
Chapter 23: Trial (Finale)

Chapter 23: Trial (Finale)

"No, I don't want this! I want to continue the trial, to defeat that monster! You didn't intervene when it almost killed me, so why are you stopping me now?" Jiang Lei felt that he is facing injustice from the beginning.

He has been forced into this trial against his will, and now, when he is prepared to face it head-on and give it his all, he is being halted. Is there any fairness left in this world?

"Jiang Lei, every creature here is my responsibility. You can't harm any of them. So, just get prepared for your next trial, and remember, this will be harder than before."

"Hey, you protect their lives, but what about my life? Am I just a pawn to you?" Jiang Lei seethed with anger, wishing he could silence the voice that tormented him.

The voice didn't continue to answer Jiang Lei; maybe it felt that it was futile to argue with him.

"Your next trial is to learn this cultivation technique in 3 days, and remember, if you fail, your body will explode after three days."

As the voice spoke, a tidal wave of information flooded his mind. He struggled to process it all until the name of the technique surfaced: "THE DIVINE CODE OF PHOENIX GOD."

Jiang Lei was overwhelmed by the sudden changes. The monster he wanted to confront had vanished, replaced by the daunting task of mastering a new skill. It seemed that in this world, the cost of failure was always his life.

"Is my life so expendable here? I used to believe that life was cherished, but now it feels like no one cares about the lives of others," Jiang Lei lamented. He wanted to cry, but no tears came. Regardless, he had no choice but to examine the technique that would determine his fate.

Closing his eyes, Jiang Lei delved into his memories and found many new memories that didn't belong to him. It astonished him that such a transfer of knowledge was possible.

"In my previous life, I could have avoided years of arduous studying if this kind of technology existed on Earth," he mused.

Jiang Lei is lost in his previous life's incidents, but he doesn't waste much time.

He knows that the most important work at hand is to learn the technique.

He sorted out his memory but found that he could only learn one part of the technique and rest of all memories and sealed, it's like it is very blurry in his mind.

He doesn't think about it that much, he first read the name of the technique, "The Divine Code of Phoenix God."

"This name sounds incredible. I've heard of phoenixes in my world. Is it similar to that?" Jiang Lei wondered,"Anyways you will learn when you will try."He continued learning the technique.

The technique was very complicated to understand as if it is covered by a fog of mystery. The technique is written in ancient texts which he never knew before, but he can still understand all the words in the text.

But no matter how much he tries to understand the technique, it always results in his failure.

Jiang Lei takes a deep breath. "My understanding was good in my previous life. Then how did I become such a dumb that I can't understand even a single word? Is it because I have transmigrated, so my understanding capabilities have now become like my predecessor?"

"Why were you such a dumb? Now I will have to die because of you?" Jiang Lei can just blame his predecessor for being so stupid. If his predecessor were to know about this, he doesn't know if he would die of anger again by listening to his words.

"System, help me understand this technique," Jiang Lei feels very useless. He can't do anything without the help of the system.

[System: "Sure, Master, Insight Mode is on."]

As Jiang Lei closed his eyes, his consciousness was transported to a realm beyond time and space. The surroundings were unfamiliar, a barren land, devoid of any signs of life, not even a single plant. Confusion gripped him as he tried to make sense of his new environment.

But suddenly, the world around him, filled with light, plunged into darkness.

When he lifted his head to see what had happened, his eyes widened in horror. He beheld a scene that would be forever etched into his memory.

A colossal Divine Phoenix loomed before him, so immense that he couldn't see its end. It had blocked the sun, shrouding the land in darkness.

Its wings are an ethereal spectacle, their structure resembling wings made entirely of flickering flames. Atop its head, a crest of roaring flames burns with intensity, casting a warm and radiant glow

Its tail is a cascade of flames that is waving leaving a trail of fire

An aura of holiness emanated from the Phoenix, as if it could purify all evil in the world. The intense heat of its flames made the very world seem as if it would vaporize.

Its eyes, shining with wisdom, bore into Jiang Lei's very being, as though unraveling the deepest secrets within him.

When he was in daze, the divine pheonix suddenly spoke , "Jiang Lei, unlocking the Divine Phoenix Code isn't solely about deciphering ancient texts. It requires understanding the harmony between fire and life.

"Watch closely, Jiang Lei," the Phoenix commanded, its wings spreading wide. A dazzling display of flames erupted around the Phoenix, forming intricate patterns in the air. Each movement of the Phoenix's wings seemed to correspond to a sequence in the technique.

Jiang Lei focused intently on learning, tracing the flow of energy through the Phoenix's motions.

The flames, he realized, were more than destructive forces; they symbolized transformation and rebirth. They danced, shifting into intricate patterns that represented life, growth, and transformation.

The flames seemed sentient, possessing a life of their own.

"Jiang Lei," the Phoenix's voice resonated within his mind, "observe closely the balance and life and fire—the balance of creation and destruction."

The Divine Pheonix formed fireballs each exuding heat like there is nothing it can't destroy.

The fireballs hovered in the air, each one exuding an intense heat that Jiang Lei could feel even from his distant point.

Jiang Lei's breath caught in his throat as he witnessed the raw power of the fireball.

"Remember, Jiang Lei, the fire of the Phoenix is not just for destruction, but also for creation."

With a sweeping motion of its wings, the Phoenix launched the fireballs toward a towering mountain. As the fireballs streaked through the sky, they left trails of flames that seemed to ignite the very heavens.


Jiang Lei only heard a deafening explosion. When the smoke cleared, the mountain had vanished, replaced by a sea of flames that stretched as far as the eye could see.

It felt like the years has passed and the flames around him also faded, he saw a tiny sprout emerging from the scorched earth. The sprout grew before his eyes, its stem elongating and leaves unfurling.

And then the sappling grew taller, its branches branches became wider, the leaves became flourished and in a time which felt like a moment and enternity , he saw that the intial barren land is not there , he saw big trees , rivers and lakes, he is now in a forest with full of life .

Jiang Lei was in absolute shock, he has never witnessed anything like this ever in his life, his mind was completely attracted towards the destruction of the mountain and the creation of the forest.

The Phoenix's words echoed in his mind—the fire possessed the power not only to destroy but also to create.

He doesn't know how much time has passed, Jiang Lei slowly came out of his trance, his mind finally understood the meaning of the creation and destruction.

"Remember, Jiang Lei," Pheonix spoke once more, "the technique you seek is not only about harnessing the power of fire, but about understanding its place within the universe.

"My power can destroy everything and can create everything, it's upon the wielder that how does he want to use it". I hope you won't let me down.

As she said that, the figure of Pheonix gradually began to merge with the fading flames and it disappeared into thin air like it never existed.

But Jiang Lei's new clearity of mind and his understanding is not fake, he knows that everything what happened is real and this also made him excited.

The images of the mountain's destruction and the forest's rebirth were etched into his memory. A new understanding, a realization of the true power he had never thought about possessing it in even his wildest dreams, but now he wants this power.

The concept of harnessing fire's duality—its capacity to both consume and create—is imprinted on his mind .

He also wants to create and destroy everything with just his thought, just the feeling of this power excite him beyond anything.

Jiang Lei calmed down and then came out of his consciousness and looked at his surrounding, he found that he is not in that strange area but he has again at that same place where he was, three steps away from the monument.

"Congratulations Jiang Lei you have finally passed the third and the last trial."

The voice again sounded in his mind, but he felt like this voice was not emotionless as always, it was mixed with surprise and admiration.
