
I, Cut down Douluo, without Spirit Skills

Synopsis: Reborn in Holy Spirit Village, nicknamed Ah Man, whose 18 generations of ancestors were born only with zero-Level innate spirit power, awakened green hatchet with Level 3 spirit power. No spirit ring or no spirit bone skills, fights rely on cutting everything flat, if you feel uncomfortable, come and cut me. Also known as "Born as a commoner, the daughter of a rich family fell in love with me" "This man obviously has no spirit skills, why is he so fierce?" PS1: Entering the Spirit Hall, won’t follow Tang San, won't worship the master, and bring his wifu to build his own academy. So If you love Tang San you won't like it. PS2: His advantage or cheat is soul power and Dark Arts of Dark Ones from another world (Feng Shen Ji Manhua), power of Dark Ones complements well as a not-too-powerful cheat (no instant Op, need some growth). PS3: There's no need to read that Manhua, I will add an Auxiliary chapter to introduce the skills and other bits for both your and my convenience; Author will also introduce the cheat skill in chapter 5 and 6. === Author: Stir-Fried Qitian Pepper === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://www.69shu.com/txt/44424.htm You can support original author in Chinese site.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · 書籍·文学
365 Chs

Chapter 142 Yu Xiaogang this piece of shit (2 in 1)

Dugu Bo is really hard to deal with, I didn't mention a single word about it being beneficial to cultivation, but he still guessed it.

That's right, the ultimate purpose of beneficial pills is still to help in spirit master practice. The first thing that outsiders might think is that I saw Dugu Bo's martial soul evolution and wanted to rely on Lin Manshan's medical skills to try and solve the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Martial Soul Flaw.

However, as the person in the know and the person involved, Dugu Bo was obviously more sensitive to this matter and thought more deeply, directly associating it with the pills that Lin Manshan had refined.

Ning Fengzhi thought about it from a different perspective, and also understood the reason for it, and with the ever-present smile on his face, he said in a calm tone, "I'm afraid Brother Dugu is overthinking it."

So what if you associate it with me, as long as I can brush it off quickly enough, and the reason is convincing, this matter has nothing to do with me. As for the two leakers, Yu Tianheng and Yu Xiaogang, that's another matter, they'll carry their own pots.

"Little friend Lin's medical skills are superb, he was even able to get rid of the poison that had been stagnating in Brother Dugu's body for many years, and he was also able to break through to the Spirit Elder realm at such a young age with the qualifications of an innate level 3 spirit power, which is unheard of for me as well."

"Therefore, it was inevitable that I had some conjectures, which is why I took the liberty of asking this question, but I'm sorry if I had bothered Brother Dugu and Little Friend Lin with a baseless guess." Having said that, Ning Fengzhi arched his hand apologetically.

So it turned out like this. The crowd felt that it made sense.

Ghost Douluo, on the other hand, laughed coldly, others didn't see it clearly, but as a Titled Douluo, how could he not see it clearly?

Ning Rongrong's averted gaze was enough to explain everything, Dugu Bo was not blind. A little girl is a little girl, with insufficient self-control in a big scene.

After quietly pondering, he turned his head to look at Salas, compelling his voice into a thread, which directly reached his ears, ''Salas, tomorrow, send some manpower to spread the news that the Heaven Dou Imperial Battle Team has fought against the Shrek Battle Team in Suotuo City. In addition, there is also the news of Yu Xiaogang and Yu Tianheng meeting after the battle. As for what exactly they talked about, there's no need to narrate."

Upon hearing this, Salas' eyes lit up, and he nodded slightly without moving.

This old fox. Dugu Bo nodded, "Sect Master Ning's love for his daughter is understandable."

With that, he admitted boldly, "That's right, Man'er can indeed refine medicines that aid in cultivation, and after taking them, they can slowly improve the body's qualifications, increase the speed of cultivation, and even directly increase cultivation by a small margin without any side effects. However, the medicinal power is limited, the older you are and the higher your strength is, the less useful it will be if you eat it."

