
I Can Turn Into A Dragon!

Devin Merridale was fishing in a river in the woods, when he suddenly pulled out a...

Lord_Vancheltz · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Becoming A Disciple

And so I spent my time like this for a whole month before my grandpa came down one day and told me to follow him outside. Confused, but deciding to listen to him I'm now standing across from him as he gets into a fighting stance. Suddenly he begins to speak. "Listen Tian Long, the past month has prepared you for this day. You've managed to cultivate from Body Tempering to Qi Refining in this past month. Three levels in a month! Monstrous talent! The levels are as follows: Body Tempering, Foundation Establishment, Qi Refining, Core Establishment, Nascent Soul, Ensoulment, Demigod, Lesser God, God, Godking, and finally God Emperor. The cultivation to each realm gets much harder as you advance, so even you should take at least 20 to 50 years to reach Core Establishment realm, however since its you you'll probably do it within the year, you monster. As to how I knew you became a dragon? That would be because I your grandfather am one myself! The cultivation technique that I taught you is tailored to dragons. To think that you'd awaken a divine tier bloodline because of a dragon scale found in the river! Only time will tell us if this is a blessing or a curse. Either way, welcome to the true family, and before you ask yes gran is one too. How old are we? Well we're old looking because we didn't awaken our bloodlines until we reached our 60s. However, once we did your grandma became fertile and we were able to have your mother. Unfortunately your mother didn't awaken her bloodline and once she had you she fled in fear of raising a son who might one day become a dragon. Fear and envy, as she both wanted to become a dragon and feared it. Now, get into a fighting stance. I want to test your current strength in your human form."

And so, my grandpa and I sparred. He kept correcting my stance, and showing me the proper way to punch and kick. Also mixing in acrobatic moves with the combat, our spar took on an epic level. My grandpa kept yelling excitedly as the fight wore on and by the time the sun neared the horizon, gran came out to get us for dinner. Calling it quits for the day, my grandpa looked at me with a happy face and said, "A true monster! You've mastered all 36 stances and 412 moves of the Imperial Dragon God Martial Arts. In only 8 hours... And such strength after only just awakening, your future shall be great my boy! Now let us go in and have dinner!"

Seated at the table, my grandpa Zhao Long and grandma Mei Long discussed my future. After all, I'm only 14 as of today. They both decided that I should go to the school of the Dragon King: Emerald Palace Academy. There I'd meet other young dragons my age and learn more of what it means to be a dragon. I'm getting excited just thinking about it! Enrollment starts next week, and I've already agreed to go. Emerald Palace Academy here I come!

Why am I craving pretzels and cheese sauce??

Lord_Vancheltzcreators' thoughts