
San Fernando City

Johan took his first step out of Jurica City, his worn-out boots crunching on the gravel path that led to San Fernando. The sun was a brilliant orb of fiery orange, setting the morning sky ablaze. The fields rolled out on either side of the road, painted in varying hues of green and gold. 'Never seen this much open space before.' Johan thought to himself, an undercurrent of excitement pulsating in his veins.

With each step, he felt the anxiety build. 'This is it, Johan. It's happening.' His heart pounded in his chest, echoing the rhythm of his march. He let his gaze drift over the sprawling fields, the dotted patches of woodlands, the far-off mountains cloaked in early morning mist. All the while, his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. 'Don't get overwhelmed now. Focus on the task at hand.'

His internal pep talk helped temper his soaring emotions. A sense of purpose solidified within him, his resolve to succeed stronger than ever.

After what seemed like hours, the silhouette of San Fernando City loomed on the horizon. Johan's breath hitched in his chest at the sight. The city was nothing like Jurica. Tall, ornate buildings reached up to the sky, their glass and steel facades gleaming under the sun. The city was a harmonious blend of old-world charm and modern architecture, bustling with energy and teeming with life.

Wide, paved roads wound through the cityscape, flanked by intricate statues and vibrant flowerbeds. The air was charged with an electric energy, humming with the hustle and bustle of the city dwellers. 'It's bigger than Jurica, more vibrant.' Johan mused as he took in the scene. His eyes flit from one sight to another, his mind working overtime to commit everything to memory.

Despite the beauty of the city, Johan felt a pang of anxiety. He was a stranger here, a mere ant in the sprawling metropolis. But he knew he couldn't afford to let his insecurities get the better of him. 'You've come this far, Johan. No turning back now.' He steeled himself, his gaze locked on the majestic city gates as he continued his journey to San Fernando.


As he made his way into the assessment venue, Johan was hit by the sheer grandeur of the building. High ceilings adorned with intricate carvings, golden chandeliers casting a warm glow around the room, and walls lined with portraits of distinguished individuals - it was like stepping into a different world. The air buzzed with a mix of excitement and nervousness, filled with hushed conversations, muted laughter, and the occasional sigh of apprehension.

'Woah.' The word echoed in his head, but he didn't let it slip past his lips. Instead, he focused on the task at hand, his gaze steady and determined.

He walked into the main hall, a vast space filled with rows upon rows of seats, and his heart skipped a beat. This was the room of rivals. Competitors of all shapes and sizes filled the space, each exuding an intimidating aura. Their gazes were sharp, filled with a confidence that bordered on arrogance.

Johan scanned the room, his mind already analyzing each individual, assessing their potential strengths and weaknesses. 'Tough crowd.' He noted mentally, feeling a prickle of anticipation. He spotted a tall, burly man with a fierce look in his eyes, muscles bulging beneath his tight clothing. A potential powerhouse. Then there was the lean, wiry woman with an aloof expression, her eyes sharp and calculating. Likely a strategist.

But among the crowd, a few stood out. A young man with a quiet, serene demeanor yet a sense of contained power, an old man who looked frail yet exuded a wise, calm energy, and a girl, probably not more than sixteen, with an intense gaze that didn't match her age. Johan took note of them, wondering what roles they might play in this assessment.

'This isn't going to be easy.' Johan mused, but he wasn't deterred. Instead, the sight of his competition fueled his determination. 'Bring it on.' He thought, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips as he claimed a seat, ready to face whatever the assessment had in store.

As Johan settled into his seat, a strange feeling washed over him - isolation. He looked around, all the faces around him strangers. His heart pounded in his chest as the reality of the situation sunk in. 'These aren't just competitors,' he realized, 'they are potential rivals.' There were no allies here, no familiar faces to lend comfort or support. Just him against a room full of opponents.

The enormity of his task weighed on him, creating a tightening sensation in his chest. He was alone in this grand hall, a small fish in a sea of sharks. 'This isn't like Jurica,' he thought, 'this is a whole different game.'

But instead of succumbing to the creeping fear, Johan fought back. His mind focused, drowning out the whispers and murmurs around him, centering on the task at hand. 'Yes, they are strong, they are intimidating,' he admitted to himself, 'but so am I. I've worked hard for this, harder than I've ever worked for anything. I can't afford to falter now.'

With that thought, Johan straightened in his seat, his jaw setting in a determined line. He looked around the room once more, his gaze steady and unwavering. 'This is just the beginning,' he thought, 'and I will fight my way to the top, one rival at a time.'

As the echoes of the final thought reverberated in his mind, a new sense of calm washed over him. He was ready. Ready to face this assessment, ready to face these rivals, and ready to fight for his future. And with that, he hardened his resolve. He would become a Card Master. Not just for him, but for Miles too.

And so, under the golden glow of the grand hall, amidst the intimidating aura of his rivals, Johan sat, undeterred and unyielding, a young man with the will of steel, preparing to forge his destiny.