"In addition, the requirements for refining the herbs are extremely high, and ordinary herbs with too low of potency simply won't be helpful. In addition, I'm sure I've already made it clear before the special nature of Man'er's usage of herbs, it's completely dependent on the person using the medicine. Therefore, even the preparation of herbs used to neutralise the medicinal properties cannot be sloppy, and the consumption of herbs can be described as massive. I've been collecting rare herbs for decades, but I haven't been able to refine more than a dozen of them."

So bullish? The crowd was astonished.

No wonder Dugu Bo wanted to gather medicinal herbs by helping people get rid of poisons before, there weren't even the same leaves in this world, let alone people with more complex body structures. Preparing medicines that suit a person, how much stockpiling of medicinal herbs would it take to get together the herbs to refine one that perfectly fits one's physique?

There was also such a powerful efficacy to it, so it would indeed require herbs with extremely high potency to be able to do so.

Moreover, it was also true that there couldn't be the slightest bit of sloppiness. It is a blessing as well as a curse, how strong the positive medicinal effect is, means how harmful the negative side will be. With a little deviation, the medicinal properties and their own martial soul and physique will not fit, so it will not be an aid to cultivation, but suicide.

This is not refining medicine, this is just creating a low-grade version of Immortal Herb.

No wonder Lin Manshan was able to cultivate to level 32 with an innate level 3 spirit power. No, Lin Manshan didn't meet Dugu Bo before he was 12 years old, where did he get so many herbs to prepare his medicine? The crowd suddenly had different thoughts and pondered.

Dugu Bo had said before that Lin Manshan had been to the Star Dou Great Forest to collect herbs, and it was on his way back that he met Dugu Yan.

Ghost Douluo had also said before that Lin Manshan had donated 100,000 gold soul coins to the Martial Spirit Hall Branch, which meant that Lin Manshan hadn't lacked money before.

Could it be that he had picked and bought the herbs himself and had managed to get them together by luck? With Lin Manshan's medical skills, if he couldn't practice a high-compatibility version, he could at least put together a low-compatibility one, right? In the early stages of a Spirit Master, it was indeed easier to raise one's cultivation, and the effects of the medicine they used also could increase the speed of practice.

Thinking about it like that, it seemed reasonable again.

"Of course, it's also possible to refine ones that are almost as good with common herbs, but eating them will leave impurities in the body. It's beneficial in the early stages, as for the later stages. Anyway, don't think about Titled Douluo after eating it." Dugu Bo shrugged, "This is the kind of thing that Man'er ate before. However, after he arrived at Heaven Dou City, he has already used my herbs to make another medicine to get rid of the impurities in his body."

So that's how it turned out. The crowd secretly nodded their heads, sighing that Dugu Bo and Lin Manshan were both considered to have mutually attained something from each other.

After saying that, Dugu Bo glanced at Ning Rongrong and continued, "Sect Master Ning, I think that you definitely wouldn't be willing to give your own daughter the kind of medicine that will leave behind impurities."

"And we are very short of herbs right now!"

"So, as you know. If you want Man'er to help you, you'll have to be prepared to bleed heavily."

"I'm willing to hear about it." Ning Fengzhi arched his hand.

"Money I'm not short of it right now, so it's simple, you have to come up with two portions of herbs according to prescription." Dugu Bo nodded slightly, "If you can't come up with two portions, you can exchange them with other herbs of the same quality. If you don't have it on your side and I have it on my side, I can exchange it with herbs of the same quality. If neither of us has it, then there's nothing we can do."

"In short, both of us can do our best to get what is appropriate for us. Sect Master Ning, what do you think?"

"Ok." Ning Fengzhi nodded without hesitation.

"Also, a prudent reminder, it is best not to get your hopes too high." Dugu Bo skimmed his lips, "Man'er seeks perfection in refining the medicinal items, so it's really hard to gather the herbs! Although your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan has a deep family background, when it comes to the collection of rare medicinal herbs, it might not be as good as the reserves that I had searched outside in the previous few decades. Even I can't put together a few portions, so you probably have an even harder time."

