
Why Should I Help Her?

"Thanks again for your help, Yoshikawa-kun," Kirisu-sensei stated after we finished cleaning all the rooms. 

"Don't worry about it... That said, I'm amazed that you can keep a straight face even when you're scared to death of a cockroach."

"...Can you not bring that up again?"

I laughed. "Sorry."

"No need."

There were still a number of cockroaches roaming around in her apartment when we were cleaning up earlier. I killed them all with a broom before mopping up the stains they left behind. There is barely anything I can do anymore now that I've done cleaning all the rooms.

"Then, I'll make—"



Kirisu-sensei stopped me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"...Sorry, it's nothing."

"Okay...?" I left right after that.


In the evening, I did the same thing I did in the morning, which was writing on the terrace of the apartment. It had a fairly large area with a decent roof and more than enough interior. I'll probably make this place a favorite.

The door to the terrace across from mine opened. Hoshino came out of it in her usual closed clothes worn outside.

She exuded a joyful aura, and I could tell it came where from.

"Hi there, Yoshikawa-kun~!" Her voice hinted it already.

"Hey, you seem happy."

"Hehe," she giggled as she sat down on one of the benches that had been provided. "That's because I am."

I thought it was obvious, but the structure of the terrace made it impossible for a fellow neighbor to even jump or perform an action that would allow the occupant to be stolen.

"You enrolled in Chikura High School, right?" She asked.

"I am," I replied shortly. "What of it?"

I had read her Diary before this, which still didn't make me so safe about Hoshino.

Friday, March 8th, 2024

4.40 PM

Yes, I've gotten permission! Convincing Ichigo-san was hard, but it was worth it. I'll tell this to Yoshikawa-kun for sure. Ohh, I can't wait!


As for what,

"Guess what? I'm also in...!"

"You are...?" I acted surprised.

Hoshino didn't realize that. "Yes, we're in the same school now. This is going to be fun, Yoshikawa-kun!"

"...I'm glad to hear that." I was being honest. 

Previously, I had said that the ultimate point of the diary is death or coming into contact with me. That's why I was rather frantic before Mahiru gave me her food this morning due to the contents of Hoshino's Diary being empty. [Fortunately, it was due to her contact with me.]

At the moment, I can surmise that the Diary being empty after 4:40 PM is not a negative sign for Hoshino. I could add another point myself to give her a chance to tell me about it at the appointed time. [I can write at least one point regarding myself.]

Just call it Future Exclusion. It was more or less the same thing that applied to Mahiru in the conversation on the terrace earlier. I can add a point in the Future that is directly related to me, which is the ultimate point of the diary. Of course, it does not specifically order me to move. There seemed to be some exceptions too that prevented me from doing that.

Each book has a different thickness. I know it's late to say, but they change thickness depending on the future I alter. I'm the center of all their fates. It must be because I'm the main character. [—which is not so exciting.]

Their deaths weren't explained in Diary. That's a downside, for sure. [Is there anything I can do about it?] I wondered.

"Yoshikawa-kun...?" Hoshino called out, snapping me out of my reverie. She looked at me with a hint of annoyance. "You're not listening to me at all."

"...Sorry," I awkwardly laughed, then thought of something. "I was just lost in thoughts about you, Hoshino-san."

She widened her eyes. "Me?"

I nodded. "Yes. I was worried about your work, especially the risk of you going to a school like this."

Hoshino froze for a few moments.

What happened? Of course, I realized that I probably said something embarrassing to her.

"Am I thinking it too much?" I asked.

She immediately shook her head. "N-No, I don't think so. I mean, it's natural for a friend to feel that way... I'm just a little happy."

Since it was funny to see her like that, I teased her. "Just a little, huh?"

"W-What do you want me to say?"

"Isn't it only natural to be a lot?"

"W-Well, a lot it is then!" she had her voice raised when she said so, ducking her head. "U-Urk, I-I'll go inside first."

"Sure," I laughed.

[I'll never get tired of teasing her.]

I lowered my own head the instant she's gone. Thinking about how fake, empty, and unclear I was never made me feel good. I quickly lifted my head with a steady exhale. [Let's think of more weighty matters.]

[How should I save Hoshino?]

I don't have the supernatural power to make that happen instantly or quickly. Well, except for the Diary, I suppose. And speaking of which,

[You said something about Alternate Universes Quests or something, System-san. Tell me in short about that.]


(Alternate Universes Quests, in detail, are Special Quests which are only available per month. They are Long-Term Quests, unable to quit them before completion, but yielding rewards that are worth it. The Alternate Universes chosen will determine your rewards.)

[For example?]

(Jujutsu Kaisen's Universe: The Main Mission is—)

...Yeah, no.

That's just comical now. Illogical. Unfunny. Unimpressive.

[Why is it all about girls...?]

(Do you want to be assigned to defeat Kenjaku instead?)

[Of course not.]

I mean, for the ultimate reward to know how the Heroine's Diary dies is pretty absurd. I'd rather opt the first one. Just, give me another example.


(Universe ANHS from Classroom of the Elite: The Ultimate Mission is to remove the restraints of Kei Karuizawa, Honami Ichinose, and Suzune Horikita. Then defeat Kakeru Ryuen, Arisu Sakayanagi, and Kiyotaka Ayanokouji in specific battles. In the end, earn the loyalty of Masumi Kamuro, Yuki Himeno, and Mio Ibuki. Survive as Class A at the end of the First Year.)

How in the— And also girls? I can understand Karuizawa, Ichinose, and Horikita, but the other three girls? Why? I think I've said this before but I'm not desperate for girls. [Again, why?]

(The primary reward for it is the addition of the Comprehensive Diary function. In short, the Comprehensive function allows the contents of the Diary to be thorough in all aspects.)

My emotions were dampened down considerably. [In other words, I can more liberally modify the future changes, correct...?]


This is a great deal... Actually is.

What I'm troubled about from those matters is the effort and time that must be put in. Granted, with the rewards of Classroom of the Elite and Jujutsu Kaisen, my Diary would help greatly in helping Hoshino. [However, why should I've gone that far?] I'm not her close friends, for that matter. We've only known each other for a day. If I saw that it was out of my hands or too much for my safety, I honestly wouldn't be so hesitant to leave her to die.

I know what's right and wrong in terms of logic, that that is not a nice thing to think, but I suppose not in terms of feelings. It's not that I'm heartless, I simply have too little of them in me. [It's annoying...]

Clicking my tongue, I scratched my head somewhat roughly. [Better sleep than thinking all this things.]
