I must be careful, I'm afraid that the so-called Slaughter King is also a Titled Douluo, and he can also use spirit skills within the Killing City. Although it is common to kill people in the Killing City, there is no need to draw attention and cause unnecessary trouble.' Feeling the rapidly recovering spirit power as well as injuries in his body, as well as his slowly growing strength, Tang San inwardly thought.

Meanwhile, on the other side, outside the house.

'Xiao San is actively hunting spirit masters and bringing back corpses, could it be that he's testing the devouring ability of the external spirit bones? Or even using it to cultivate?' Tang Hao frowned slightly, then comforted, "It doesn't matter, the people here are all unforgivable people anyway."

'Besides, with me around, no one will notice it.'

'In addition, the situation on the clan's side is grim right now, and my time is also tight, Xiao San must grow up quickly.'

Thinking like this, he walked towards the house not far away from the side.


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