"There's no other way, rare herbs can't be bought on the market." Dugu Bo also looked helpless.

"Hey, this matter is something that Ning also understands, just do your best." Ning Fengzhi nodded with emotion.

"In that case, Man'er." Dugu Bo turned his head to look at Lin Manshan.

Lin Manshan nodded, stepped forward, and looked at Ning Rongrong, "Miss Rongrong, I need a drop of your blood."

When the plan to conceal the Immortal Herbs had progressed to this point, in order to be completely successful, it would undoubtedly still require an example that could prove that their own improvement had nothing to do with the Immortal Herbs, and instead had something to do with the medical skills. This example, was no doubt best when presented on Ning Rongrong's body. Born in the upper three clans, an auxiliary spirit master, with a martial soul defect, so what if the qualification is improved, you can still only cultivate to level 79.

Moreover, just now, Dugu Bo had already made it clear that even with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan's collection, it would be very difficult to gather the herbs to refine one portion. This difficulty was already enough to discourage most forces. And it would help them to avoid a lot of trouble in an invisible form.

"Rongrong." Ning Fengzhi turned his head towards Ning Rongrong.

The latter lightly bit her finger and squeezed out a drop of blood.

Lin Manshan didn't hesitate, and immediately mobilised his soul power, his right hand moved closer to catch the fresh blood in his palm, and then he mobilised his soul power to sense the fresh blood. In a moment, he frowned and turned his head towards Ning Rongrong, "Miss Rongrong, please drop a drop of blood from your other hand as well."

Ning Rongrong froze for a moment but did as she was told.

Next to her, Ning Fengzhi perceived something, his face couldn't help but slightly condense, and he asked, "Little friend Lin, did you find something?"

"Sect Master Ning, please wait a moment." Lin Manshan said, reaching out to catch another drop of blood and channel his soul power to inspect it. The better the effect of the refined elixir, the more favourable the situation would be, so he naturally couldn't be sloppy, but when he looked at her current clear situation, Yu Xiaogang was making it more difficult for him. Inwardly feeling depressed, he turned his head to look at Ning Rongrong.

"Miss Rongrong, have you been soaking in some kind of medicinal bath in recent months?"

"Is there a problem?" Ning Rongrong's face went pale, and she couldn't help but ask.

She did dip a medicinal bath in Shrek Academy. Ning Fengzhi's heart sank, Ning Rongrong is his only daughter, or the most talented disciple within the clan, he has always nurtured her as the clan's heir, if anything happened, it would be absolutely intolerable.

"You have impurities in your body, just like me back then." Lin Manshan used a tissue to clean the blood and continued, "If I am not wrong, the person who prepared the medicinal bath for you should not be well-versed in pharmacology. There is nothing wrong with the formula, the function is mainly to soothe the tendons, activate the blood and strengthen the essence of the body, soaking after strenuous exercise is indeed beneficial to the body, however, the measurement of the herbs in the medicinal bath that you soaked in is used wrongly."

"Just now as my grandfather said. Each person's physique is different, the measurement of the medicine naturally needs to be different. And I'm afraid that the person who prepared the medicinal bath for you didn't know this, Miss Rongrong, as an auxiliary spirit master and a girl, your physique is on the weak side. But that person who prepared the medicinal bath for you, used a heavy measurement of medicine, causing your body to be unable to absorb and digest it in a short period of time."

"In addition, ordinary medicinal herbs aren't like certain rare and special herbs that have strong medicinal power and can have a miraculous effect in a single plant. For ordinary herbs to work wonders, they generally need to be combined and matched, and they need to be neutralised and blended according to the individual. Otherwise, those messy medicinal powers that can't be absorbed by the body will easily accumulate in the body, accumulating many times and gradually transforming into impurities that are harmful to the body."

"Although the prescription is considered good, if you take the medicine according to the prescription, you may not always be able to achieve favourable results." Lin Manshan shook his head.

