
18 – Misfits 15 – Like Superheroes

=The Community Centre Roof=

They looked down the front of the building. The suspicious brunette was finally leaving.

Nathan takes a drag from his cigarette. "I think we got away with it," he said.

Curtis took a sip from his water bottle. "Do you actually believe that or are you just really dumb?" He asked.

Chris shook his head. "He actually believes that," he said.

"Hey! I actually believe that!" Nathan retorted.

"I mean I was there. I should have one of these bullshit powers," Nathan said.

"You can have mine. You want to hear what people are thinking about you?" Kelly spat back.

"Not so much. I want something good, something from the A-list," he said.

"Maybe you can fly," Simon offered.

"He's not going to be able to fly," Alisha said.

"Yeah, there's always someone who can fly. Check it out," Nathan said.

"Don't," Kelly said.

Nathan climbed on a chair and tried jumping off it. "Ow! No, that's not it," he said after falling flat on his face.

He looked over at Chris. "And what about you? Did you have any luck discovering any powers last night?" He asked.

Chris smirked. He looked over at Curtis. "Pass me the bottle," he said.

Curtis looked confused. "What? Why?" He asked.

Chris sighed. "Just do it," he said.

Curtis sighed, but tossed it over to Chris and watched curiously.

After a few seconds the water in the bottle froze solid.

Alisha looked amazed. "Is that for real?" She asked.

Chris tossed her the ice cold bottle.

"Oh.. my... god... It's really frozen," she said.

She frowned. "Why do you get the only power that doesn't suck?" She said.

"Hey! My power doesn't suck," Curtis said.

She shrugged.

"What? No way? Am I the only one without powers now? It's such bullshit. Just wait. I have a power and it's going to be amazing," Nathan said.

"So, what happens now? Is this it? Are we gonna be like this for ever?" Curtis asked.

"What if we are meant to be... like... superheroes?" Simon said.

"You lot, superheroes? No offence, but in what kind of fucked-up world would that be allowed to happen?" Nathan said.

"I did not sign up for that," Alisha said.

"Superheroes! I love this guy - you prick!" Nathan told Simon.

"What if there's loads of people like us all over town?" Kelly said nervously.

"No, that kind of thing only happens in America. This will fade away. I'm telling you, by this time next week, it'll be back to the same old boring shit." Nathan said looking out over the canal in front of the community centre.

Curtis just ended up jamming the note back in his locker.


=On The Train Ride Home=

Chris checked his phone to find during all the crazy things going on he had missed multiple messages. Some from Seth, but most from Lily.

[Seth the Power Broker: Ok. I've gotten some things set up, but nobody is biting yet.]

He nodded. 'Well... it's a start,' he though.

[Chris: That's fine. Just keep working at it. It's only been a day so people should start showing up soon enough.]

He moved on to Lily's messages. She seemed a lot more talkative over text.

[Ice Queen: Hey. How was your morning?]

[Ice Queen: I'm just chilling. Nothing to do until my shift tonight.]

[Ice Queen: Do you have any plans for today?]

[Ice Queen: Are you busy?]

[Ice Queen: I'm not bothering you, am I?]

[Ice Queen: Sorry if I am. I'll stop bothering you.]

He shook his head, chuckled and started typing.

[Chris: Sorry for not answering. Things here got a little crazy. You weren't the only one struggling with their powers. I haven't even had a chance to check my phone until now.]

He put the phone away thinking it would take a while, but it dinged within moments.

[Ice Queen: Hey! That's fine. What happened?!]

[Chris: Well it turns out the others at community service all got powers. Well all except one so far.]

[Ice Queen: What?! Why are you in community service?]

[Chris: I'm in for bribery.]

[Ice Queen: Ok]

There wasn't any further message for a little while.

[Ice Queen: So what kind of powers did they get?]

[Chris: Well one of the girls can read people's minds.]

[Ice Queen: No way. That's so cool. Why did mine have to be such a pain?]

[Chris: I don't know. She doesn't seem very happy about having it so maybe it isn't as good as it's cracked up to be.]

[Ice Queen: I guess maybe knowing what people think isn't always pleasant. I'm still jealous though.]

[Chris: One of the guys can turn back time. Well at least he says he did. He did warn us about some stuff that was about to happen so it seems it might be true.]

[Ice Queen: I'm starting to feel I got the short end of the stick with these powers.]

[Chris: You don't have to worry about it anymore though.]

[Ice Queen: I guess not. What else did they get?]

[Chris: Well the one of the other guys says he can turn invisible, but we weren't able to see it. I guess that's the point. There is also a girl that when she touches you gives you an uncontrollable urge to have sex with her.]

She went silent for quite a while longer again.

[Ice Queen: You didn't touch her right?]

He chuckled.

[Chris: No and I definitely won't now that I know about it.]

[Ice Queen: Good.]

Although he really should work on his business he couldn't resist spending the rest of his evening practicing his ice powers and chatting more with Lily. She stopped responding quite as quickly once she finally started her shift at the bar or else he doubted he would have been able to get much practice in at all.


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Writing Soundtrack: Linkin Park - Various Tracks