You can tell so much through a drop of blood? The crowd only felt a sense of incomprehensibility.

Yu Xiaogang the dog thing. A medicinal bath formula is akin to a solid foundation to nurture the children of the family; it is not something that a civilian spirit master can have. The Sword Douluo didn't need to guess to know who prepared this medicinal bath, and his gaze was sharp and cold, and he immediately glanced at Yu Xiaogang, whose face had already turned pale.

Damn, if this bastard is not Yu Yuanzhen's son, he really wants to stab him to death right now.

The Shrek students also glanced at Yu Xiaogang one after another with their side eyes, secretly pondering if there were impurities in their own bodies as well.

If I have too many impurities in my body, will I be unable to cultivate to the Titled Douluo Level? Tang San also felt a sinking in his heart, he could prepare poison, but he didn't have any experience in curing illnesses. Apart from immortal herbs, he really couldn't think of a way to get rid of the impurities in his body.

On the other hand, Ning Fengzhi hurriedly asked the crucial question, "Little friend Lin, is there a solution?"

"This is not that hard." Lin Manshan turned his head to look at Ning Rongrong whose face was a little pale, "However, Miss Rongrong, you might have to endure a little when it comes down to it."

"Quenching the impurities in the body requires the use of heavy medicines that induce internal fire, and you need to endure the pain of internal fire burning. That's how I managed to get to this point in the first place, and it really isn't pleasant."

At those words, Ning Rongrong's face turned even paler.

"However, there are also benefits." Lin Manshan turned his head to look at Ning Fengzhi, "Sect Master Ning, in fact, even if Miss Rongrong hadn't soaked in those medicinal baths before, I would have still needed to include a medicine for quenching impurities, which is a necessary method through which one can improve the body's qualifications. In addition, this also has the effect of removing toxins and draining dampness, activating the blood and removing blood clots, which will be beneficial to cultivation in the future. What we need to do today is merely to increase the dosage of this part of the medication, so that the internal fire is invoked a bit more vigorously."

"Cough, if she really can't endure it," After a pause, there was a change in his tone, "It is recommended to knock her out."

"???" Ning Rongrong was dumbstruck.

This... it was really simple and direct. The crowd fell silent, inwardly mourning for Ning Rongrong.

"." Ning Fengzhi was actually speechless while secretly breathing a sigh of relief inwardly.

So, this medicinal bath had directly super-doubled the pain my daughter had to endure?

Yu Xiaogang! The bottom of his heart was itching with anger.

Then he heard Lin Manshan continue, "Sect Master Ning, the specific herbs that will be used, the junior will still need to spend a few days working on it."

"When Man'er comes up with the formula, I'll have someone go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan to notify you." Dugu Bo, who was beside him, interjected with a nod, "At that time, it would be best for you to have someone bring all the rare medicinal herbs with them to the door so that Man'er can look at all of them to see the medicinal properties. After looking at them, we'll work together to check and fill in the gaps and assemble what's needed."

"Good." Ning Fengzhi nodded, then arched his hand, "Then I will trouble you, Little Friend Lin."

"No Trouble." Lin Manshan smiled and arched his hand in return.

After a few polite words, Ning Fengzhi took Ning Rongrong with him to bid farewell and leave.

The Medicine that could improve the body's qualifications without side effects. Ghost Douluo mused, 'Let's wait until we go back and report it to her Holiness. It would be a great thing if we could get a few portions together for Nana and the others. Moreover, Old Guan fellow might be very interested in it as well.'

Thinking in this manner, he slowly walked up and bid farewell to Dugu Bo.

Gradually, one by one, the guests in the hall said their goodbyes and left.

Shrek Academy and the others did not bother to come and say goodbye but slipped away early.

"Cool!" Dugu Bo straightened his back, ordered the servants to clean the hall, and led Lin Manshan and the others upstairs.

Everyone who should have left had left, and it was time for the meeting.


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#Cuevas Luis Nathanael and #Crimson Reader, Thanks for all your love and support.

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